e-nUUs – November 27, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven
  • Board Listening Table – December 1
  • Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • What Does the Earth Require from Us? – Sunday, December 1
  • The Awe Effect – Sunday, December 8
  • Blue Christmas – Tuesday, December 10
  • The Stuff of Stars – Sunday, December 15
  • Save the Date: Soulful Home Dinner – December 13
  • Spread Joy and “Care for Kids” this Christmas!
  • Consider grocery cards for holiday giving
  • Thanks-4-Giving Auction: Get your Tickets / Make your Donations! – December 7
  • Deck the Halls – December 8
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet – December 8
  • Pancake Sunday Fundraiser – December 8
  • UUCK Book Club Resurrected! – January 23
  • Thanksgiving Dinner – November 28
  • KSS Holiday Food Basket Food Drive
  • How Science Can Help Foster Connection – December 5 (KSU KIVA)
  • Dances of Universal Peace – December 12
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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e-nUUs – November 20, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven — A Minister’s Covenant
  • Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • For All that is Our Life – Sunday, November 24
  • What Does the Earth Need from Us? – Sunday, December 1
  • From the Library: Service references from Sunday, November 17
  • Calling All Children and Youth
  • Save the Date: Soulful Home Dinner – December 13
  • From our Youth: Check out our Labyrinth
  • Spread Joy and “Care for Kids” this Christmas!
  • RE Teacher Teams – November 24
  • Consider grocery cards for holiday giving
  • Thanks-4-Giving Auction: Donation deadline is Looming! – December 7
  • UUCK Book Club Resurrected! – January 23
  • Thanksgiving Dinner – November 28
  • November Special Collection
  • KSS Holiday Food Basket Food Drive
  • Kent Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration
  • UUJO November News
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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For All That Is Our Life

Photo by Brad Bolton, adapted

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman, DRE Colleen Thoele, and Worship Associate Sophie Grubb

Hymn #120 in Singing the Living Tradition invites us to practice gratitude: “For all that is our life, we give our thanks and praise; for all life is a gift which we are called to use to build the common good”. On this Sunday together as a community of all ages, we will celebrate Thanksgiving and renew our commitment to be grateful for all we have by telling stories, singing songs, and creating a gratitude tree.

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with nursery care available during both services.

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Paying Attention

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Lori McGee

Poet Mary Oliver once said: “Attention is the beginning of devotion.” In her poem “Gratitude” Oliver poses eight questions that invite us to be fully present and to pay attention to the world around us. We will reflect on these eight questions as we explore November’s theme of “Attention” and how attention is the heart of the spiritual life as well as an invitation to live more fully.

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 with nursery care available during both services.

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Spread Joy and “Care for Kids” this Christmas

Hello Dear Ones,

Each year the RE program chooses two organizations to “adopt” during the holidays. This year we are pleased to once again support Caring for Kids and Kent Social Services. Will you help us to bring some cheer this year?

Beginning THIS Sunday, outside the sanctuary doors, there is a tree that holds the names, ages and gift requests of children and youth in foster care and teens who are “aging-out” or in residential treatment.  As you are able, please choose a bulb off the tree. Write your name on the green slip attached to the bulb and place it in the basket. Purchase the gift listed on the bulb. Place your unwrapped gift (with the bulb/label attached) under the Gratitude Tree in the Sanctuary. 

Caring for Kids, Inc. is a private, non-profit adoption, foster care, and birth parent services agency. We believe that each child, regardless of gender, race, nationality or special need deserves a family.

Our mission is to provide children of all ages with the safety and security of a healthy and loving family. Our experienced and professional team is committed to providing the most complete and compassionate services to birth families, adoptive families and foster families.”  https://cfkadopt.org/about-us/

We are also collecting for Kent Social Services. KSS distributes Christmas gifts to families in need. During your holiday shopping this year please consider picking up an extra gift for a child or teen and bring it with you to church. Toys can be placed in the large donation box in Fessenden Hall during the month of November and early December.

On behalf of the religious education committee and staff, thank you for spreading joy to these children and families.

In Faith,


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e-nUUs – November 13, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

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Wage Peace

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen

Poet Judyth Hill invites us to “Wage peace”, to use our breath and our ears and our hands and our hearts to not only actively work for peace, but to act as if peace is already a reality. As we thank and honor our veterans for their service to our country on this Veteran’s Day, we will reflect on our sixth principle, the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all.

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with nursery care available during both services.

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e-nUUs – November 6, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Thank you from Rev. Steven
  • Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Wage Peace – Sunday, November 10
  • Paying Attention – Sunday, November 17
  • For All that is Our Life – Sunday, November 24
  • Cuyahoga River Concerts: House of Hamill – November 15
  • Soulful Home Dinner – November 8
  • Pancake Sunday – November 10
  • Thanks-4-Giving Auction – December 7
  • Thanksgiving Dinner – November 28
  • Cold and Flu Season reminder
  • KSS Holiday Food Basket Food Drive
  • UUJO November News
  • UU Congregation of Greater Cleveland invites fellow UUs to an afternoon at the movies – November 9
  • UU Church of Akron’s Racial Justice Task Force Weekend – November 15-16
  • UUJO Annual Assembly – November 9
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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Calling All UU Superheros

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Jennifer May

Commissioner Steven has turned on the Chalice Signal: calling all UU Superheroes! In honor of our Treats and Talents auction with its theme of “SUUperheroes” this year, this service will be an invitation to bring your UUnique superpower and join other “SUUperheroes”, including UU Woman and the Yellow Lantern of Justice, in the work of building community and creating justice and peace.

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 with nursery care available during both services.

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