While the Board of Trustees is primarily responsible for overseeing the governance of the congregation, the MET is primarily responsible for the day-to-day management and administration of the Church’s ministries, in collaboration with the Ministry Coordinators. In practice this means that the Board works on things like establishing policy, assessing our efforts to practice our mission and vision, and overseeing the financial health of the congregation while the MET works on matters that relate to our day-to-day practice of our ministry.
Responsibilities of the Ministry Executive Team (MET)
- Monitor and evaluate program areas
- Monitor and evaluate all communication processes.
- Work in collaboration with the Ministry Coordinators
- Review and respond to requests from Coordinators and/or a group of Active Members for the formation of Action Team(s)
- In collaboration with the Personnel Coordinator, make staffing decisions including hiring and dismissal, and make recommendations to the Board to grant Emeritus status for retired professional staff.
- In collaboration with the Finance Committee, create a draft budget based on the Board’s vision-based fiscal year priorities
- Ensure an annual Operating Budget Campaign occurs
- Work on matters that relate to our day-to-day practice of our ministry. This includes things like building maintenance, applying board policies, reviewing rental contracts, administering the Lay Leadership Development Fund, and overseeing personnel matters.
The MET is made up of the Minister, the Congregational Administrator, the Treasurer, a former member of the Board (appointed by the board), and a Member-At-Large (elected by the Congregation at the annual meeting).
2023-2024 Ministry Executive Team
- Minister (vacant)
- MaryBeth Hannan, Church Administrator
- Lois Weir, Treasurer
- Diana Watt, Past Board Member
- Kathie Slater, Elected Member-At-Large