Worship & Music
Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.
Sunday, March 3, 2013 The Changing Reputation of God
Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate John Marfy
Join us for a whirlwind tour of some major moments in the history of God. Who has God been in the past and how does all that history inform our understanding of God today?
The UU Church of Kent Music Committee presents the Zeng Quartet (plus 1)
José Herrera has graced our sanctuary twice already with his passionate cello playing. Our music committee is pleased to announce that José is back and this time brings an international Quintet, the Zeng Quartet (plus 1). PLease join us for a FREE concert on March 3rd at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. José graduates and will to Mexico this summer, so this is one of your last opportunities to hear this beautiful music.
Celtic Clan of Kent Concert
March 16, 2013 7:00 pm
Come celebrate St. Patrick’s Eve with a family friendly concert of traditional Irish music at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent. There will be toe tapping jigs and reels, beautiful songs and dancing too!
Adults $7 donation, children 12 years and under, free.
228 Gougler Ave, Kent, OH 44240
Poetry Sunday Is Coming!
On March 17th Joe Kuemerle and Lori McGee will be leading a poetry based service and they need your ideas. Please send them any poems that are meaningful to you or that you feel would be inspiring for others. All sorts of poems are welcome. Please submit your suggestions via email to Joe at [email protected] . Thanks for your participation and we hope to see you at the service!
Lifespan Learning
Join the Theological Meet-Up!
A quick way to locate theologically like-minded UUs
Would you like to find other members and friends of our congregation whose theologies are similar to yours? Think of the possibilities… perhaps you could share names of books you’ve read, exchange viewpoints on a blog, or coordinate a time to meet and have a discussion or together engage in a practice like journaling or prayer. You will have the opportunity to meet up with others of similar beliefs at the Theological Meet-Up to be held at two times on Sunday, March 3. Participants can attend at either 9:15 a.m. (where a light breakfast will be offered for a goodwill donation) or at 12:40, following the second service. Participants at the later time are invited to bring a brown bag lunch for themselves. If you plan to attend the breakfast gathering, please RSVP to the church office by Friday, March 1 so we know how many to plan for. Thank you.
The Theological Meet-Up event will be very simple. Signs having the theological labels used on the spring 2012 congregational survey will be posted around Fessenden Hall. Participants can take their coffee and snacks and gather in the location(s) of their choice and converse with the others who have selected that particular theological label. Knowing that we are not easily labeled, individuals are not restricted to one theological location, and may visit with as many groups as desired. It is up to the participating individuals in each theological group to decide how or whether they wish to interact with one another beyond the meet-up event. Contact information sign-up sheets will be at each location for those who wish to have future contact with others in that specific theological group. The event planners (the members of the Adult Religious Exploration Committee) will collect the contact information and provide email addresses to all within each group who indicate an interest in that particular theology. The purpose of the event is simply to provide an opportunity for people to identify others in the congregation who hold similar theologies. The rest is up to you. Who knows, perhaps people within some groups may decide to work together in preparing a worship service explaining their theology. If you have questions, feel free to contact members of the Adult RE Committee – Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Christie Anderson, Liz Erickson, Dan Flippo, Jack Graham, Joel Slater, Cheryl Spoehr, or Mary Ann Stephens.
Community Within
Have you served on a committee in the last five years? Did your committee read a book together? Do you still have that book at your house? If so, we’d appreciate it if you would bring it to the church office. We are trying to gather the leadership books committees have used in recent years to keep them available in one central place. That way future leaders might also benefit from these resources. Thank you!
The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 12 at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick at 175 Graham Road, Apr. 12 in Cuyahoga Falls. This month we are reading The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty. This is a novel about the friendship between an adolescent, pre-movie-star Louise Brooks, and the 36-year-old woman who chaperones her to New York City for a summer in 1922, and how it changes both their lives. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper at [email protected]. All are welcome.
Our Art in the Sanctuary for March is an exhibit of photos by member Georgia Quinn. Since retiring from teaching a few years ago Georgia has been able to indulge in her passion for the out-of-doors while traveling and while volunteering for Summit County Metro Parks. Her photos bring a little of the great outdoors inside for us to enjoy. (All photos are available for purchase for a donation to the church.)
