Worship & Music
Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.
April 13 – Big Questions
Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Ted Voneida
What are we? What does it mean to be human? Perhaps the biblical stories of Jesus’ final days can give us some insight into the nature of our own being.
From the Library…
Rev. Melissa’s sermon last Sunday, “Moving in with Mystery” referenced the book, The Dancing Universe: From Creation Myths to the Big Bang, by Marcelo Gleiser. If you are interested in his ideas but don’t want to read a whole book, you might enjoy this article by him called, “Cosmic Birth”, in the Harvard Divinity Bulletin. Cosmic Birth
The UUCK and the Cuyahoga River Concert Series present: Magpie
April 12 8:00 pm
$10 donation at the door
call 810-265-4007 to reserve tickets.
Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner began to play music together in Kent, Ohio in September of 1973. In the years since then, they have traveled and toured extensively, performed in concerts, at folk clubs and festivals around the world, and recorded many times. Magpie has always embraced a musical rainbow, and with impressive proficiency in each different genre. From traditional, classic country, swing, and blues of the nineteen twenties and thirties, to contemporary songs written by themselves and others, Terry and Greg cover a
lot of musical ground.
Pete Seeger wrote: “Greg and Terry can show us all what a wonderful thing it can be for two voices to harmonize together. How lucky I am to have lived to see and hear more links in the chain.”
Sing Out magazine writes; “This recording (Give Light) absolutely radiates light, glowing with great songs in radiant performances… Their music is their religion, and Give Light comes very close to the divine.”
Lifespan Learning
What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalist adult education class final session will meet tomorrow, April 10 at 7:00 PM in Fessenden Hall.
Beth and Joe K. and their children will be moving to eastern Pennsylvania soon. Please join the RE Committee in thanking the family for their many years of volunteer service to the children and youth of our church community. Both Beth and Joe have taught RE or served as Youth Group Advisor for many years. Joe is the current Headmaster of KentHogwarts and Beth is a faithful member of the RE Committee. There will be a special social hour this Sunday, April 13th.
Many thanks to everyone who supported the upper elementary RE class’ collection of pet toys for donation to the Humane Society of Greater Akron. The students in this class decided to help the Humane Society because they believe all animals should be cared for. The class will be visiting the Humane Society on April 19th to drop off the donations.
Community Within
Due to a lapse in security, the doors codes will be changed on Monday, April 14. ALL CURRENT CODES WILL BE PURGED AND DEACTIVATED. If you are in need of a code for the Church and/or Annex, please contact the office to request one.
On Sunday April 20th, 2014 the Building Expansion Team (BET) will hold a short informational meeting during the break between the two services. At this meeting the BET will give information on how all church members can fill out a survey to help prioritize construction items for the fellowship hall, sanctuary, and Religious Education space.
Retiree’s Lunch
Tuesday, April 16 at noon in Fessenden Hall
We’ll meet for an hour to an hour and a half depending on the number of people who attend so everyone has an opportunity to check in with the group. All retirees are welcome to join us. Bring your own lunch; beverages will be provided.
Surprise Friends
You’ve been matched! There is an envelope on the Surprise Friends table in Fessenden Hall with your Surprise Friend name on it. If you don’t remember your Surprise Friend name, please check with one of the RE Committee Members below. Inside the envelope, you will find a note with information about your Surprise Friend, including his or her favorite hobbies, books, colors, and more! Be sure to pick up your envelope today to get started.
Please remember, you have made a commitment to leave a surprise the following Sundays: April 20,27 and May 4,11. Surprises are as diverse as the Surprise Friends who exchange them. You’ll find some suggestions in your envelope. Gifts are discouraged until the Revealing Ceremony during coffee hour on May 18 when small tokens of friendship (not to exceed $5 in cost) may be exchanged.
Don’t forget to bring your first note or piece of artwork next week and leave it on the Surprise Friends table. But remember, be careful you aren’t discovered!
~ From the RE Committee: Kat Holtz, Michelle Bores , Mary Leeson, Beth Kuemerle, and Tayna Kahl
The Library committee has added another category to the collection: UUCK Authors. So far we have works from Caroline Arnold and Margot Milcetich. Additional works by congregational writers would be appreciated. Do speak to any Library committee member if you have suggestions.
