Thanks for What? – November 5, 2017

Led by Guest Leader Rabbi David M. Horowitz with Worship Associate Cal Frye

This time of the year brings holidays both to the Jewish community and to the people of America celebrating our “thanksgiving.” The question is, for what are we really grateful?


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery card available during both services.

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Talking Death … with Cake — October 29, 2017

Led by Jeff Marsh and Worship Associate Lisa Thiel

Before the 20th century the experience of death was part of everyday life. Most medical care including terminal care occurred at home. Since the advent of large hospitals the experience has become more like a medical procedure shrouded in secrecy. This has had the adverse effect of making discussion of topics surrounding death one that many people are unaccustomed to and uncomfortable with.

In 2010, a movement began in England to openly discuss topics pertaining to death in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere. They are called “Death Café’s.” People are invited to gather and share their thoughts, concerns and stories in a free-ranging conversation while sharing coffee or tea and, as is the custom, Cake. The movement has grown to over 20 countries and there have been hundreds in the U.S.

This service will delve into our own reluctance to face and discuss our own mortality and lessons learned about embracing life from those who are facing  imminent death. It will offer options for how to involve the one’s you love into the plan for your own end-of-life.


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available during both services.

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e-nUUs – October 25, 2017

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements:

  • A Message for the Board of Trustees
  • Taking Death . . . with Cake – October 29
  • RE Teacher Teams – October 29
  • Save the Date: Service Auction – December 2
  • Did You Know? Some gracious employers  . . .
  • Acme Community Cash Back Fundraiser
  • Creative Living with Stress Workshop – October 28
  • Plant-based (vegan) Potluck Dinner – November 3
  • Beyond Categorical Thinking  Workshop – November 11
  • Special Collection this Sunday – October 29
  • Tutors Needed
  • Peter Mayer in Concert (Akron UU Church) – November 4



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We No Longer Have the Right to Remain Silent — October 22, 2017

Led by Caron Carnahan, CLM Candidate

“The prophetic liberal church is the church in which persons think and work together to interpret the signs of the times in light of their faith, to make explicit through discussion the epochal thinking that the times demand. The prophetic liberal church is the church in which all members share the common responsibility to foresee the consequences of human behavior (both individual and institutional), with the intention of making history in place of being merely pushed around by it.” ~ James Luther Adams, The Prophethood of All Believers

The Unitarian Universalist Association selected Paul Rasor’s, Reclaiming Prophetic Witness:  Liberal Religion in the Public Square to be its Common Read for 2014-15.  Timely when written, and perhaps more so now, the author addresses head-on our UU tendency to avoid using religious references in our social justice work. This service will share the book’s premise that engaging in social witness through the lens of our UU principles and spirituality is as powerfully important as using evidence- and reason-based argument to support our beliefs in the public arena.

Please note that this will not be a time to debate public policy nor politics.  It will be a time to discern how your ethics, your religion and your spirituality will help you in your social justice work.  We celebrate each other’s inherent worth and dignity and nurture a free and responsible search for truth and meaning for all!


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery card available during both services.

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e-nUUs – October 18, 2017

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements:

  • We No Longer Have the Right to Remain Silent – October 22
  • RE Teacher Teams – October 22
  • Halloween Party and Haunted House – October 21
  • Parents of Young Children Potluck – October 20
  • REPEAT Information Session – October 22
  • Creative Living with Stress Workshop – October 28
  • Peter Mayer in Concert (Akron UU Church) – November 4
  • Save the Date: Beyond Categorical Thinking – November 11

Additional Headlines from this week — Click here!

  • Small Group Conversations — Register Now!  — Deadline October 24
  • Thanks4Giving Auction – December 2


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More Alike than Different – October 15, 2017

Led by Mike Hovancsek and Worship Associate Lisa Thiel

This service challenges the conflict-based logic that is constantly being forced on us (e.g. liberals vs. conservatives, red state vs blue state…).

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 & 11:30 AM with Nursery care available during both services.

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Blessings of Religious Community – October 8, 2017

Led by Rev. Christie Anderson with Worship Associate Carolyn Schlemmer  

What distinguishes participation in a church compared to participation in a civic organization?  We will explore the diverse reasons why we attend church and reflect upon what the UU Church of Kent means to us personally.

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available during both services.

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e-nUUs – October 4, 2017

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Headlines from this week’s announcements:

  • Blessings of Religious Community – October 8
  • More Alike than Different – October 15
  • RE Teacher Teams – October 8
  • Halloween Party and Haunted House – October 21
  • Middle and High School Youth Halloween Planning
  • REPEAT Information Session – October 8
  • Table Top Game Night – October 14
  • Volunteering is Belonging: Come to the Ministries Fair – October 15
  • Social Hour Coffee Volunteers Needed
  • Plant-based Vegan Potluck – October 6
  • No Parking Worries for UUCK!
  • Special Collection Thank you
  • Hurricane Relief Drive – October 6 – 20
  • Tutors Needed
  • Democracy Day – October 5
  • Big Brother & Big Sister Mentors Needed
  • Save the Date: Beyond Categorical Thinking – November 11


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