Weekly e-nUUs – October 30, 2013

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Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 AM this Sunday, November 3.  Remember to set your clocks back!



Worship & Music


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


Sunday, November 3 – The Middle Truth

Led by the Reverend Kathleen C. Rolenz and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper

We often live with close relationships that have become strained, distant or alienated.  It takes a lot to risk telling the truth about the relationship, because we are uncertain about whether we can ever meet in the middle and start over.  This sermon will explore the pitfalls and possibilities of when and how to speak the truth with the hopes of creating something new.

Reverend Kathleen Rolenz is parish co-minister at the West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church since 2000.  Prior to coming to West Shore, she served churches in Knoxville, TN and Glen Allen, VA.  She discovered Unitarian Universalism, delivered her first sermon and was married at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent. She’s looking forward to leading worship.


Pet Remembrance Ceremony

Those who have lost a beloved pet and would like to participate in a ritual of remembrance are invited to attend a pet memorial ceremony at the church.  Rev. Christie Anderson will offer the interactive memorial service in the sanctuary at 4:00, Sunday, Nov. 3.    Participants are encouraged to bring a photo or item associated with the pet.   All ages are welcome.


Got Prayer?

On 12/29 we will be sharing some of the ways that members and friends of our congregation engage prayer and/or other spiritual practices with their families.  Whether or not you have children at home or even at all, we invite your stories.  Do you have any regular prayer practices or other spiritual practices you keep with your family (however you define family for yourself).  If not, have you had milestone, transitional or otherwise special moments with your family life in which you have prayed or observed some other spiritual practice together that has been especially meaningful for you?  If you are willing, we would love to share your story during the service.  This will be a multimedia program, so any photos, recordings, or videos that illustrate your family’s spiritual traditions will be most welcome.   Lois Weir and Andrew Rome will be coordinating this intergenerational service.  Please contact Lois or Andrew  with your contributions.


Income Generation


Karnival of Kent, the Thanks4Giving Auction, this Saturday!!

Have you made plans to attend the annual Thanks4Giving auction of the UU Church of Kent on Saturday, Nov 2?  It is an evening of fun, food, frivolity and fundraising not to be missed! It will be held at the United Church of Christ on Horning Rd, beginning at 6 pm.  Tickets are available at the door.

If you would like to contribute as a volunteer, contact Trish McLoughlin.  She still has some openings to fill.  Many hands make light work!  See you at the Auction on Saturday!


Lifespan Learning


A cauldron-full of thanks go out to all the folks who helped to make our 683rd Annual Halloween Party and Haunted House such a success ~  the creative youth, their chaperones, the game and activity leaders, the people who brought food, the people who cleaned up, the people who wore their awesome costumes and everyone who attended!


Spiritual Cinema – Jurassic Park – Friday, November 1st 

Please join us for Spiritual Cinema on Friday, November 1st at 7:00 PM. We will watch the motion picture, “Jurassic Park” based on the novel by Michael Crichton. The middle school youth group is encouraged to attend as they will watch a bit of the film earlier in RE. The movie is 127 minutes and will be followed by a brief discussion of some of the topics raised by the movie. The Flippo family has volunteered to screen the movie in their home (this movie really needs surround sound to be appreciated) and they have room for at least 14 people. Please RSVP to Dan Flippo.  Also, if you are in need of a ride or are willing to provide a ride to others, please tell Dan when you RSVP. People are welcome but not required to bring food to share during the movie.

Comments by Dan: Our fourth UU principle calls us to a “responsible search for truth and meaning.” This of course raises the question of what is an irresponsible search for truth? Jurassic Park helps us to consider the ethical implications of scientific advancements in genetic engineering that can be used to treat horrible diseases as well as bring back species that we have made extinct. Prior to attending, I encourage people to read the BBC article, “Should cloned mammoths roam the Earth?”.


The Super Brain group will meet at 3 PM Sunday, November 3 in the Annex.   All are welcome to join in the exploration.  Any questions, call Mary Maske.


Community Within


Workshop: Options and Challenges in Maintaining Independence

How does a loved one know where the line is when someone they care for can no longer safely maintain their independence at home and how should they handle that?  What options might there be if their loved one is resistant to receiving additional assistance?  Do you have any advice for older adults when dealing with the concerns of their loved ones who are expressing worries or trying to encourage them to avail themselves of services.  What financial considerations need to be taken into account for people of various income levels?

Have you or someone you care for asked these questions?  Please join us for the answers on Sunday, November 10th at 12:45 PM in Fessenden Hall.

The workshop, Options and Challenges in Maintaining Independence, will focus on the specific challenges to independence that we face as we age and will feature professionals from Family and Community Services and the Area Agency on Aging. Both agencies will present information and take questions following their presentation.

All are welcome. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to the church office by Wed. November 6th.

This presentation is sponsored by our congregation’s Care Team.


New UU Classes in November

Our New UU classes cover everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, November 10, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, November 17, from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 7 pm in Founder’s Lounge at church.  Please bring a snack to share. This month we are reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. Bestselling author Sherman Alexie tells the story of Junior, a budding cartoonist growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Determined to take his future into his own hands, Junior leaves his troubled school on the rez to attend an all-white farm town high school where the only other Indian is the school mascot. In December we will be reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and we are meeting at Kay Wind’s house. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


Mark the date. Tuesday, November 12th at 7:00 PM in Fessenden Hall, the Library Committee will give the 3rd and final Symposium.  This program will feature Bill Moyers in an interview with Salman Rushdie. Rushdie, one of the most challenging contemporary authors, will provide stimulating perspectives for discussion. Bill Wilen will be the Moderator. We hope you can join us and look forward to welcoming you.

Overdue books continue to come in. Thank You very much!. For those of you who may have books at home, please check your night stand and coffee table there  are any that need to be returned. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation.


It takes all of us to create a welcoming environment on Sunday mornings.   All the members and friends of this church are needed to extend hospitality to our visitors. We need a large team of people who volunteer to help greet and usher on Sunday mornings, to prepare an inviting coffee hour or to donate flowers to add a focal point of beauty to our services.  In order to make it easier to participate, we are using a new tool that will allow you to see what Sunday morning hospitality positions are available and to decide when and how frequently you might be able to help.    Sign up at:  www.SignUpGenius.com/go/904054FA9A62BA57-sunday


Outreach and Social Justice



Register for UUJO Justice Assembly, Saturday November 2, 10 am to 3 pm, 1st UU Columbus.  $25 adult.  $10 student.  Fee includes lunch.  Scholarships available  Download the event pdf flyer

Standing on the Side of Justice rally on the Capitol Steps, 4 pm Saturday, November 2 calling on Ohio lawmakers to:

  • Halt the Death Penalty
  • End the War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration
  • Break the barriers to reentry from incarceration
  • Stop “Stand Your Ground” proposals

Fill out this form to endorse the rally as a support organization. Download pdf flyer for the rally: color

For more information, contact us at [email protected], or visit the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio Network website.   https://www.uujo.org/

Organized by Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio.