Food for Thought Group Sponsors Coffee Hour throughout April
Haven’t tried Small Group Ministries? UUCK supports two ongoing SGMs: Chalice Group and Food for Thought. Both ministries strive to bring partakers together in common pursuit of deeper understanding on theme topics ranging from “holiness” to “money.” For the next few Sundays during Coffee Hour, join with members of this year’s Food for Thought Group in the enjoyment of goodies (it’s one way we distinguish ourselves!) and conversation about our experiences in FFT and why it’s worthwhile to us. We hope that by our sharing, you will consider participating in a Food for Thought group next time around (October, 2014). Sign interest sheet at our Food for Thought table during April.
Deb & Claudia, co-facilitators
Meg, Ann, John, Alice, Rachel, Bonny, Bonnie, and Connie
We are looking for the individual who may have picked up a sewing machine from the Mills’ house? We have some parts and the instruction manual to the sewing machine that you may be interested in. Please contact the Church Office if you would like the parts and manual.
Outreach and Social Justice
Dinner for the Earth
Friday, April 25th, 6pm in Fessenden Hall
Join us for a Potluck Dinner in which we will eat delicious food and teach each other about environmentally conscious eating. Everyone should bring a dish and share the story of their food –
where their food came from, the decisions made in bringing it, and/or how this food helps care for our
living Earth with reverence and gratitude. Deliciously interesting!
Contact Andrew Rome for additional details (or to let me know that you’re coming).
Kent Social Services – Food & Grocery Card Donations
March is rapidly coming to a close and with it, National Nutrition Month and Harvest for Hunger. Sadly, the food baskets have remained nearly empty all month. Won’t you please consider donating non-perishable food items this weekend? The Super-Six remain much in need – PB (and jelly, of course), canned veggies, soup, beef stew, tuna and cereal – as well as other staples such as pasta, spaghetti sauce, rice, beans, canned fruit, crackers, meal-in-a-box & meal-in-a-can & macaroni n’ cheese mix. Children often enjoy pudding cups, fruit snacks, granola bars, raisins, and other wrapped snack items.
No fancy style at this welcome table . . . just quality, basic food for meals and snacks; please, no open packages, outdated boxes or rusty cans. Won’t you please consider donating? Baskets are available on the lower level inside the closet next to the elevator and on the upper level outside the sanctuary. [If you are in need of groceries or any other help, please contact Reverend Melissa for confidential assistance.]
If you are not grocery shopping this week, donations of $10 Acme grocery cards are most appreciated so KSS clients can purchase fresh foods or non-edibles that food stamp benefits do not allow.
Thank you in advance for your generosity,
Elaine Bowen.
UU and Interfaith Connections
Spring Art Show
The UU Church of Akron invites us to The UUWA’s Inaugural Spring Art Show exhibit will run April 10 through April 27 with an opening reception on Thursday April 10 at 7 pm. Meet the artists, enjoy some yummy
hors d’oeuvers. There will be a silent auction of items donated from the participating artists. The Show will run April 10 through April 27 at The UU Church of Akron, 3300 Morewood Rd., Akron (across from Summit Mall). Visit during church office hours Tuesday through Friday 9 am – 2 pm or Sundays 9:30 am -1 pm. For more info contact Carol Dobbins 330-836-2206, [email protected]
First Congregational Church of Ravenna is hosting a mission project jewelry sale on April 10 and April 12. The paper bead jewelry is made by ladies in Uganda and sold through the non-profit business “Bead for Life.” All profits from the jewelry sales will go towards helping Ugandan ladies work their way out of poverty.
Hospice of Western Reserve Warehouse Sale: Donation are needed for our next sale, Friday, May 9, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm and Saturday, May 10, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at Hospice of the Western Reserve Headquarters, 17876 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. Proceeds support patients and families of Hospice of the Western Reserve throughout northern Ohio. They are accepting gently used indoor and outdoor furniture, other household items, collectibles, framed artwork, and holiday items. To donate items, please contact the Warehouse Sale Team at 800.707.8922, ext. 6881. Pick up can be arranged for larger items.
Income Generation
It’s not too late to make a pledge!
Have you made your pledge of your financial commitment for the upcoming fiscal year? Our Finance Committee relies on our pledges to set the budget for next fiscal year. Every pledge is important so we may continue our programs and ministries. If you haven’t had a chance to make your pledge yet, you can do so in many ways:
- In the Offertory on Sunday – Pledge cards are in the pews
- Online Pledge card on the website kentuu.org
- Email your pledge to the church office [email protected]
- Call in your pledge to the church office 330.673.4247
Thanks to everyone who has helped make this a successful campaign!
The Stewardship Committee,
Sandy Eaglen – Co-Chair
Kathie Slater – Co-Chair
Meg Milko – Co-Chair