e-nUUs – July 31, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Pastoral Care Announcement
  • Summer Sundays — one service at 10 AM through September 1
  • Baking the Bread of Justice – Sunday, August 4
  • Turnings and Trim Tabs – Sunday, August 11
  • The Road Trip as Spiritual Practice: A Choose Your Own Adventure – Sunday, August 18
  • Let America be America Again – Sunday, August 25
  • Calling All Singers – Sacred Song Circle
  • Service References from July 28, 2019, Love for All
  • First Sunday Board Listening Table – August 4
  • Board News from June 19 meeting
  • News from RE
  • RE Important Dates
  • OWL Parent This Sunday – August 4
  • A message from DRE Colleen Thoele
  • Grocery card fundraiser
  • Social Just Discussion – July 31, 2019
  • UUCK Human Rights Task Force Social Justice Meeting – August 4
  • Vigil in Protest of the Federal Death Penalty – August 13
  • Represent UUCK at Akron Pride March – August 24
  • SOS! KSS needs toothpaste!
  • UUJEC Summer Newsletter
  • UUMFE Advancing Economic and Climate Justice: UU Convergence in Washington, DC – September 15-17
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Baking the Bread of Justice

Sunday, August 4, 2019 one service at 10 AM

Bertolt Brecht wrote that “justice is the bread of the people”. Together we will reflect on our need for bread and justice every day as we celebrate Lammas, a Pagan festival of the first harvest. This service will include Rev. Steven’s secret recipe for the bread of justice, a guided meditation that invites us to do a spiritual harvest, and sharing freshly baked bread (a gluten free option will be available).

Summer services are offer on Sunday mornings at 10 AM with nursery care available during the service.

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Love for All

Sunday, July 28, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Led by Kathy Kerns, CLM Candidate and Worship Associate Rev. Christie Anderson

Our Unitarian Universalist (UU) principles advocate respecting the inherent worthy and dignity of all people and showing compassion in human relations.  Ideally, our congregations are inviting places for anyone who resonates to our principles. As a denomination, how are we doing with people who do not fit the UU stereotype?  We will examine this question through the lens of social class, and consider the critique of some UU ministers that we are not welcoming to people from working class backgrounds.  

Following the service, there will be an opportunity for discussion of the sermon topic. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.  Kathy Kerns will lead a conversation in the annex (light snacks provided, feel free to bring a bag lunch).

Summer services are offered on Sunday mornings at 10 AM with nursery care available during the service.

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e-nUUs – July 24, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Pastoral Care Announcement
  • Summer Sundays — one service at 10 AM through September 1
  • Love for All – Sunday, July 28
  • Baking the Bread of Justice – Sunday, August 4
  • Turnings and Trim Tabs – Sunday, August 11
  • First Sunday Board Listening Table – August 4
  • Board News from June 19 meeting
  • OWL Parent Info Meeting – August 4
  • SOS! KSS needs toothpaste!
  • Social Just Discussion – July 31, 2019
  • Food donations for Kent Social Services
  • UUJEC Summer Newsletter
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Our Unitarian Universalist Values in Action: Reflections on Pulse

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Sunday, July 21, 2019 — one service at 10 AM

Led by Joe Donatone with Worship Associate Rev. Steven Protzman

Seminarian Joe Donatone will share his reflections on the Pulse tragedy while examining how our Unitarian Universalist values can guide us through even the darkest of moments. Remaining liberal and religious in times of crisis can be challenging. Joe offers ways in which our values can sustain us, guide us, and inspire us to action.

Summer services are offered on Sunday mornings at 10 AM with nursery care available during the service.

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e-nUUs – July 17, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Summer Sundays — one service at 10 AM through September 1
  • Our Unitarian Universalist Values in Action: Reflections on Pulse – Sunday, July 21
  • Love for All – Sunday, July 28
  • Summer Sample Chalice Group – July 17
  • OWL Parent Info Meeting – August 4
  • Social Just Discussion – July 31, 2019
  • Food donations for Kent Social Services
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Sacred Generations

Sunday, July 14, 2019

One service at 10 AM led by Mike Hovancsek with Worship Associate Elaine Bowen.

On this morning we’ll focus on seeing hope in the world by looking at the children in it.

Summer services are offered on Sunday mornings at 10 AM with nursery care available during the service.

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e-nUUs – July 10, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Summer Sundays — one service at 10 AM through September 1
  • Sacred Generations – Sunday, July 14
  • Our Unitarian Universalist Values in Action: Reflections on Pulse – Sunday, July 21
  • Summer Sample Chalice Group – July 17
  • OWL Parent Info Meeting – August 4
  • Retiree’s Lunch – July 16
  • Summer Social Hour
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet – July 14
  • Save the Date! Fall Walden – September 20-22
  • Vigil for Immigrant Justice – July 16
  • Food donations for Kent Social Services
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Tarot as a Tool for Prayer

Sunday, July 7, 2019

One service at 10 AM led by Nicole Penny and Worship Associate Lori McGee

The importance of prayer is discussed among many religions, but few help with how to pray. Often reading tarot cards as a practice or having the service done for a person is perceived as a way of looking towards the future. In this service we’ll seek to explore prayer and how reading tarot cards can be a means to connect to the Universe and a tool for prayer for those who ask for guidance.

Summer services are offered at 10 AM on Sunday mornings with nursery care available during the service.

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Join us in support for immigrant justice!

Tuesday, July 16, 6:00 pm

Come rally on our front steps for a vigil to demand an end to detention camps imprisoning immigrants and asylum-seekers, to demand an end to family separation and detention of children, and to demand compassionate immigration policy.  We will march to the downtown gazebo at 6:30, then back to the church.   Please bring respectful signs that do not support political candidates.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, 228 Gougler Ave., Kent, OH

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e-nUUs – July 3, 2019

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Summer Sundays — one service at 10 AM through September 1
  • Tarot as a Tool for Prayer – Sunday, July 7
  • Sacred Generations – Sunday, July 14
  • Our Unitarian Universalist Values in Action: Reflections on Pulse – Sunday, July 21
  • From the Library – Service appreciation
  • This week in RE
  • OWL Parent Info Meeting – August 4
  • Board of Trustees First Sunday Listening Table – Sunday, July 7
  • Retiree’s Lunch
  • Kitty promotes UUCK!
  • Summer Social Hour
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet – July 14
  • Save the Date! Fall Walden – September 20-22
  • Food donations for Kent Social Services
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