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Before submitting a Fundraiser Proposal Form for a new fundraiser, discuss the idea informally with the Fundraising Chairperson.  She/he will help direct you to the proper channels for approval and provide you with the necessary paperwork to submit to the approving body.

Complete a Fundraiser Proposal Form, have the sponsor or sponsoring committee sign the form, and submit it to the approving body listed below (note the online form automatically routes to approvers).  Allow plenty of time (60 days if the Board’s approval is needed) to allow for review of your proposal before beginning any activity on the fundraiser.

  1. The approval of the Fundraising Chair is required for Fundraisers expected to generate less than $500 in gross proceeds.
  1. The approval of the Ministry Executive Team and/or Board of Trustees is required for Fundraisers expected to generate $500 or more in gross proceeds.
  1. The approval of the Director, Religious Education is required for all Religious Education Fundraisers.  RE Fundraisers over $250 should be approved by the DRE and the Ministry Executive Team and/or Board of Trustees.

The sponsor or sponsoring committee must turn in any monies raised immediately at the conclusion of the fundraising event or activity (no monies are to leave the Church building) with a Fundraiser Monies Form. (Note:  Board policy requires that two people count and sign off on all money turned in.)  A Fundraiser Report Form must be submitted to the Fundraising Chair or to the Church Office within two weeks after the event. 

Note:  If money is submitted over the course of an extended Fundraising event, please submit a Fundraiser Monies Form each time money is turned in so it can be properly allocated.  Keep a record of dates/monies deposited for the Fundraiser Report Form.

The Fundraiser Report Form should state the total amount raised.  Keep a copy of each submitted Monies Form so you can recap the dates on your final form.

Fundraising Approval Procedures

Step 1 – Sponsorship of Event or Activity

Every fundraiser must have a written proposal and a UUCK committee, Board of Trustees, or congregational member acting as a sponsor.  The proposal may be authored by an individual or a committee.  A Fundraiser Proposal Form is provided at the end of this document for your use.  The sponsor should complete and sign the form and submit it to the appropriate body as shown in the Table.

Remember:  The sponsor is responsible for monitoring the fundraiser and assuring that all the funds are accounted for and that expenses are kept to a minimum.

Step 2 – Approval of Event or Activity

The approving body should ensure that the proposal has a realistic plan, goal, and timeline and that any human or material resources required by the fundraiser are available or have already been secured.  If the approving body is the Board of Trustees and/or the Ministry Executive Team, allow 60 days for them to review and approve your fundraiser.

Step 3 – Scheduling of Event or Activity

Most fundraisers, once approved, can be scheduled by the Fundraising Chair.  The sponsor should place the event on the Church calendar through the office and place an announcement in the e-nUUs, Thread from the Web, or Chalice Flame newsletter.  In general, only one fundraiser should be scheduled at the Church during a single month. 

Step 4 – Implementation of Event or Activity

As the fundraising event or activity is planned and carried out, keep the reporting requirements in mind so sufficient documentation of income and expenses can be provided to the reviewing body.  Whenever possible, have a second person present during any cash transactions.  No person should EVER be reimbursed directly from the proceeds.  If reimbursement is required, you must submit an expense voucher to the office.  Place a Fundraiser Monies Form with the monies raised in the Lock Box located in the Church foyer outside the Sanctuary.  Special envelopes are available to submit these funds.  Remember to note all monies turned in on the Fundraiser Report Form.

Step 5 – Reporting of Event or Activity

Complete a Fundraiser Report Form with income and expenses, and explain any deviations from the original plan.  The report is due within two weeks of the end of the fundraiser.  

Step 6 – Reviewing of Event or Activity

Reviewers should check that any deviations from the proposal are explained, that all funds have been accounted for, and that the funds have been turned in to the Church Office.  Reviewers are the Fundraising Chair, the Ministry Executive Team, and the RE Director (as appropriate).

Summary of Roles & Responsibilities for Fundraisers

Fundraiser TypeSponsor or CommitteeFundraising ChairMinistry Executive Team and/or BoardDirector, Religious Education
Fundraisers with goals of less than $5001. Sponsor
4. Implement
5. Report
2. Approve
3. Schedule
6. Review
Fundraisers with goals of $500 or more*1. Sponsor
4. Implement
5. Report
3. Schedule2. Approve
6. Review
Religious Education Fundraisers with goals of less than $2501. Sponsor
4. Implement
5. Report
6. Review2. Approve
3. Schedule
*Including Thanks4Giving Auction, etc. Ongoing fundraising campaigns need only be approved once (or initially if it’s a new ongoing fundraiser) and a report form filled out annually stating the total income and expenses for that year.

Approved 5/21/2014

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