Co-sponsored by the ACLU of OhioOhioans to Stop Executions, and Ohio Organizing Collaborative.

Event Location:

Ohio Statehouse
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215

Anyone interest in participating or carpooling, please contact Susan Poole.


The UUCK Environmental Justice Task Groups Presents:  Fracking Film Series

7pm Fridays, Fessenden Hall

November 8th, 7pm

Bidder 70 highlights the remarkable story of Tim DeChristopher who, on December 19, 2008 protested the leasing of thousands of acres of pristine Utah land to oil and gas companies. Registered as bidder #70, and without corporate funding, Tim outbid industry giants on land parcels adjacent to national treasures like Canyonlands National Park. Unable to pay for these public lands, Tim DeChristopher was sentenced to serve 2 years in Federal Prison. He was released April 2013 and is currently attending Harvard Divinity School studying to be a UU minister.

Movie to be followed by open discussion.


November 15th, 7pm

Gasland II is a deeper look into the complexities of fracking. Director Josh Fox explores

the gas industry and its portrayal of natural gas as a safe and clean alternative to oil. This film provides a comprehensive look at fracking and its impact on individual lives, environmental devastation, and political corruption.

Gasland II will be followed by a speaker presentation and discussion with Mary Greer from Concerned Citizens Ohio.

Contact the church office for more information at (330) 673-4247.


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Karnival of Kent, the Thanks4Giving Auction, this Saturday!!

Karnival of Kent Auction 2013Have you made plans to attend the annual Thanks4Giving auction of the UU Church of Kent on Saturday, Nov 2?  It is an evening of fun, food, frivolity and fundraising not to be missed! It will be held at the United Church of Christ on Horning Rd, beginning at 6 pm.  Tickets are available at the door.

If you would like to contribute as a volunteer, contact Trish McLoughlin.  She still has some openings to fill.  Many hands make light work!

See you at the Auction on Saturday!

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Finding Fallow Time – October 27, 2013

beachLed by the Rev. Renee Ruchotzke and Worship Associate Trish McLoughlinIn a world where so many things are competing for our attention, how can we find our center? This is an intergenerational service.


Sunday Services are offered at 9:45 am and 11:30 am.

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Pet Remembrance Ceremony – November 3, 2013 @ 4 PM

heart and paw printsThose who have lost a beloved pet and would like to participate in a ritual of remembrance are invited to attend a pet memorial ceremony at the church.  The Rev. Christie Anderson will offer the interactive memorial service in the sanctuary at 4:00, Sunday, Nov. 3.    Participants are encouraged to bring a photo or item associated with the pet.   All ages are welcome.

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Weekly e-nUUs – October 23, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012








Worship & Music


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


October 27 – Finding Fallow Time

Rev. Renee Ruchotzke and Worship Associate Trish McLoughlin

In a world where so many things are competing for our attention, how can we find our center? This is an intergenerational service.


Wanted: Photos from Our Veterans

Deb Biggins will be leading our services on November 10 in on honor of Veterans Day.  It is her hope that she will be able to create a display of photos of our Veterans.  Please submit all photos to Deb by Oct. 27 in an envelope with your name, rank and service time noted. Thank you.


Got Prayer?

On 12/29 we will be sharing some of the ways that members and friends of our congregation engage prayer and/or other spiritual practices with their families.  Whether or not you have children at home or even at all, we invite your stories.  Do you have any regular prayer practices or other spiritual practices you keep with your family (however you define family for yourself).  If not, have you had milestone, transitional or otherwise special moments with your family life in which you have prayed or observed some other spiritual practice together that has been especially meaningful for you?  If you are willing, we would love to share your story during the service.  This will be a multimedia program, so any photos, recordings, or videos that illustrate your family’s spiritual traditions will be most welcome.   Lois Weir and Andrew Rome will be coordinating this intergenerational service.  Please contact Lois or Andrew with your contributions.


Pet Remembrance Ceremony

Those who have lost a beloved pet and would like to participate in a ritual of remembrance are invited to attend a pet memorial ceremony at the church.  Rev. Christie Anderson will offer the interactive memorial service in the sanctuary at 4:00, Sunday, Nov. 3.    Participants are encouraged to bring a photo or item associated with the pet.   All ages are welcome.


Lifespan Learning


Compassionate Dialogue

The Compassionate Dialogue class has been rescheduled for Wednesday night starting at 7:00 PM and going till 8:45.  The class will be held on Nov. 6, 13, 20, and Dec. 4, and 11.  The goal is to teach a framework for managing conflict that encourages connection and understanding by using active listening skills.  Time will be set aside each class to practice the skills during role playing.  There is still time to sign up for the class at the church office if you’re interested.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call Saunis at 330-472-0956, or e-mail at [email protected].


You and your family are invited to join us THIS SATURDAY for the 736th Annual UUCK Halloween Party and Haunted House!

OCTOBER 26TH  at 6:00 PM in Fessenden Hall

This is an all-ages event!  Come in costume and have a spooky fun time. Please bring a finger food to share that needs no silverware.  Pumpkin carols begin at 6:15. Games for all-ages begin at 6:30. Two versions of the youth designed haunted house to follow (one for the littles and one for the older crowd)

Please come and eat, drink and be scary! See you then!

Donations gratefully accepted to cover expenses.


RadioLab and Pancakes is Back!

Our discussion group will return during second service on October 27th. We have changed the time so that the greatest number of people can participate. We will be meeting in Fessenden Hall at 11:30 a.m. There will be pancakes for those who wish, and our topic is “The Paradox of Choice”. Some psychological research  suggests that the twenty-first century offers too many choices for our health. Come and listen to the RadioLab hosts debate this position with famous neurologist and author Oliver Sacks, then we will toss these ideas around for ourselves. Good food, good companions, and good conversation will be had by all. If you have any questions contact Cheryl Spoehr.


Spiritual Cinema – Jurassic Park – Friday, November 1st 

Please join us for Spiritual Cinema on Friday, November 1st at 7:00 PM. We will watch the motion picture, “Jurassic Park” based on the novel by Michael Crichton. The middle school youth group is encouraged to attend as they will watch a bit of the film earlier in RE. The movie is 127 minutes and will be followed by a brief discussion of some of the topics raised by the movie. The Flippo family has volunteered to screen the movie in their home (this movie really needs surround sound to be appreciated) and they have room for at least 14 people. T Please RSVP to Dan Flippo.  Also, if you are in need of a ride or are willing to provide a ride to others, please tell Dan when you RSVP. People are welcome but not required to bring food to share during the movie.

Comments by Dan: Our fourth UU principle calls us to a “responsible search for truth and meaning.” This of course raises the question of what is an irresponsible search for truth? Jurassic Park helps us to consider the ethical implications of scientific advancements in genetic engineering that can be used to treat horrible diseases as well as bring back species that we have made extinct. Prior to attending, I encourage people to read the BBC article, “Should cloned mammoths roam the Earth?”.


The Super Brain group will meet at 3 PM Sunday, November 3 in the Annex.   All are welcome to join in the exploration.  Any questions, call Mary Maske at 330.677.0174.


