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Chair Tenure

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1) All committees are encouraged to determine if chair tenure will be 1, 2, or 3 years.
a) Factors to consider would be: need for institutional memory, learning curve involved in chairing committee, desire for chair turn over in committee.
2) All committees and their trustee will determine chair succession, for example: if an Assistant Chair will become chair or if the Chair will be determined by a vote on the part of the whole committee. Due to the complexities of larger committees as our Church grows, it is recommended that committees establish an Assistant Chair who will become the Chair.
3) Coordinators and Committee Chairs will discuss their status and plans for their continuation in the position with the appropriate board liaison annually, 2-3 months prior to end of the Church or term year. The Committee Chair position should be held for no longer than two consecutive

Approved 04/09/2008.

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