Pie Raffle this Sunday….see the announcement below under Income Generation!
UU & Interfaith Connections
Aesop, First UU? Seven Stories, Seven Principles will make its congregational performance debut and we need actors of all ages! Written by Deb Lemire (UUCA) and Laura Conkle of The First UU of Pittsburgh, Aesop, First UU? was developed for a workshop at Summer Institute this past summer and now we want to bring it home.
The performance will be presented as reader’s theatre (so you will have your script in hand, don’t have to memorize lines) We will add some blocking and costumes and other fun stuff as well.
The first rehearsal will be Monday, March 4 7-8:30 pm
The second rehearsal will be Sunday, March 10, 12-2 pm
We will decide on additional rehearsals when we all meet.
The performance is Saturday, April 12, 7 pm (set up at 5 pm)
The performance and rehearsals will be at the UUCA, 3300 Morewood Rd, Fairlawn, OH (across from Summit Mall)
For over 2,000 years, Aesop’s tales have long explored the intentions of human beings and our social and personal responsibility to each other and ourselves. And there isn’t always a happy ending. These fables create an excellent backdrop for exploring and witnessing our UU principles.
To learn more about the play or hear the performances done at SI, you can visit the website www.aesopfirstuu.com.
Let me know if you are interested in being a part of our grand debut! or have questions! contact Deb Lemire at [email protected], 330-701-6887.
Outreach and Social Justice
Close to someone with a mental illness? Attend a free program that has helped many Ohioans. The Portage County Family-to-Family Education Program will run Saturdays starting March 16, 2013 for 12 weeks. The course will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon at The Church in Aurora, 146 S. Chillicothe Road, Aurora 44202. The program is sponsored by the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County and NAMI Portage County. The course is open to anyone who has a family member or a friend with a brain disease, including schizophrenia, manic depression, clinical depression, an anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. It is taught by local residents who have a family member dealing with mental illness. Register by March 14. Call 330-673-1756, ext 201. You can also register by emailing [email protected].
CONTACT: Amie Cajka
Director of Community Relations
Mental Health & Recovery Board, 330 673-1756, ext. 207
Income Generation
Are you ready for another slice of Pie?
Our Annual Stewardship Campaign begins Sunday, March 3rd and ends March 24th
This Sunday we will begin asking our members and friends to reflect on what this church community means to them and make a monetary pledge to this church community for fiscal year 2014, which runs July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.
Our church is entirely self-funded, and our by-laws prevent us passing a deficit budget, so we rely on pledges and fundraising to pay for the many slices of programs and services offered. In addition there are concrete expenses like building maintenance, salaries, supplies, utilities, etc that need to be paid in order to remain a viable community and have a place to gather and sometimes eat pie together!
Stewardship packets will be mailed out this week, and our wonderful canvassers will be making calls to discuss stewardship, the church and what it means to them. At that time you are encouraged to share your story of what this church means to you and also commit to a pledge.
There will also be a series of dessert events available, where further discussion and fellowship is possible. In addition to these opportunities there will be a stewardship table at coffee hour, where you can get more information, make your pledge, take part in a pie raffle or sign up for one of the dessert events.
If you have any questions about the annual stewardship campaign, please contact a member of the committee: Kay Eckman, Marion Yeagler, Meg Milko, Laura Teagle or Sandy Eaglen.
How about cherry? Mmm, mmm. Yum! But how about coconut cream? Oooo, yes! Well, sure, but don’t forget chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! Darn, I just can’t decide! What’s YOUR favorite kind of pie? Come to the Stewardship table this Sunday and check out the possibilities–a $1.00 pie raffle ticket may win you the pie of your dreams!! And we sure won’t complain if you want to buy more than one ticket–in fact, in the spirit of spring and new beginnings (of our FY2014 stewardship campaign!), anyone (of any age) who has a birthday in the month of March can start off with one free ticket. Wow, what a deal! See you at coffee hour on Sunday!