Community Within


New UU Classes in November

Our New UU classes cover everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, November 10, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, November 17, from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 7 pm in Founder’s Lounge at church.  Please bring a snack to share. This month we are reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. Bestselling author Sherman Alexie tells the story of Junior, a budding cartoonist growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Determined to take his future into his own hands, Junior leaves his troubled school on the rez to attend an all-white farm town high school where the only other Indian is the school mascot. In December we will be reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and we are meeting at Kay Wind’s house. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper at [email protected].  All are welcome.


THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE would like to thank all those who have participated in the Library Symposiums. Our last one was exceptionally well-attended and we had a very lively discussion. Symposium #3, our last before the holidays, will feature an interview by Bill Moyers of Salman Rushdie. Because the interview takes 40 minutes, we will begin this symposium at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 12 in Fessenden Hall. Bill Wilen will be Moderator. Imaginative and succulent refreshments will be served before the discussion.

The new books have been cataloged and are ready for circulation. They are on top of the bookcase, along with books recommended by Rev. Melissa. We urge you to see what is available, and there is always a Library committee member available to help you during coffee hour between services. As always, we are eager to have your suggestions for new titles to add to our collection. You may put your suggestions in the Library box near the Nursery door or speak to any Library committee member.


Book Review

When Everything Changed: the Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present, by Gail Collins, New York (Back Bay Books)c.2009. This book was recently donated to the church library in the Women’s studies category.  Beginning in 1960, it describes five decades of change in the lives of American women. The author is a renowned New York Times columnist. Topics covered are politics, fashion, popular culture, economics, sex, families and work. Older readers will be reminded of what their lives once were while younger readers will view their history in a new way.    ~ by Martha Kluth


It takes all of us to create a welcoming environment on Sunday mornings.   All the members and friends of this church are needed to extend hospitality to our visitors. We need a large team of people who volunteer to help greet and usher on Sunday mornings, to prepare an inviting coffee hour or to donate flowers to add a focal point of beauty to our services.  In order to make it easier to participate, we are using a new tool that will allow you to see what Sunday morning hospitality positions are available and to decide when and how frequently you might be able to help.  Sign up at:  www.SignUpGenius.com/go/904054FA9A62BA57-sunday


Outreach and Social Justice


Many thanks to those who supported the October Special Collection to benefit Kent Social Service’s effort to provide food for the holidays for those in need.  The collection raised $895.



Register for UUJO Justice Assembly, Saturday November 2, 10 am to 3 pm, 1st UU Columbus.  $25 adult.  $10 student.  Fee includes lunch.  Scholarships available  Download the event pdf flyer

Standing on the Side of Justice rally on the Capitol Steps, 4 pm Saturday, November 2 calling on Ohio lawmakers to:

  • Halt the Death Penalty
  • End the War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration
  • Break the barriers to reentry from incarceration
  • Stop “Stand Your Ground” proposals

Fill out this form to endorse the rally as a support organization. Download pdf flyer for the rally: color ~ black and white

For more information, contact us at [email protected], or visit the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio Network website.   https://www.uujo.org/

Organized by Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio.

Co-sponsored by the ACLU of OhioOhioans to Stop Executions, and Ohio Organizing Collaborative.

Event Location:

Ohio Statehouse
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215

Anyone interest in participating or carpooling, please contact Susan Poole.



The UUCK Environmental Justice Task Groups Presents:  Fracking Film Series

7pm Fridays, Fessenden Hall

November 8th, 7pm 

Bidder 70 highlights the remarkable story of Tim DeChristopher who, on December 19, 2008 protested the leasing of thousands of acres of pristine Utah land to oil and gas companies. Registered as bidder #70, and without corporate funding, Tim outbid industry giants on land parcels adjacent to national treasures like Canyonlands National Park. Unable to pay for these public lands, Tim DeChristopher was sentenced to serve 2 years in Federal Prison. He was released April 2013.

Movie to be followed by open discussion.

November 15th, 7pm

Gasland II is a deeper look into the complexities of fracking. Director Josh Fox explores

the gas industry and its portrayal of natural gas as a safe and clean alternative to oil. This film provides a comprehensive look at fracking and its impact on individual lives, environmental devastation, and political corruption.

Gasland II will be followed by a speaker presentation and discussion with Mary Greer from Concerned Citizens Ohio.

Contact the church office for more information at (330) 673-4247.


Income Generation


Donations needed for Karnival of Kent, the Thanks4Giving Auction

Have you made plans to attend the annual Thanks4Giving auction of the UU Church of Kent on Saturday, Nov 2?  It is an evening of fun, frivolity and fundraising not to be missed! It will be held at the United Church of Christ on Horning Rd, beginning at 6 pm.

Time is running out, and we’re looking for donations from our friends and members of the congregation.  How about donating a dinner, an event or outing to a museum, a park, a winery or a brewery?  Theme baskets are always popular; use your imagination.

If you would would like to contribute as a volunteer, contact Trish McLoughlin.  She still has some openings to fill.  Many hands make light work!

Visit the Auction table at coffee hour this Sunday.  Tickets are on sale.  Donation forms are available.  Need ideas for donations?  You’ll find them at the table.  Make your plans now!


Are Our Cheeks Red?!

So sorry for the confusion about the pledge contribution statements which many of you received this week.  According to our policy, we send you quarterly contribution statements which show your current balance and giving history.  These statements are for INFORMATIONAL purposes only; they are NOT intended to be requests for remittance.   One problem we have is that our QuickBooks software program (though a great program to work with in general) will not permit us to change the “Amount Due” phrase on the statement to something more appropriate.

But the greater confusion happened this week when we attached our customized email to your statement–we discovered that QuickBooks only sent our email to the first person on the list of recipients; everyone else received a QuickBooks default message which asked you to “remit payment” and thanked you for “your business”!  Yikes!  When we realized what had happened, we resent statements with our intended email message.  Again, so sorry for complicating your day, and we promise to do better on your next quarterly statement.

If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Eaglen or MaryBeth Hannan

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The Art of Living – October 20, 2013

ash caveLed by the Rev. Wayne Arnason and Worship Associate Mary Lou Holly “Each of us is an artist whose task it is to shape life into some semblance of the pattern we dream about,” wrote Rev. Arthur Graham. Whether or not we think of ourselves as having artistic gifts, each of us has a responsibility for the artistic creation that is our life. Inspired by the beauty of design in the natural world, and by the work of artists and craftspeople, Rev. Arnason will reflect on what goes into the art of living.

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Weekly e-nUUs – October 16, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012








Worship & Music


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


October 20 – The Art of Living

Rev. Wayne Arnason and Worship Associate Mary Lou Holly

“Each of us is an artist whose task it is to shape life into some semblance of the pattern we dream about,” wrote Rev. Arthur Graham. Whether or not we think of ourselves as having artistic gifts, each of us has a responsibility for the artistic creation that is our life. Inspired by the beauty of design in the natural world, and by the work of artists and craftspeople, Rev. Arnason will reflect on what goes into the art of living.


