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Naming Opportunities Policy

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The Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent approves the inclusion of naming opportunities when the church is conducting capital campaigns or accepting planned gifts for the endowment. The board views the practice of naming opportunities as a means for donors to express their commitment to the church and its future and/or to acknowledge their gratitude for the church and its ministries.

The Board grants the Capital Campaign Team the authority to identify potential donors who may be interested in naming opportunities as well as the authority to make preliminary naming arrangements with interested donors. The Capital Campaign Team must advise donors that the naming arrangements made with the team are contingent upon approval by the board.

The Capital Campaign Team and Endowment Committees shall consider the following parameters a flexible guideline in determining the extension of naming opportunities:

  1. New or renovated facilities: Thirty to fifty percent of the cost of a construction or renovation.
  2. Rooms in new or renovated facilities: At least thirty to fifty percent of construction costs.
  3. Courtyards, gardens or other landscaping: At least thirty to fifty percent of installation and construction costs.
  4. Appliances or other durable goods: At least thirty to fifty percent of purchase and installation costs.
  5. Bricks or other named plaques: The Capital Campaign Team shall set a level of support that would provide for the inclusion of donors of all means.
  6. Endowments: Named endowments will be considered with gifts of $25,000 or more.
  7. Planned Gifts, Legacy Gifts and Bequests

When considering requests for naming arrangement proposed by the Capital Campaign Team, the board shall ensure that the proposed naming arrangements will bring distinction to both the donor and the church.

The board retains the right to rename buildings and spaces in the future when renovation or replacement is required, while continuing to acknowledge the donor’s original gift in an appropriate manner. The board also retains the right to remove a donor’s name from a facility or space when removal of that name is deemed to be in the best interest of protecting the reputation of the church.

Approved 3/17/2015

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