July 24, 2021
Dear UU members, friends and visitors to the UU Church of Kent,
The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that the UUCK has implemented our ‘In Person Health and Safety Policy’ (IPHSP) for meeting in person on the UUCK campus.

The IPHSP takes into consideration the many concerns of the congregation that were expressed in the congregational survey that was conducted this summer. An overwhelming 80% expressed a strong desire to again have in person services and activities. A majority of the congregation expressed a desire to continue offering virtual services and of these, 51% planned on attending both in-person and virtual services. While most of our members sincerely desire to return to more traditional services, nearly everyone voiced their concerns about safety, including their concerns about virus variants and unmasked individuals. It is with safety and the desires of the members that this health and safety policy was created. The IPHSP applies to anyone using our campus be it special interest groups, fellowship groups, rentals, staff meetings or our Sunday services. The IPHSP is subject to revision as needed.
An opportunity to discuss the IPHSP will be available at the Board Listening session on August 1st.
Please be aware that at this time, we Do Not have a date set for resuming in-person service. There are many details that still need to be worked out by our staff to
Implement this policy. We are all working to make this happen as soon as possible.
An outdoor service may be held on August 29th, on the UUCK campus. All attendees will need to comply with the IPHSP. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation, and we look forward to being able to meet in person.
Don Gregg, Moderator with the Board of Trustees
Click Here to view the UU Church of Kent ‘In Person Health and Safety Policy.’