Wanted: Photos from Our Veterans

Deb Biggins will be leading our services on November 10 in on honor of Veterans Day.  It is her hope that she will be able to create a display of photos of our Veterans.  Please submit all photos to Deb by Oct. 27 in an envelope with your name, rank and service time noted. Thank you.


Lifespan Learning


Karen Lapidus will be away this weekend in St. Paul, MN for the LREDA Fall Conference, which is the annual gathering of the Liberal Religious Educators Association.   Directors and Ministers of Religious Education from Unitarian Universalist congregations in the US and Canada along with UUA staff will be worshiping, learning and celebrating together.  Colleen Thoele, our RE Assistant will be covering for Karen in her absence.


Beloved Community, Beloved Earth Workshop

Saturday, October 19, 2013

9 AM to 1 PM

Breakfast and lunch provided

Free will donation to cover the cost of food

Leader:  Rev. George Buchanan

We face many challenges as we work to sustain ourselves, build stronger communities, and heal our Beloved Earth. Some of these challenges are local, such as hydraulic fracturing; others are more global, including carbon dioxide pollution, drought, and rising sea levels. In this workshop, we consider new and creative ways to sustain our spirits in the face of these challenges. Our focus will be on vision and orientation rather than taking on “one more task.” How do we define our positive vision for our Beloved Earth? How can we be strong and resilient over the long haul?  What are the ideas, tools, and resources we need to sustain us?

All members and friends of Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent are welcome, including high school youth.  Maximum 25 attendees – first come, first served.

There are still available seats for the workshop, please contact the office by noon on Thursday, Oct. 17 if you are interested in participating. 


The Super Brain group will meet at 3 PM this Sunday, October 20 in the Annex.  The group will be examining how the regions of the brain affect our ability to function.  All are welcome to join in the exploration.  Any questions, call Mary Maske at 330.677.0174.


Idea of the week:  Beloved Community

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King spoke often of the vision of “beloved community.”  By this he meant the positive dream of community, at all levels, built on love, mutuality, and respect.  These will be communities free of the scourges of racism, war, and poverty.  In our own time, we can also dream of these communities free of sexism and homophobia.

Rev. George Buchanan


Compassionate Dialogue

The Compassionate Dialogue class has been rescheduled for Wednesday nights starting at 7:00 PM and going till 8:45.  The class will be held on Nov. 6, 13, 20, and Dec. 4, and 11.  The goal is to teach a framework for managing conflict that encourages connection and understanding by using active listening skills.  Time will be set aside each class to practice the skills during role playing.  There is still time to sign up for the class at the church office if you’re interested.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call Saunis.


You and your family are invited to The 736th Annual UUCK Halloween Party and Haunted House!

SATURDAY OCTOBER 26TH  at 6:00 PM in Fessenden Hall

This is an all-ages event!  Come in costume and have a spooky fun time. Please bring a finger food to share that needs no silverware.  Pumpkin carols begin at 6:15. Games for all-ages begin at 6:30. Two versions of the youth designed haunted house to follow (one for the littles and one for the older crowd)

Please come and eat, drink and be scary! See you then!

Donations gratefully accepted to cover expenses.


RadioLab and Pancakes is Back!

Our discussion group will return during second service on October 27th. We have changed the time so that the greatest number of people can participate. We will be meeting in Fessenden Hall at 11:30 a.m. There will be pancakes for those who wish, and our topic is “The Paradox of Choice”. Some psychological research  suggests that the twenty-first century offers too many choices for our health. Come and listen to the RadioLab hosts debate this position with famous neurologist and author Oliver Sacks, then we will toss these ideas around for ourselves. Good food, good companions, and good conversation will be had by all. If you have any questions contact Cheryl Spoehr.


Spiritual Cinema – Jurassic Park – Friday, November 1st 

Please join us for Spiritual Cinema on Friday, November 1st at 7:00 PM. We will watch the motion picture, “Jurassic Park” based on the novel by Michael Crichton. The middle school youth group is encouraged to attend as they will watch a bit of the film earlier in RE. The movie is 127 minutes and will be followed by a brief discussion of some of the topics raised by the movie. The Flippo family has volunteered to screen the movie in their home (this movie really needs surround sound to be appreciated) and they have room for at least 14 people.  Please RSVP to Dan Flippo at [email protected]. Also, if you are in need of a ride or are willing to provide a ride to others, please tell Dan when you RSVP. People are welcome but not required to bring food to share during the movie.

Comments by Dan: Our fourth UU principle calls us to a “responsible search for truth and meaning.” This of course raises the question of what is an irresponsible search for truth? Jurassic Park helps us to consider the ethical implications of scientific advancements in genetic engineering that can be used to treat horrible diseases as well as bring back species that we have made extinct. Prior to attending, I encourage people to read the BBC article, “Should cloned mammoths roam the Earth?”.



Community Within


It takes all of us to create a welcoming environment on Sunday mornings.   All the members and friends of this church are needed to extend hospitality to our visitors. We need a large team of people who volunteer to help greet and usher on Sunday mornings, to prepare an inviting coffee hour or to donate flowers to add a focal point of beauty to our services.  In order to make it easier to participate, we are using a new tool that will allow you to see what Sunday morning hospitality positions are available and to decide when and how frequently you might be able to help.

Sign up at:  www.signupgenius.com/go/904054fa9a62ba57-sunday


Be the first to see the artwork for the 2013 auction this Friday! Hear the artists talk about their creations while you enjoy appetizers and beverages. Artists this year are Brad Bolton, Don Easterling, Heidrun Hultgren, Wendy Jenks, John Kluth, Claudia Miller, Georgia Quinn, Rhonda Mitchell, and Jan Noden.

Date: Friday, Oct. 18

Time: 7-9 pm

Place: Fessenden Hall

Donation: $15


Art in the Sanctuary – October

We want to thank David Mays, a local landscape and fine arts photographer, for providing the art in the sanctuary for the month of October.

From his statement: “He has always been able to find beauty in his own backyard and specializes in capturing high quality digital photos of his home state of Ohio. David’s fine art prints combine high quality photography with vivid colors, unique perspectives and an artistic eye for detail.” Contact information for the artist and a list of prices is available with the exhibit.

If purchasing a picture, consider contributing to the Church Art Exhibit Committee fund. The prices are subject to the Ohio State sales tax.  The suggested tax deductible free will offering to the church of 20% of the purchase price is paid to the artist.


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 7 pm in Founder’s Lounge at church.  Please bring a snack to share. This month we are reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. Bestselling author Sherman Alexie tells the story of Junior, a budding cartoonist growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Determined to take his future into his own hands, Junior leaves his troubled school on the rez to attend an all-white farm town high school where the only other Indian is the school mascot. In December we will be reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and we are meeting at Kay Wind’s house. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


Outreach and Social Justice


October Special Collection

This month’s special collection is to benefit Kent Social Services (KSS) to assist this local outreach with providing food for the holidays for people from our community who are in need.  Kent Social Services has no permanent source of funding and relies on the generosity of the community, in the form of monetary contributions and volunteer time.


