Sermon Topics – March 2014


sermon topics





2 March 2014                     Seven Deadly Sins

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate John Marfy

This morning we begin our exploration of sin and evil with a reflection on the social dimensions of sin as articulated by Mahatma Gandhi.  Come join us as we reflect on the ways in which we are complicit as well as on the ways in which we can participate in our collective liberation.



9 March 2014                     Do You Take Confession?

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Joel Slater

Every now and again someone asks me whether Unitarian Universalist ministers take confession.  This morning we’ll consider the question as well as the experience behind the question.  This morning we look at the personal dimensions of sin.



23 March 2014                   If Earth Could Speak

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Mary Lou Holly

We end our exploration of sin and evil by considering what the earth might say about this subject if the earth could speak.



30 March 2014                   Generosity of Spirit

Led by Rev. Elaine Strawn, Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County

What if generosity means a deep call from within-what energizes you, calls you to share from yourself, challenges you to leave your mark on a better world?


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Harmony at What Cost? – February 23, 2014

harmony2Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer,and Worship Associate Sophie Smith – Is there a shadow side to the pursuit of harmony? Are there times when seeking harmony isn’t necessarily the best goal? Come join us as we continue our exploration of what harmony is and is not.

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March Music Weekend — March 15-16, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 8:00 pm:  WILD CARROT in Concert

Wild CarrotPam Temple and Spencer Funk are Wild Carrot. This Cincinnati-based, award-winning group has what it takes to please all types of folk music fans. Rooted in traditional American music, their repertoire branches in diverse directions: from original tunes to swing, blues and traditional songs, using guitar, mandolin, dulcimer, concertina and vocals.  Their performances have often been described as “honest, soothing, uplifting and fun all at the same time”, moving an audience from laughter to tears and back again in a way that makes the listener feel like they’re in a conversation with old friends. All of this adds up to a performance that’s been described as “seamless”“life-sized complex, subtle and powerful” and “a joy.”  $10 donation at the door.


 Sunday, Mar 16, 2:00- 3:30pm:  Matt Meyer workshop: Drumming and Spirituality

 Matt MeyerMatt’s “Drumming and Spirituality” workshop is a chance for people of all skill levels to participate in hands on rhythm-making. The workshop includes instruction on basic technique, as well as information on the origins of percussion instruments from around the world. Participants will also experience the spirituality of community music-making through stories, games and discussions as well as look at how rhythm and music intersect with Unitarian Universalist values. Bring your own drum if you have one, for those who don’t, enough will provided.  $10 donation at the door.

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What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalists

chalice 2

We are regularly faced with moral choices, big and small.  How should we respond to a tricky family or relationship situation?  What is the right thing to do when faced with a dilemma at work? What is the most ethical course for a community, state, or nation to follow, and how much are we prepared to invest in advocating for that course? How should morality or ethics enter our consumer decisions? How do we treat others?  How can we follow the values of our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition?


Rev. Melissa will lead this course using curricula from the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Tapestry of Faith resources.  The course will meet from 7-9 pm on the following Thursdays in Fessenden Hall:  2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/20, 4/3 and 4/10.  Participants will be invited to consider frameworks from various schools of ethical thought.  Those who attend regularly will derive the most benefit, but each session can stand on its own for those who prefer to drop in.

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Green Sanctuary – February 16th


Green Sanctuary February Heat: Bring your energy, experience, and creative ideas to the continuing UUCK Green Sanctuary process. Think back on your involvement in green activities over the last decade or so. On February 16th during coffee hour we will document our progress in becoming greener as individuals and as a congregation. We will note projects and activities on a timeline along the East wall of Fessenden Hall.

Scheduling on February 16 connects us to the 2014 Interfaith Power & Light National Preach-In on Climate Change (“Doing Our Part”) and to Valentine’s Day weekend.  As Preach-In participants we will write and send cards on behalf of the Earth to Members of Congress. To further generate heat we will write love letters to the Earth and post them on the giant new globe hanging in Fessenden Hall. 

Next steps? Friday, February 21 at 7pm:  Free screening and discussion of the acclaimed film Chasing Ice.

All friends of the earth are invited to these events! Environmentally friendly refreshments included. For further information contact Mary Lou Holly: 330 673 4937.

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Music Sunday: Together! – February 2, 2014

Music Sunday 2014Led by Hal Walker and Worship Associate Rev. Christie Anderson

Come celebrate through music and words the power of being “Together”.  The service will feature personal reflections, singing, instrumental performance and a surprise to highlight ways in which our talents are enhanced by working together.

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