Parents of Young UUs

JuniperWith all the joys that come with raising a family, there are also days that are stressful and difficult to get through. Of course, no two families are the same, but we do have common triumphs, struggles, milestones and needs. It is because of this common ground that The Parents of Young UU’s group was born (pun intended) in early 2014!

On the third Friday of each month we gather to enjoy a potluck meal (begins at 6:00pm sharp) together in Fessenden Hall. After the potluck, babysitters entertain children upstairs while parents spend an hour discussing a topic and supporting each other with listening ears and open hearts. In 2016 we are exploring the book Tending the Flame: The Art of Unitarian Universalist Parenting, by Michelle Richards.  

Have you been looking for a soft place to land and discuss all of the joys and concerns that come with raising small children?  Please join us!  For a discounted copy of the book Tending the Flame or more information about the group, please contact Colleen Thoele.  ([email protected]). In order to plan for adequate childcare, an RSVP at least a week in advance is needed.

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