Social Justice Human Rights Committee Meeting – Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 6:30 PM in the Annex.  All are welcome!   


Opportunities from the Hunger and Economic Justice Task Group

We have been invited by Trinity Lutheran Church in Kent to be part of augmenting the hot meals available for hungry people in our community. Currently meals are offered every day of the week save Saturdays under the auspices of Kent Social Services. Trinity Lutheran, a trusted partner of Kent Social Services, is planning to offer a hot lunch every Saturday and has invited us to help. We get to determine the frequency with which we would host and to do so we need to know how many of you would be interested in being involved. For each meal we host, we would need 10 – 12 people to cook, serve and clean up. Children are welcome to be an active part of our team so we are especially encouraging families to consider volunteering to participate together. We are thinking we might start with one Saturday every month or every other month.

If you might be interested in being involved, please email Tanya Kahl. Let us know how frequently you would be interested in participating and whether you would be volunteering on your own or with others in your family. Once we know how many people are interested, we’ll make a more concrete plan for our congregation’s involvement.


TRIPLE DIVIDE, an excellent new film on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) will be shown at the Kent Free Library, 312 W. Main St, at 7 p.m. on Monday, October 21st. It is free and open to the public. The title, “Triple Divide” is a reference to the confluence of major watersheds in western Pennsylvania, and has been hailed as the best work to date on the impact of fracking.  The film provides a detailed examination of the introduction of hydraulic fracturing in western Pennsylvania, the first area in the northeast to experience large-scale fracking.  It has drawn large and enthusiastic crowds at showings in Erie, Penna. and Columbus, Ohio, among others.


UU and Interfaith Connections


The UU Women in Action and the Food Justice Ministry of the UU Church of Akron invite you to a screening on A Place at the Table, a powerful documentary that will change how you think of hunger in America and what solutions there may be.

Thursday, October 17, 7 pm

Free and open to the public

suggested donation at the door

refreshments will be served

This event is open to the public – all are invited to attend. About the film from TakePart.com: “Fifty million people in the US – one in four children – don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Directors Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush examine the issue of hunger in America through the lens of three people struggling with food insecurity…. Ultimately, A Place at the Table shows us how hunger poses serious economic, social and cultural implications for our nation, and that it could be solved once and for all, if the American public decides – as they have in the past – that making healthy food available and affordable is in the best interest of us all.”


Income Generation


Acme Community Cash Back Program

Please remember to save your Acme receipts for the annual Acme Community Cash Back fundraiser.  Receipts must be dated from Sept. 2, 2013 – Feb. 3, 2014.   A donation box will soon be placed on the grocery card table in Fessenden Hall for you to submit your receipts.  Thank you!



Donations needed for Karnival of Kent, the Thanks4Giving Auction

Have you made plans to attend the annual Thanks4Giving auction of the UU Church of Kent on Saturday, Nov 2?  It is an evening of fun, frivolity and fundraising not to be missed! It will be held at the United Church of Christ on Horning Rd, beginning at 6 pm.
Time is running out, and we’re looking for donations from our friends and members of the congregation.  How about donating a dinner, an event or outing to a museum, a park, a winery or a brewery?  Theme baskets are always popular; use your imagination.  If you would would like to contribute as a volunteer, contact Trish McLoughlin.  She still has some openings to fill.  Many hands make light work!

Visit the Auction table at coffee hour every Sunday in October.  Tickets are on sale.  Donation forms are available.  Need ideas for donations?  You’ll find them at the table.  Make your plans now!

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Weekly e-nUUs- October 9, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012








Worship & Music 

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


October 13 – Nurturing Our Wonder

Led by the Rev. Christie Anderson and Worship Associate John Marfy

Rachel Carson is best known for her revolutionary book about harmful pesticide use, “Silent Spring.” However, this worship service will focus on her other poetic and heartfelt writings, particularly her view that the way to reduce adverse human impact upon the environment is to nurture a lifetime sense of wonder about the natural world. The service will include Carson’s beautifully-written reflections, Brad Bolton nature photos, and a moving video clip.


Wanted: Photos from Our Veterans

Deb Biggins will be leading our services on November 10 in on honor of Veterans Day.  It is her hope that she will be able to create a display of photos of our Veterans.  Please submit all photos to Deb by Oct. 27 in an envelope with your name, rank and service time noted. Thank you.


Lifespan Learning

Happy Campers!

Many thanks to Bobbi Beale and Dan Flippo who accompanied 10 youth from our Middle School group to the “Where’s Walden?”  camping trip last weekend.  From the looks on the faces of the youth as they disembarked from the van, it was evident that everyone had a wonderful time!


Last chance!  If you meant to sign up for chalice groups but didn’t, this week you can still be added to the Monday night chalice group, which has not met yet.  Please contact Jennifer May, 330-388-7847, if you would like to join the group.


The Super Brain group will meet at 3 PM on Sunday, October 20 in the Annex.  The group will be examining how the regions of the brain affect our ability to function.  All are welcome to join in the exploration.  Any questions, call Mary Maske at 330.677.0174.


Idea of the week:  ACTIVE HOPE

“Passive hope is about waiting for external agencies to bring about what we desire. Active Hope is about becoming active participants in bringing about what we hope for … Rather than weighing our chances and proceeding only when we feel hopeful, we focus on our intention and let it be our guide.”  Macy, Joanna; Johnstone, Chris.  Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in without


Rev. George Buchanan


Compassionate Dialogue

There’s a lot of talk these days about the need for respectful dialogue, and this workshop is geared towards providing participants with a simple and useful template for addressing conflicts and other difficult conversations. The Dialogue is based on the “Couple’s Dialogue” from Harville Hendrix’s book, “Getting the Love You Want”.  We will discuss basic communication and examine how conflicts can be managed constructively using the Dialogue in a variety of situations.  There will be time each session to practice the Dialogue through role-playing.

This class will be facilitated by church member Saunis Parsons.  Saunis learned active listening, conflict resolution and third-party mediation skills as a help-line volunteer with Townhall II’s crisis intervention hotline in Kent.  Since discovering the “Couple’s Diaologue” she has adapted it for use in many situations.  She and her family have used this dialogue successfully for several years, even when her boys were young.  Saunis offered this class as a morning workshop at Summer Institute this past summer and participants expressed really enjoying the experience and getting a lot out of it.  We’re grateful to Saunis for offering this series here in our church this fall.

The class will meet on Tuesdays, October 8, 15, 22 and 29 and November 5 and 12 at 6:30 pm which will include a 15 minute break. For more information or to sign up, please call the church office or speak with Saunis.


