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Membership Policy

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Approved by the UUCK Board: January 22, 2025

I. Membership Definitions, Rights, and Restrictions

A. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP (included in Bylaws)

 1. Definition. An Active Member is a person who 

  • Is at least fourteen years of age 
  • Has signed a declaration to become a member in the presence of the Minister, a member of the Board, or a member of the Membership Committee. The date of the declaration is the official date of beginning Active Membership.
  • Has made an identifiable financial contribution in support of the operating budget for the most recently completed fiscal year
    • For clarification, the “identifiable financial contribution” mentioned in the church bylaws is a financial contribution in any amount that is identified as that member’s contribution
    • New Members must have made an identifiable financial contribution in the current fiscal year
    • Youth members (who became members when they were under 18) are exempt from this requirement until they are 25
    • Adult members who are under guardianship of a member who is making a financial contribution are exempt from this requirement
  • Is actively involved in the Church (participates regularly in Church life, attends services)
  • May also be designated with Jubilee status if they have been active in the Church for a total of 20 years or more

2. Rights. An Active Member can

  • Vote on Church matters four weeks after becoming an Active Member
  • Hold an elected position one year after becoming an Active Member
  • Hold an appointed position one year after becoming an Active Member
  • Serve on committees 
  • Chair committees one year after becoming an Active Member
  • Receive discounts on church rentals
  • Access ministerial services for rights of passage from a settled minister
  • Receive communications from the Church
  • Resign from Active Membership by written notice to the Minister or Membership Chair, to be forwarded as a point of information for the Board.
  • Receive access to the online church directory
  • Can hold membership in more than one congregation as long as UUCK congregational membership requirements are met


1. Definition. A former Active Member who meets both of these conditions will be designated by the Membership Committee to have Inactive Status:

  • Has not contributed financial support for the operating budget in the most recently completed fiscal year  And
  • Has not been actively involved in the Church for the past twelve months.
  • OR  Has asked to be moved to Inactive Status

2. Rights. A person with Inactive Status who still desires to retain a relationship with the Church is welcome to 

  • Attend Church events
  • Receive communications from the Church

3. Restrictions. A person with Inactive Status may not

  • Vote on Church matters 
  • Hold an elected position 
  • Hold an appointed position 
  • Chair a committee 
  • Be counted in reporting of membership numbers

4. Ways to Return to Active Status. A person with Inactive Status may restore Active Membership by doing all of the following actions. The reinstatement date will be recorded. 

  • Make an identifiable financial contribution in support of the operating budget for current fiscal year
  • Become actively involved in the Church (participate regularly in Church life, including services)
  • Notify the Membership Committee of their wish to restore Active Membership in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent 


1. Definition. An Honorary Lifetime Member is a former Active Member who is given this special recognition, based on their former committed  relationship with the Church: 

  • Expresses an interest in continuing a relationship with the Church but is now unable to meet the requirements of Active Membership  (i.e. financial, participation) and
  • Is nominated by the Membership Committee Chair and Minister and approved by the Board 

2. Rights. Once approved, an Honorary Lifetime Member has all of the rights of an active member including:

  • Is not required to make a financial contribution 
  • May vote on Church matters 
  • May hold an elected position 
  • May hold an appointed position 
  • May serve on Committees 
  • Receives communications from the Church
  • Receives access to the online church directory
  • Holds this status throughout their life unless revoked by the Board


 1. Definition. A Pledging Friend is a person who chooses not to become an active member. Qualifications include:

  • Has made a “supporting” pledge and contribution in support of the operating budget for the current or most recently completed fiscal year. or
  • Is actively involved in the Church (participates regularly in Church life, including services)
  • And Has been designated as such by the Membership Committee

2. Rights. An Pledging Friend may

  • Serve on committees that are not elected or appointed
  • Receive communications from the Church
  • Receive discounts on church rentals
  • Access ministerial services for rights of passage from a called minister
  • Receive communications from the Church
  • Receive access to the online church directory

3. Restrictions. A Pledging Friend of the Church cannot

  • Vote on Church matters 
  • Serve as a Committee Chair or Team Leader
  • Serve in Congregation-elected positions or on Congregation-elected committees 
  • Serve in board-appointed positions 


1. Definition. A Friend of the Church is a person who chooses not to become an Active Member but may participate in one or more of these ways:

  • Participates and/or volunteers in Church activities
  • Makes identifiable financial contributions in support of the operating budget for current or most recently completed fiscal year 
  • Has requested Friend status and/or has been designated as a Friend by the Membership Committee

2. Rights. A Friend of the Church may

  • Serve on committees that are not elected or appointed
  • Receive communications from the Church
  • Receive access to the online church directory

3. Restrictions. A Friend of the Church may not

  • Vote on Church matters 
  • Serve as a Committee Chair or Team Leader
  • Serve in Congregation-elected positions or on Congregation-elected committees 
  • Serve in board-appointed positions 


1. Definition. A Visitor is a person who attends a Church service (or other church program/activity) and shares their contact information or makes an identifiable contribution.

