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Generosity Team

No one likes to talk about money, but the truth of it is, it’s needed to keep our church a thriving religious community.   One of the hallmarks of spiritual maturity is a capacity for generosity. Generosity allows us to align the use of personal resources (including our money) with our most deeply held spiritual values.

Our church is entirely self supporting.  We do not receive any financial assistance from a national organization.  All of our weekly services, religious education (children and adult),  building expenses, and community outreach programs are supported solely by the contributions of our members and friends.  We raise funds by running a pledge campaign in the spring of every year.   As a member, you will be asked to contribute to the campaign to support the running of our church.  We do not ask you to give until it hurts, rather give until it feels right.  Annual pledges are usually paid in monthly installments, but can be structured in any way that works the best with your budget. 

The act of kind-hearted giving deepens the meaning and purpose of our lives, and can make giving a spiritual practice. Thank you for showing in interest in our Unitarian Universalist Church.  I hope you find a home here.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Contact:  Kay Eckman

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