New Date: Saturday, March 15, 2025
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Hobbs Hall
Our church is a place to learn & grow. Join us in a fun & enlightening afternoon of uncovering our individual gifts & unique styles.
Engaging self-exploration activities will be led by Ginny Horvath, Heidi Shaffer Bish, Vivien Sandlund, Don Gregg, Kathy Kerns & Rev. Elaine Strawn. Rev. Renee & Rev. Kristina will inspire us to apply our insights toward growth & transformation.
Enjoy a meal of soups & salad.
Please register for this free event by Sunday, March 9 by emailing [email protected]. A link will be provided to a brief survey.
Childcare can be provided if you let us know at registration by March 9.