Paradigm Shift – June 30, 2013

paradigm-shiftLed by Mike Hovancsek and Worship Associate Trish McLoughlin –

This service will pull from spiritual, therapeutic, and anecdotal stories about that moment when we make a sudden shift in our beliefs. It will include an exploration into therapeutic concepts and current social trends, tying them into the core beliefs of UUs.


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Cleveland Pride – June 29, 2013

cleveland pride

Cleveland Pride is this Saturday, June 29!

Rev. Melissa invites you to come celebrate today’s historic Supreme Court decisions by walking in the Cleveland Pride parade with her and other Unitarian Universalists from across Northeast Ohio.  Assembly begins at 11am and the parade steps off at noon.  We will be behind the Southwest Unitarian Universalist Church group, but we won’t know exactly what intersection that is near until Saturday morning.  As soon as she gets that information on Saturday morning, Melissa will post the location to our church FaceBook page.  If you want to join but won’t have access to FaceBook, call or text her cell phone anytime after 11 am to get the location.

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A Tired Puppy is a Happy Puppy – June 23, 2013

dog-tired-is-sleeping-wallpaper-1024x640Led by Kristina Spaude and Worship Associate Lori McGee – My partner has said this phrase dozens of times in the last few years, and it’s become a mantra of sorts for me. During this service we are going to use this phrase as a lens through which we can understand sources of happiness and explore how we can invite happiness into our lives. While there is no key to happiness, there are many opportunities for it if we are open to them.

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Let’s kick off Summer with an old fashioned Ice Cream Social this Sunday, June 23!

ice cream sundaeSunday June 23rd during coffee hour and after second service, your fundraising team will be having an Ice Cream Social fundraiser to kick off Summertime!

We will offer vanilla ice cream with ALL the toppings you can handle.  Hot fudge, Cherries, Nuts, Whipped Cream, Sprinkles, Bananas, OH MY!  We are asking for a $4 donation for adults and $2 for children under 12.

Weather permitting we will hold this outside.

Thank you!

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radioRadiolab and Pancakes will return right after second service on June 30th!  So, get your pancakes, and bring them upstairs to The Founder’s Lounge!  Our Radiolab short subject is titled “Solid as a Rock?”.  For centuries, philosophers have argued this question, is our reality solid, or a product of our thoughts?  Radiolab finds that religion and science are converging on a definitive answer to that question-maybe!  So, bring your pancakes and your perspectives for a fun and lively discussion on a question that still puzzles scientists and philosophers!  If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Spoehr.

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That All Should Be Well – June 16, 2013

Dorothea DixLed by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Sophie Smith

Dorothea Dix was a leading Unitarian reformer of the 19th century. She worked for improved conditions in prisons and especially for improved treatment and accommodations for people living with mental illness. This morning we’ll look at her work through the lens of Hosea Ballou’s theology of happiness and consider what we might learn from both for our own time.

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Here’s to Happiness! – June 9, 2013

Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper – Our annual outdoor worship service and picnic will be at Plum Creek Park in Kent (which is at the intersection of Cherry Street and Mogadore Road).  We will be meeting at Pavilion #2 for one service only at 10:00 am.  Our service will be fully multigenerational; the whole community is invited to worship and play together.
Please bring a lawn chair (and maybe an extra to share), a dish to share at the picnic following the service, your own place setting, any games you would like to play during the picnic and anything else you will need to be comfortable.  And remember, we will have one service only beginning at 10:00 am!

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UU Church of Kent Hiring a Religious Education Assistant

RE SundayAnnouncing an exciting opportunity to support the Religious Education program for children and youth at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, Ohio. 


About the UU Church of Kent:  We are a vibrant, growing and welcoming congregation located in the historic west side.  The church was first gathered in 1866 and throughout its history has played an important role in social justice activities.  Our mission states: “Through spirited worship and open-minded religious exploration, our mission is to inspire people to live caring lives of meaning and purpose. We seek to encourage curiosity, strive to create peace and justice, and care for the living Earth with reverence and gratitude.” The Religious Education program serves approximately 100 children aged birth through high school. To find out more, visit


Qualifications:  The RE Assistant should have a basic understanding of Unitarian Universalism and be familiar with church and RE settings. Interpersonal skills, confidentiality and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team are essential.  The RE Assistant should be able to communicate effectively by telephone and email.  Experience working with children of various ages is preferred.  An understanding of volunteer support preferred.  This position involves work on several levels of the church building.  The ability to navigate stairs and lift up to 20 pounds is required.  A background check and drug screening will be conducted.