Beloved Community, Beloved Earth Workshop

Saturday, October 19, 2013

9 AM to 1 PM

Breakfast and lunch provided

Free will donation to cover the cost of food

Leader:  Rev. George Buchanan

We face many challenges as we work to sustain ourselves, build stronger communities, and heal our Beloved Earth. Some of these challenges are local, such as hydraulic fracturing; others are more global, including carbon dioxide pollution, drought, and rising sea levels. In this workshop, we consider new and creative ways to sustain our spirits in the face of these challenges. Our focus will be on vision and orientation rather than taking on “one more task.” How do we define our positive vision for our Beloved Earth? How can we be strong and resilient over the long haul?  What are the ideas, tools, and resources we need to sustain us?

All members and friends of Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent are welcome, including high school youth.  Maximum 25 attendees – first come, first served.

Please contact the office to register by Sunday, October 13.  Childcare will be available at no charge, however children must be registered prior to the workshop.  With this we will be able to plan for the food and the necessary childcare workers.


Save the Date!

The annual Halloween Party and Haunted House will take place on Saturday, October 26th starting at 6:00.  This is a both a family and adult friendly event.  Everyone is encouraged to attend!  There will be a finger-food potluck, so bring something to share that doesn’t require the need for silverware.  Donations will be gladly accepted to cover the cost of supplies and prizes.  Wear your costume and come celebrate with us!


RadioLab and Pancakes is Back!

Our discussion group will return during second service on October 27th. We have changed the time so that the greatest number of people can participate. We will be meeting in Fessenden Hall at 11:30 a.m. There will be pancakes for those who wish, and our topic is “The Paradox of Choice”. Some psychological research  suggests that the twenty-first century offers too many choices for our health. Come and listen to the RadioLab hosts debate this position with famous neurologist and author Oliver Sacks, then we will toss these ideas around for ourselves. Good food, good companions, and good conversation will be had by all. If you have any questions contact Cheryl Spoehr.


Community Within

TONIGHT, Wednesday, October 9th, Fessenden Hall at 7:30 P.M., is the place to be for an evening of lively conversation. Bill Moyers interviews atheist philosopher Colin McGinn in his series, “Faith vs. Reason.” Moderator Carolyn Schlemmer will lead the discussion, and refreshments will be served. See you there.


Art in the Sanctuary – October

We want to thank David Mays, a local landscape and fine arts photographer, for providing the art in the sanctuary for the month of October.

From his statement: “He has always been able to find beauty in his own backyard and specializes in capturing high quality digital photos of his home state of Ohio. David’s fine art prints combine high quality photography with vivid colors, unique perspectives and an artistic eye for detail.” Contact information for the artist and a list of prices is available with the exhibit

If purchasing a picture, consider contributing to the Church Art Exhibit Committee fund. The prices are subject to the Ohio Sate sales tax.  The suggested tax deductible free will offering to the church of 20% of the purchase price is paid to the artist.


Family Movie Night Returns…

October 11th, in Fessenden Hall from 7:30 pm to 10 pm. This will be our second annual tribute to science fiction. Galaxy Quest will be shown!!! We will also have a selection of science fiction cartoons, serials, sitcoms and other delights. We might even have an episode of Star Trek this time, or maybe not… So come to

our second pot-luck sci-fi movie night for Galaxy Quest, Futurama, and many surprises! If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Spoehr.


In an effort to make as many church activities accessible as possible, we’d like to encourage people to consider using technology to allow those who cannot attend their group, committee or team meetings in person to attend virtually.  The Church Office has a netbook that can be borrowed by committees or groups  to “broadcast” their meetings so that people may attend virtually.   People can join and participate in the meeting using their computers, mobile devices, or with a regular telephone. Technical assistance for using the AnyMeeting videoconferencing technology can be found our website at:  //kentuu.org/membership/technical-support/

If you have questions regarding the use of the netbook, please contact MaryBeth in the Office at: [email protected].

The Library Committee would like to thank those who heeded our call for over-due books and returned them.  We are still searching/tracking the rest. If you have any questions about books you may have, please speak to the committee member in Founders Lounge between 1st and 2nd Sunday services. A committee member is always there to assist you.


Be the first to see the artwork for the 2013 auction! Hear the artists talk about their creations while you enjoy appetizers and beverages. Artists this year are Brad Bolton, Don Easterling, Heidrun Hultgren, Wendy Jenks, John Kluth, Claudia Miller, Georgia Quinn, Rhonda Mitchell, and Jan Noden.

Date: Friday, Oct. 18

Time: 7-9 pm

Place: Fessenden Hall

Donation: $15


Outreach and Social Justice

Social Justice Human Rights Committee Meeting – Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 6:30 PM in the Annex.  All are welcome!   


Opportunities from the Hunger and Economic Justice Task Group

We have been invited by Trinity Lutheran Church in Kent to be part of augmenting the hot meals available for hungry people in our community. Currently meals are offered every day of the week save Saturdays under the auspices of Kent Social Services. Trinity Lutheran, a trusted partner of Kent Social Services, is planning to offer a hot lunch every Saturday and has invited us to help. We get to determine the frequency with which we would host and to do so we need to know how many of you would be interested in being involved. For each meal we host, we would need 10 – 12 people to cook, serve and clean up. Children are welcome to be an active part of our team so we are especially encouraging families to consider volunteering to participate together. We are thinking we might start with one Saturday every month or every other month.

If you might be interested in being involved, please email Tanya Kahl  Let us know how frequently you would be interested in participating and whether you would be volunteering on your own or with others in your family. Once we know how many people are interested, we’ll make a more concrete plan for our congregation’s involvement.


TRIPLE DIVIDE, an excellent new film on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) will be shown at the Kent Free Library, 312 W. Main St, at 7 p.m. on Monday, October 21st. It is free and open to the public. The title, “Triple Divide” is a reference to the confluence of major watersheds in western Pennsylvania, and has been hailed as the best work to date on the impact of fracking.  The film provides a detailed examination of the introduction of hydraulic fracturing in western Pennsylvania, the first area in the northeast to experience large-scale fracking.  It has drawn large and enthusiastic crowds at showings in Erie, Penna. and Columbus, Ohio, among others.


Income Generation

Acme Community Cash Back Program

Please remember to save your Acme receipts for the annual Acme Community Cash Back fundraiser.  Receipts must be dated from Sept. 2, 2013 – Feb. 3, 2014.   A donation box will soon be placed on the grocery card table in Fessenden Hall for you to submit your receipts.  Thank you!


Karnival of Kent on Saturday, November 2

Have you made plans to attend the annual Thanks4Giving auction of the UU Church of Kent?  It is an evening of fun, frivolity and fundraising not to be missed!  Bring your inner court jester, or king or queen.  Dress up and be prepared for a great time!  It will be held at the United Church of Christ on Horning Rd.

If you would like to contribute as a volunteer, contact Trish McLoughlin.  She still has some openings to fill.  Many hands make light work!

Visit the Auction table at coffee hour every Sunday in November.  Tickets are on sale.  Donations are coming in.  Donation forms are available.  Need ideas for donations?  You’ll find them at the table.  Make your plans now!

