Sermon Topics – February 2015

sermon topics





February 1 – Roots Hold Me Close
Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Carolyn Schlemmer
Faith can be like roots, the ties that keep us grounded in our values and steadfast in our efforts. Like roots, faith grows and changes and calls forth new growth. What is the faith that keeps you grounded?


February 8 – Faith Defined
Led by Elaine Bowen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       What’s your religious language baggage attached to “faith”? How do you see faith through a UU lens? Is it blurry and vague, crystal clear or somewhere in between? Do you mean what I mean? What do you have faith in? So many questions . . .


February 15 – Wings Set Me Free
Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper
Faith can be like wings, the strength that lifts us up when we long to fly. From those heights we often find connections and have visions that just aren’t possible when life is viewed from the ground. What is the faith that lifts you up?


February 22 – Music Sunday
Led by Music Director Hal Walker and friends
Hal once again works his magic, weaving a powerful message of faith and music into a diverse tapestry of songs and styles that showcases the many talents and gifts our community has to offer.
Don’t miss it!

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The Right Thing for the Right Reason – January 25, 2015

do right - mandelaLed by the Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Mary Lou Hollly

Our multigenerational service this morning will explore congruence.  How we can align our hearts and minds and actions so we can do the right thing for the right reason more often?

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Remembering Heidrun Hultgren

Heidrun HultgrenWe are sorry to share the news that Heidrun Hultgren has died.  If you would like to send your condolences to Heidrun’s family, please contact the Church Office.

Calling hours will be held in our sanctuary on Saturday, January 31 from 5 to 7 pm.  Selected pieces of Heidrun’s art will be on display and her children, Diana, Erik and Gunnar would be pleased to greet you at that time.

A memorial service will be held in our sanctuary on Sunday, February 1 at 3 pm with a reception immediately following.  Members and friends of the congregation are invited to participate as greeters and we are also in need of several people to help prepare the reception.  If you are able to help, please sign up at:



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Art in the Sanctuary

picture frameThe art exhibit hanging in the church are paintings that John and Martha’s granddaughter, Layla Kluth, age 7, made when she was in Kent after Christmas. They are for sale and if any pieces are sold the proceeds will be donated to the church at Layla’s request.

Additional art is needed for future displays. If you would like to exhibit any of your work, please contact John Kluth or the Church Office.

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We the People – January 18, 2014

integrityLed by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Emeritus, Ted Voneida

We often think about integrity as an individual, but how about integrity as a collective?  How can we, the citizens of this nation, demand integrity from the government and other institutions that act in our name?

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Support the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent by shopping at

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is now participating in the AmazonSmile fundraising program. The Church is now eligible to receive donations from the AmazonSmile Foundation. What this means… “You Shop, Amazon gives!”

  • Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
  • AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.

Learn more about AmazonSmile

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Church w new doorsWhile most of the congregation has been focused the last few weeks on holidays, new year’s resolutions, and producing or enjoying great music and sermons at church, your Building Expansion Team and Capital Campaign Team have been working behind the scenes to make our church vision a reality.  And soon you will hear all about our work!  Within the next month we will be distributing the proposal for expanding our church facilities, and in March you (the congregation) will vote on whether to proceed with the proposed plans. The proposal addresses the needs for new social hall space, increased and better RE space, and renovation of the sanctuary.  Stay tuned! There will be many opportunities to learn about the project, including all church meetings.

Kathy Kerns and Marion Yeagler

Capital Campaign Co-Chairs

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I Make a Difference Mural – This Week Only!

This Week Only – Visit the “I Make a Difference” MuralYou make a difference in this GBW

Our Grades 3-5 RE class is learning that each of us ~ young and not so young, long-term member or short-term friend ~ gives to our church in many ways.  They are inviting everyone to add a paper hand cut-out to the mural that they have hung in Fessenden Hall.  Please write you name along with what you do to help support our faith community.  And while you’re there, be sure to read what others have shared.

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Green Sanctuary Committee Logo Contest

The Green Sanctuary Committee of The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is looking for a logo. If you are interested submissions can be sent to [email protected] electronically or can be dropped off at the church office. Submissions need to be received by 1/31. There will be a fabulous prize for each person! To spark your imagination check out this image below or check out these ideas.
Inline image 1
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