2. Rights. A Visitor may

  • Receive Church communications
  • Participate in Church events
  • Request not to be solicited for further gifts and pledges

3. Restrictions. A Visitor may not

  • Vote on Church matters 
  • Serve on Church committees or in board-appointed positions 
  • Have access to the online church directory


1. Definition. A Guardian is an adult who has responsibility for a child or youth who participates in a Church program even though the adult is not affiliated with the Church in any of the recognized categories.

2. Rights. A Guardian may

  • Receive Church communications
  • Participate in Church events with their child or youth

3. Restrictions. A Guardian may not

  • Vote on Church matters 
  • Serve on Church committees or in board-appointed positions 


1. Termination by the Board. If a Member’s actions are harmful and/or threatening to the Church and/or the Congregation, that individual’s membership may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of the Board, following consultation with the Minister and the appropriate Committee Chair (e.g. Membership Committee, Ministry Executive Team, Committee on Ministry, Religious Education). 

2. Appeal of Termination. In the event of a change in circumstance or disagreement by the individual whose membership was terminated because of threatening and/or harmful behavior, the individual may appeal to the Board for reconsideration. The person may be reinstated with an affirmative two-thirds vote of the Board in consultation with the Minister and appropriate Church leadership.

II. Behavioral Expectations of Members and Friends

Anyone is welcome to attend worship, programs, and other activities, as long as their behavior is in alignment with the Church Behavioral Covenant and Unitarian Universalist Values. 

  1. Behavioral Covenant

Members and pledging friends – by definition below – have agreed to the church’s behavioral covenant which guides how to engage in conflict.

  1. Representing the Church

Included in bylaws: No member or friend may speak or act on behalf of, or in representation of, the Church without approval from the appropriate body (e.g. Board, MET, and/or Congregational Vote).

  1. Disruptive Behavior

    Church leadership reserves the right to limit or deny participation in church activities or exclude a person’s presence on church property due to disruptive behavior.  Church leadership will follow its disruptive person policy for behavioral issues with Active Members.

III. Membership Committee Responsibilities

The Membership Committee is accountable for the accurate and precise listing of the Membership and for carrying out these policies.

  1. The Membership Committee, supported by the church administrator, will use this policy to:
    1. verify that membership requirements are met before someone becomes an active member per the bylaws
    2. ensure that membership-related requirements are met for voting eligibility and quorum congregational meetings:
      1. report the accurate number of active members in our congregation
      2. determine quorum for congregational meetings
      3. provide a list a list of eligible voters before a congregational voting meeting per the bylaws
      4. determine and report whether quorum is met at the beginning of congregational voting meeting
      5. count ballots, as requested by the Moderator
    3. track and provide membership data for reporting to the UUA for annual certification
      1. accurate membership numbers 
      2. worship attendance 
    4. communicate procedures and manage activities and programs that build relationships with and within the congregation and the path to membership
    5. initiate planning for membership-related rituals and coordinate with the Worship Arts Team for scheduling and liturgy planning
    6. manage the budget line item allocated to membership-related activities
    7. populate, maintain, and promote the use of the online directory
      1. communicate with other church leaders to assure that everyone who is active is included
      2. assign the proper membership category to each person
      3. share member and friend lists with staff and other ministry teams, such the stewardship committee and anyone involved in a financial canvas of our congregation, leadership development, etc.
      4. collaborate with and facilitate other leaders to use the online directory’s features
  2. The Membership Committee will prepare and submit an annual report.


VisitorFriendPledging FriendMember (Active)Inactive MemberLifetime Honorary MemberGuardian
Receives Church CommunicationsXXXXXXX
Access to Online Church DirectoryXXXXX
Participate in Church ProgramsXXXXXXX
Serve in leadership positions or on board committees (including search teams)  *must be a member for one year for elected or board-appointed positionsXX
Discounted Rental RatesXXX
Rites of PassageXXX
Vote at All-Member MeetingsXX
Serve on church committeesXXXX
Expectations (*Requirement)
Agree to Covenant, Mission, Vision*X*X*X*X*X*X
Regular Financial ContributionX*X*X
Annual Pledge*XX
Volunteer TimeXX
Actively Involved in the ChurchX*X*X
Sign the Membership Book*X*X
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