Social Justice in the 1970’s

The church’s commitment to social justice was evident during the Vietnam War era in its actions and resolutions regarding the draft and the war in Southeast Asia.

  • During the 1970’s people gathered in the Church basement at the Yellow Unicorn Coffeehouse to discuss draft resistance, to receive draft resistance training, and to witness against the war in Southeast Asia.
  • The tragic shootings on the Kent State campus on May 4, 1970, put the church in the national spotlight. The church defied Mayor Leroy Satrom and County Prosecutor Ron Kane’s order forbidding more than five people to meet by holding a memorial service for the slain students.

The church took action and passed related several related resolutions.

  • The church decided not to pay its telephone tax as a method of war resistance.
  • The congregation passed three resolutions: one censuring President Nixon, one demanding civil liberties from the mayor and county prosecutor, and one demanding the immediate withdrawal of troops from Southeast Asia.

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