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Board approved: 4/18/2024

In order to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our members, friends, and visitors,
and enable caring congregants to effectively route requests for generosity, solicitation of
donations by anyone for any purpose is not permitted anywhere on the UU Church of Kent
campus, with the following exceptions:

  • Annual Generosity Campaign to fund our operating budget
  • Fundraisers approved by the Board and/or MET per our Fundraising policy
  • Designated Social Justice Special Collections
  • Activities performed by third parties in the course of their rental of church facilities

Additionally, our directory of members and friends is not to be used for any such solicitation.
Any individual requesting such funding should be instructed to contact the Church Office or the
Minister and formally request support.

Congregation members, friends, and visitors are asked to honor this policy. If any member,
friend, or visitor violates this policy again after initial warning, the Disruptive Behavior Policy will
then be applied.

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