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Nurturing Our Wonder – October 13, 2013

northern-lightsLed by the Rev. Christie Anderson and Worship Associate John Marfy – Rachel Carson is best known for her revolutionary book about harmful pesticide use, “Silent Spring.” However, this worship service will focus on her other poetic and heartfelt writings, particularly her view that the way to reduce adverse human impact upon the environment is to nurture a lifetime sense of wonder about the natural world. The service will include Carson’s beautifully-written reflections, Brad Bolton nature photos, and a moving video clip.

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Family Movie Nite Returns on Oct 11th at 7:30 p.m. in Fessenden Hall

Galaxy Quest Movie PosterFamily Movie Nite returns on Oct. 11th at 7:30 p.m. in Fessenden Hall! We will show the funniest Science Fiction films ever made! We will start with Galaxy Quest, then on with cartoons,short subjects and more. This is a pot-luck affair,so be sure to bring your favorite comfort foods. If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Spoehr at 330-274-7333.

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Beloved Community, Beloved Earth Workshop – Saturday, October 19

holding the earth9 AM to 1 PM

Breakfast and lunch provided

Free will donation to cover the cost of food

Leader:  Rev. George Buchanan

We face many challenges as we work to sustain ourselves, build stronger communities, and heal our Beloved Earth. Some of these challenges are local, such as hydraulic fracturing; others are more global, including carbon dioxide pollution, drought, and rising sea levels. In this workshop, we consider new and creative ways to sustain our spirits in the face of these challenges. Our focus will be on vision and orientation rather than taking on “one more task.” How do we define our positive vision for our Beloved Earth? How can we be strong and resilient over the long haul?  What are the ideas, tools, and resources we need to sustain us?


All members and friends of Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent are welcome, including high school youth.  Maximum 25 attendees – first come, first served.


Please contact the office to register by Sunday, October 13.  Childcare will be available at no charge, however children must be registered prior to the workshop.  With this we will be able to plan for the food and the necessary childcare workers.

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Go Buckeyes! – October 6, 2013

buckeye nutLed by the Rev. George Buchanan and Worship Associate Kristina Spaude – In this service, we’ll celebrate the beauty of Ohio trees, including our magnificent Buckeye trees.  We’ll consider how our care for these trees and forests connects us to the call to protect and heal our Beloved Earth.  (And just for fun, we might even connect in the Ohio State Buckeyes!)

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Weeklye-nUUs – October 2, 2013

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012

Worship & Music 

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


October 6  – Go Buckeyes!

Led by the Rev. George Buchanan

In this service, we’ll celebrate the beauty of Ohio trees, including our magnificent Buckeye trees.  We’ll consider how our care for these trees and forests connects us to the call to protect and heal our Beloved Earth.  (And just for fun, we might even connect in the Ohio State Buckeyes!)

Seeking photos for worship service

I am hoping to include a short slide show as part of the worship service that I’ll be leading in October.  The topic is about environmentalist Rachel Carson and her philosophy on the importance of instilling a sense of wonder in children.  You are invited to email several photos to me that illustrate a child’s sense of awe, curiosity or excitement about the natural world.  The photo can be of your children, grandchildren or even yourself as a child.  Email photos to Christie Anderson by Oct. 4.  Thanks!  Christie Anderson

 Sacred Song Circle Returns

The Sacred Song Circle returns to Thursday nights starting Sept. 26 for 30 minutes of community harmony and sacular stimulation beginning at 6:15 PM. Please note that this is a slightly earlier time than we had been meeting.  In addition, I will be available at 6:00 for 15 minutes of teaching time to help people become familiar with the songs, and to explain the framework we use and it’s theoretical underpinnings for anyone who is interested.  In addition, due to popular request, I’m going to try having a Sacred Song Circle every week instead of every two or three weeks.  As always, you don’t have to consider yourself a singer to be able to participate, and in fact you don’t even have to sing.  It’s free and open to all.  The more voices the better!  Bring your friends, and a water bottle if you’ll need it. Please gather in the Sanctuary.  Hope to see you there.


Lifespan Learning

The Super Brain group will meet at 3 PM on Sunday, October 6 in the Annex.  The group will be examining developing your greatest gift and how the brain makes reality.  All are welcome to join in the exploration.  Any questions, call Mary Maske.

Compassionate Dialogue

There’s a lot of talk these days about the need for respectful dialogue, and this workshop is geared towards providing participants with a simple and useful template for addressing conflicts and other difficult conversations. The Dialogue is based on the “Couple’s Dialogue” from Harville Hendrix’s book, “Getting the Love You Want”.  We will discuss basic communication and examine how conflicts can be managed constructively using the Dialogue in a variety of situations.  There will be time each session to practice the Dialogue through role-playing.

This class will be facilitated by church member Saunis Parsons.  Saunis learned active listening, conflict resolution and third-party mediation skills as a help-line volunteer with Townhall II’s crisis intervention hotline in Kent.  Since discovering the “Couple’s Dialogue” she has adapted it for use in many situations.  She and her family have used this dialogue successfully for several years, even when her boys were young.  Saunis offered this class as a morning workshop at Summer Institute this past summer and participants expressed really enjoying the experience and getting a lot out of it.  We’re grateful to Saunis for offering this series here in our church this fall.

The class will meet on 6 consecutive Tuesdays, October 8, 15, 22 and 29 and November 5 and 12 from 7-9, which will include a 15 minute break. For more information or to sign up, please call the church office or speak with Saunis.

Idea of the week:  Being Creatively Maladjusted

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King said he could never become adjusted to injustice.  He urged us to be “creatively maladjusted” instead.  This means we recognize the fact of the injustice, and work to respond in healthy and creative ways to the injustices in our world.  Of course we never do this perfectly – being creatively maladjusted. I mean.

And still, we can work to become more so.

Rev. George Buchanan

Beloved Community, Beloved Earth Workshop

Saturday, October 19, 2013

9 AM to 1 PM

Breakfast and lunch provided

Free will donation to cover the cost of food

Leader:  Rev. George Buchanan

We face many challenges as we work to sustain ourselves, build stronger communities, and heal our Beloved Earth. Some of these challenges are local, such as hydraulic fracturing; others are more global, including carbon dioxide pollution, drought, and rising sea levels. In this workshop, we consider new and creative ways to sustain our spirits in the face of these challenges. Our focus will be on vision and orientation rather than taking on “one more task.” How do we define our positive vision for our Beloved Earth? How can we be strong and resilient over the long haul?  What are the ideas, tools, and resources we need to sustain us?

All members and friends of Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent are welcome, including high school youth.  Maximum 25 attendees – first come, first served.

Please contact the office to register by Sunday, October 13.  Childcare will be available at no charge, however children must be registered prior to the workshop.  With this we will be able to plan for the food and the necessary childcare workers.

Save the Date!

The annual Halloween Party and Haunted House will take place on Saturday, October 26th starting at 6:00.  This is a both a family and adult friendly event.  Everyone is encouraged to attend!  There will be a finger-food potluck, so bring something to share that doesn’t require the need for silverware.  Donations will be gladly accepted to cover the cost of supplies and prizes.  Wear your costume and come celebrate with us!