Responsibilities: The RE Assistant is responsible for supporting the religious education program and the Director of Religious education in carrying out the church school program for children and youth.


Hours/Time:  This is a 5 hours per week / 50 weeks per year position.  Work includes some Sunday mornings, some hours during the week and monthly evening meetings.  Flexibility in specific hours worked is included in this position and hours may vary from week to week, but will not exceed an average of 5 hours per week.  The rate of pay is $11.85 per hour.   The RE Assistant will report directly to the Director of Religious Education.


Preferred Start Date:  July 1, 2013

Application Deadline: June 16, 2013


To apply please send cover letter and resume to:

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Attention: Search Committee for RE Assistant Position

228 Gougler Avenue

Kent, OH 44240

or your cover letter and resume may be emailed to:  [email protected]

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UU Church of Kent Welcomes Tour de Peace! – June 13 @ 7 PM

tour de peaceThe Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is pleased to welcome Gold Star Mother and peace mom Cindy Sheehan and the Tour de Peace to our church on Thursday, June 13th at 7PM. Seven bike riders will stop in Kent on their way from California to Washington, DC. to present their demands for peace to the White House. All area residents are invited to a presentation by and discussion with the Tour de Peace at the UU Church of Kent, 228 Gougler Avenue. Snacks and beverages will be served.

Cindy Sheehan’s son Casey was killed in action in Iraq in April, 2004. The Tour left the cemetery where Casey is buried in Vacaville, California on April 4th. They plan to arrive at Arlington National Cemetery on July 3rd and then ride to the White House.

For more information about the event in Kent you can contact Vivien Sandlund at [email protected] or Susan Poole at [email protected].

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UU Church of Kent Hiring a Religious Education Assistant

RE SundayAnnouncing an exciting opportunity to support the Religious Education program for children and youth at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, Ohio. 

About the UU Church of Kent:  We are a vibrant, growing and welcoming congregation located in the historic west side.  The church was first gathered in 1866 and throughout its history has played an important role in social justice activities.  Our mission states: “Through spirited worship and open-minded religious exploration, our mission is to inspire people to live caring lives of meaning and purpose. We seek to encourage curiosity, strive to create peace and justice, and care for the living Earth with reverence and gratitude.” The Religious Education program serves approximately 100 children aged birth through high school. To find out more, visit

Qualifications:  The RE Assistant should have a basic understanding of Unitarian Universalism and be familiar with church and RE settings. Interpersonal skills, confidentiality and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team are essential.  The RE Assistant should be able to communicate effectively by telephone and email.  Experience working with children of various ages is preferred.  An understanding of volunteer support preferred.  This position involves work on several levels of the church building.  The ability to navigate stairs and lift up to 20 pounds is required.  A background check and drug screening will be conducted.

Responsibilities: The RE Assistant is responsible for supporting the religious education program and the Director of Religious education in carrying out the church school program for children and youth.

Hours/Time:  This is a 5 hours per week / 50 weeks per year position.  Work includes some Sunday mornings, some hours during the week and monthly evening meetings.  Flexibility in specific hours worked is included in this position and hours may vary from week to week, but will not exceed an average of 5 hours per week.  The rate of pay is $11.85 per hour.   The RE Assistant will report directly to the Director of Religious Education.

Preferred Start Date:  July 1, 2013

Application Deadline: June 16, 2013


To apply please send cover letter and resume to:

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Attention: Search Committee for RE Assistant Position

228 Gougler Avenue

Kent, OH 44240

or your cover letter and resume may be emailed to:  [email protected]

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Here’s to Happiness! – June 9, 2013

Church Picnic Plan to attendOne service @10:00 am – Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper — Our annual outdoor worship service and picnic will be at Plum Creek Park in Kent (which is at the intersection of Cherry Street and Mogadore Road). We will be meeting at Pavilion #2 for one service only at 10:00 am. Our service will be fully multigenerational; the whole community is invited to worship and play together.  Please bring a lawn chair (and maybe an extra to share), a dish to share at the picnic following the service, your own place setting, any games you would like to play during the picnic and anything else you will need to be comfortable.  And remember, we will have one service only beginning at 10:00 am!

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Happiness is …………June 2, 2013

RE SundayReligious Education Sunday and Flower Ceremony

This annual multi-generational worship service is the time for our RE program to shine! Join us as each class presents a special learning from this past church year. We will honor our volunteer teachers, award Boy Scouts with the emblem they have earned and bridge our high school seniors into young adulthood.

Please bring a cut flower or two or three for the Flower Ceremony.

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