Buddhism, June 26th, 2011

Buddhism will be explored in this worship service led by the Venerable Shih Ying-Fa, Abbott of the CloudWater Zendo of Cleveland. Ven. Ying-Fa was a highly regarded theme speaker at Summer Institute several years ago, is a popular worship leader in area UU churches, and participated in a UUCK/UCC Neighboring Faiths class.

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Black Pioneers in a White Denomination, June 19th, 2011

The Rev. Mark Morrison-Reed is a distinguished Unitarian Universalist minister, now retired after 26 years of service. Black Pioneers in a White Denomination, the book that grew from his graduate thesis, remains an important work in Unitarian Universalist history. This morning we will hear stories of some of the black pioneers in this predominantly white denomination. How can we learn from their experiences as we strive to grow into our dream of anti-racist, multi-racial, multi-cultural religious community?

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Celebrating Childhood, June 5th, 2011

Our annual RE Sunday is a time to celebrate! We are sure to be delighted by the presentations from our children and their teachers. Our religious education teachers and youth group advisors will be honored for their service. Karen Lapidus, Director of Religious Education will offer the homily.

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