Special Monthly Collections are made once each month to address specific social justice issues. They are contributed to a designated and named organization for that month. In the past five years, the total annual funds collected have ranged from approximately $10,200 to $12,300:
2012-2013 | $12,308 |
2013-2014 | $10,228 |
2014-2015 | $10,536 |
2015-2016 | $10,938 |
2016-2017 | $10,521 |
Monthly Special Collections have benefitted causes and organizations locally, nationally, and internationally. Supported organizations vary each month and each year.
- Local organizations benefitting from these collections recently include: Kent Social Services; Spelman Chapel AME (following damage to their church); Portage County Clothing Center; Freedom House (local emergency shelter for veterans); Trinity Lutheran Hot Meal Program; and Safer Futures (local domestic violence shelter).
- Organizations and causes beyond the Kent area benefitting recently included: UUA Hurricane Relief; ACLU; Southern Poverty Law Center; Community Foundation – Flint, MI Water Crisis; Immigrant Worker Project; UUSC Ecuador Earthquake Relief; Black Youth Project; Equality Florida Institute (Orlando Nightclub Massacre); UUSC Refugee Crisis; Food and Water Watch; and Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.
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