Community Within


The government shutdown DOES NOT affect the open status of any locations managed by Allegheny Site Management.  Walden WILL CONTINUE as planned!

Ed Stolish

In an effort to make as many church activities accessible as possible, we’d like to encourage people to consider using technology to allow those who cannot attend their group, committee or team meetings in person to attend virtually.  The Church Office has a netbook that can be borrowed by committees or groups  to “broadcast” their meetings so that people may attend virtually.   People can join and participate in the meeting using their computers, mobile devices, or with a regular telephone. Technical assistance for using the AnyMeeting videoconferencing technology can be found our website at:  //kentuu.org/membership/technical-support/      If you have questions regarding the use of the netbook, please contact MaryBeth in the Office at: [email protected].

The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, October 8 at 7 pm. We are again meeting in the home of Trish Johnson-Kwartler, 2937 Overlook Rd. in Silver Lake. Please bring a snack to share. Beverages will be provided. This month we are reading The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.   A mesmerizing, moving, and elegantly written debut novel, The Language of Flowers beautifully weaves past and present, creating a vivid portrait of an unforgettable woman whose gift for flowers helps her change the lives of others even as she struggles to overcome her own troubled past. In November we will be reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.

Family Movie Night Returns…

October 11th, in Fessenden Hall from 7:30 pm to 10 pm. This will be our second annual tribute to science fiction. Galaxy Quest will be shown!!! We will also have a selection of science fiction cartoons, serials, sitcoms and other delights. We might even have an episode of Star Trek this time, or maybe not… So come to our second pot-luck sci-fi movie night for Galaxy Quest, Futurama, and many surprises! If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Spoehr..


Symposium #2  All the Fun of a Book Club with Nothing to Prepare!

       Wednesday, October 9th, 7:30 P.M. Fessenden Hall

In his PBS series, “Faith and Reason”, Bill Moyers ask the question, “In a world where religion is poison to some and salvation to others, how do we live together?”

October’s video is an interview with Colin McGinn, a British born professor of philosophy and an atheist who finds this “a better world without God.”  It is a companion to last month’s talk with Mary Gordon, a free-thinking and devout Catholic. They agree only in their dislike of fundamentalism. McGinn, a fascinating and controversial figure, writes not only about philosophy and ethics but also about sports, politics, and films.

Please join us. We’ll view the 23-minute video, fill our plates with yummy finger food provided by the Library Committee, and then have plenty of time to discuss the ideas McGinn offers. Carolyn Schlemmer will be the Moderator.

The Library Committee would like to thank those who heeded our call for over-due books and returned them.  We are still searching/tracking the rest. If you have any questions about books you may have, please speak to the committee member in Founders Lounge between 1st and 2nd Sunday services. A committee member is always there to assist you.

Parents and guardians of our older (age 9 and above) children,

On behalf of KentHogwarts I would like to cordially invite you participate in our upcoming Forbidden Forest night hike. Prepare to face down Dementors, Death Eaters and Acromantulas in an after dark adventure!

We are hosting this event on Saturday, October 12th 2013 at the Tallmadge Meadows Metropark in Munroe Falls. This is an open event so please feel free to invite other friends but due to the scary nature of the program we do ask that all participants be 9 years old or older.

We do require that parents/guardians be present during the event, you don’t have to go on the hike as we have a hangout spot by the shelter, but we will need to have a signed permission slip for the event.

Please do RSVP for this event at http://tinyurl.com/forbiddenforest and feel free to pass along this information and invitation to any others you think may be interested. For updated information please visit our website at www.kenthogwarts.org or email [email protected].

Yours in magical fraternity,
Professor Chroniculus FizzBOOM!
Headmaster, KentHogwarts

Be the first to see the artwork for the 2013 auction! Hear the artists talk about their creations while you enjoy appetizers and beverages. Artists this year are Brad Bolton, Don Easterling, Heidrun Hultgren, Wendy Jenks, John Kluth, Claudia Miller, Georgia Quinn, Rhonda Mitchell, and Jan Noden.

Date: Friday, Oct. 18

Time: 7-9 pm

Place: Fessenden Hall

Donation: $15

ODNR and conservation partners offer four Portage County hikes on Oct 5

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Portage Park District and the Northeast Ohio Chapter of The Nature Conservancy will be co-hosting a series of hikes on Saturday, October 5. at Kent and Triangle Lake Bog state nature preserves, Morgan Preserve, which is managed by the Portage Park District, and The Nature Conservancy’s Herrick Fen State Nature Preserve. These hikes are designed to educate visitors on the uniqueness and importance of Ohio’s vanishing wetlands.

Participants can choose to participate in one or several Portage County hikes:

  • 10 am – Kent Bog State Nature Preserve located at 1028 Meloy Rd. in Kent
  • 11:30 am – Triangle Lake Bog State Nature Preserve located at 3612 Sandy Lake Rd. in Ravenna
  • 1 pm – Morgan Preserve located on Nicodemus Rd, .4 miles east of State Route 44 in Shalersville Township
  • 2:30 pm – Herrick Fen State Nature Preserve located on Seasons Rd. 2.2 miles west of State Route 43 in Streetsboro. lost more than 90 percent of its original wetlands since European settlement. By visiting some of Ohio’s most fragile wetlands, visitors will be able to gain a valuable understanding of the benefits and beauty of these rare natural features.

The walk at the Kent Bog will be from 10-11 am and will be led by Adam Wohlever, DIstrict Preserve Manager of the Northeast District.  Friends of the Kent Bog will provide an informational table and refreshments after the walk.–Martha Kluth


Outreach and Social Justice

Social Justice Human Rights Committee Meeting – Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 6:30 PM in the Annex.  All are welcome!   


Income Generation

Acme Community Cash Back Program

Please remember to save your Acme receipts for the annual Acme Community Cash Back fundraiser.  Receipts must be dated from Sept. 2, 2013 – Feb. 3, 2014.   A donation box will soon be placed on the grocery card table in Fessenden Hall for you to submit your receipts.  Thank you!

Karnival of Kent on Saturday, November 2

Have you made plans to attend the annual Thanks4Giving auction of the UU Church of Kent?  It is an evening of fun, frivolity and fundraising not to be missed!  Bring your inner court jester, or king or queen.  Dress up and be prepared for a great time!

Visit the Auction table at coffee hour every Sunday in October.  Tickets are on sale.  Donations are coming in.  Donation forms are available.  Need ideas for donations?  You’ll find them at the table.  Make your plans now!

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Karnival of Kent – November 2, 2013

Karnival of Kent Auction 2013Have you made plans to attend the annual Thanks4Giving auction of the UU Church of Kent?  It is an evening of fun, frivolity and fundraising not to be missed!  Bring your inner court jester, or king or queen.  Dress up and be prepared for a great time!   Once again will be hosting this year’s auction at the United Church of Christ.   Tickets are on sale.  Visit the Auction table at coffee hour every Sunday in October.

Donation forms are available.  Need ideas for donations?  You’ll find them at the table.  Make your plans now!


Finish Reading: Karnival of Kent – November 2, 2013

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