Capital Campaign Celebration and Information Meeting – March 1, 2015

Capital Campaign Logo

We hope you’ll join us this Sunday, March 1

for our kick-off Capital Campaign Celebration and Information Meeting!

Upcoming important dates related to the Capital Campaign and Expansion:

March 1, 2015  12:45 PM  –  Celebration and Information Meeting  (a light lunch will be provided)
March 15, 2015   10:50 AM  – Question & Answer Session in the Sanctuary
March 29, 2015  10:50 AM  –  Voting Meeting

Any questions regarding the Capital Campaign please contact Marion Yeagler or Kathy Kerns , Capital Campaign Co-chairs

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Raising the Bar – Stewardship Campaign Launched!

FY2016 Stewardship LogoOur Stewardship Campaign . . .Raising the Bar is in full swing and the pledges are beginning to come in.

You will be getting a call soon from one of our hard-working canvassers to check in with you and discuss this year’s stewardship campaign.  You’ll have a chance to chat about what this church community means to you and get answers to any questions you may have.

The campaign packets went out in the mail last week so if you haven’t seen yours yet, please let one of us know and we’ll make sure you receive a copy.

If you haven’t committed to your pledge yet there is still plenty of time to do so!  The campaign doesn’t end until March 22nd.  Don’t forget this is for next fiscal year which runs from July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2016.

If you have already turned in your pledges we thank you!!  If not, you can turn in your pledge cards during the offertory on Sundays, at the Stewardship table during coffee hour, you can pledge on the website, mail your pledge in to the church office, drop it by the annex during business hours or email MaryBeth ([email protected]) with your pledge amount.

We hope as you reflect on all of the wonderful ministries brought to you each week that you will consider increasing your current pledge amount by at least 1/2 percent of your adjusted gross income (take home pay).  Together, we can work towards realizing our goals.

We’ll have a sweet treat for you this Sunday, March 1 so make sure you come to service or visit our table during coffee hour!

Thank you,

Your Stewardship Committee:

Kathie Slater, Co-Chair

Meg Milko, Co-Chair

Claudia Miller, Co-Chair

Sandy Eaglen, Treasurer

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Book Group Meets March 10

bookXXXglassesThe Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 10 at 7 pm at the home of Chris Hurlbut. Meet at the church at 6:30 if you want to carpool. This month it is reader’s choice of a novel that was turned in to an Oscar or Golden Globe award winning movie. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.

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Labeling Our Food to Keep Everyone Safe!

labeling foodBecause we have children and adults in our church with significant food allergies, it is important that we all are aware of the ingredients in the food that we serve at social hour, potluck meals and other events.  Please use the food labels, located in a basket in the kitchen, so that everyone will know if what you brought is suitable for vegans, vegetarians, omnivores, and those who have gluten or nut allergies. It is important to label your dish to tell everyone if it contains nuts, wheat, rye, barley, oats (if not labeled gluten free), dairy or eggs.  The labels are simple check lists ~ easy to use and so very helpful toward keeping everyone safe and healthy!


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COWSPIRICY: The Sustainability Secret

cowspiracyJoin us on Friday, February 20th at 7:00 PM for

COWSPIRICY: The Sustainability Secret

at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent’s Sanctuary

Presented by our Green Sanctuary Team, COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret investigates why leading environmental organizations are afraid to talk about the devastating environmental impact large-scale factory farming has on our planet.

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Annual Stewardship Campaign: Raising the Bar!

FY2016 Stewardship LogoFebruary 22 kicks off our Annual Stewardship Campaign: Raising the Bar!   Stewardship Packets have been mail and soon you’ll be contacted by a UU Church of Kent Canvasser.  We hope you’ll take advantage of the fellowship opportunity to share how your life has been enriched by the many programs and ministries offered at our beloved church.  

If you have any questions about the annual stewardship campaign, please feel free to contact Kathie Slater, Meg Milko, Claudia Miller, or Sandy Eaglen.

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A Discussion of Selma

Book-Selma-194x300In this 50th anniversary year of the civil rights struggle that unfolded in Selma, I invite you to a discussion.  To prepare, please go see the movie Selma and read Mark Morrison- Reed’s book The Selma Awakening: How the Civil Rights Movement Tested and Changed Unitarian Universalism.

Rev. Melissa will host discussions on Tuesday, March 3 in the Founders Lounge and Wednesday, March 11 in Fessenden Hall from 7 to 9 pm.  Feel free to come to either or both.

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Wings Set Me Free – February 15, 2015

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper

Faith can be like wings, the strength that lifts us up when we long to fly. From those heights we often find connections and have visions that just aren’t possible when life is viewed from the ground. What is the faith that lifts you up?

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An Invitation from the Care Team

CareTeamAre you curious about how you can help support our congregation’s caring ministry?  The Care Team will be hosting an informal gathering on Sunday, February 22 after each service in the Eldredge Annex.  Come meet some of the team members and consider how you might become involved.  Refreshments will be served.

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Once again we find ourselves without a Host or Hosts for Pancakes on Sunday February 22nd.

pancakesOn the last Sunday of each month, with a few exceptions, we bring you pancakes made with love by your friends at the church.  We offer exciting flavors, creative toppings, original sauces and it’s a wonderful time to sit down, relax and enjoy good company over good food.

The Fundraising committee brings this to you as an ongoing fund raiser for the church.  BUT we cannot continue this tradition if you don’t step up and volunteer to help. It’s a FUN time in the kitchen and we have experienced people who will show you how to do everything you need to do in order to prepare, cook, serve and clean up.

What flavor would YOU like to cook this month?  As the Host or Hosts you and/or your family gets to choose the flavor we serve and cook the pancakes too!

If you think this is something you can do to help continue this tradition please email Meg Milko. Thank you!

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Faith Defined – February 8, 2015

faith defined 2Led by Elaine Bowen

What’s your religious language baggage attached to “faith”?

How do you see faith through a UU lens?

Is it blurry and vague, crystal clear or somewhere in between?

Do you mean what I mean?

What do you have faith in?

So many questions . . .

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Roots Hold Me Close – February 1, 2015

Centenarian tree with large trunk and big roots above the groundLed by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Carolyn Schlemmer
Faith can be like roots, the ties that keep us grounded in our values and steadfast in our efforts. Like roots, faith grows and changes and calls forth new growth. What is the faith that keeps you grounded?

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