Finding Joy in Trying Times – July 31, 2016

joy-233380_1280Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer

Colleen Norris was the winner of the raffle at our last service auction which gives her the opportunity to choose a subject upon which I will preach.  Collen has asked me to reflect on finding joy in trying times.  Why is finding joy amidst the struggle important?  How can we move past the obstacles that get in the way of choosing joy?

Our Sunday service is offered at 9:45 AM with Nursery care for children Preschool age and younger.

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We Hunger for Justice – July 24, 2016

street-market-fruits-groceryLed by Elaine Yehle Bowen and Worship Associate Becky Cline

The focus of July in our 150th anniversary year is hunger. We celebrate our congregations’ long history of supporting Kent Social Services food programs with Christmas in July to collect 150# of non-perishable food during the month and a special collection to assist KSS in its mission to serve those in need.

Our service will explore various aspects of hunger within our community.

Sunday service is offered at 9:45 AM with Nursery care for children Preschool age and younger.

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Many Voices of Inspiration – July 17, 2016

alive-1250975_1280Led by Justin Czekaj and Worship Associate Carolyn Schlemmer

Do you have a favorite quote?  Words that remind you to stay the course, lift you up on a bad day, or drive you to action?  Inspiration can be found everywhere and sometimes the words of others can be enough to entice us to act or provide a moment of clarity.  We will seek to be inspired by these phrases through our worship.

Sunday service is offered at 9:45 AM with Nursery care available for Children Preschool age and younger.

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Podcast of the Kent Interfaith Alliance for Reconciliation and Justice Vigil – Sunday, July 10

candle-1239970_1280If you were unable to attend the Kent Interfaith Alliance for Reconciliation and Justice vigil held on Sunday, July 10 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, consider listening to the podcast below.

This vigil was an opportunity for people to come together to express their grief resulting from the terrible violence in Baton Rouge, LA, Minneapolis, MN, and Dallas, TX and to honor the lives that were lost – the black ones and the blue ones.  Several people joined together to grieve and to pray and to recommit themselves to working together for peace and equity for all people.  This vigil was an opportunity for folks to witness the connections between us.  None of us are free until all of us are free.


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Sustained by Love – July 10, 2016

access-933130_640Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Jeff Marsh

Through transitions large and small, this congregation has been sustained by love for 150 years.  We gather this morning to celebrate that love.


Sunday Service is offered at 9:45 AM with Nursery care available for children Preschool age and younger.

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Spiritual Parenting – July 3, 2016

parenting wordlLed by Mike Hovancsek and Worship Associate Lori McGee

A service about the challenges and the spiritual lessons of giving and receiving parenting.  This message is shared through music, personal anecdotes, readings, and humor.


Through the month of July, our Sunday service will be offered at 9:45 AM.  Nursery care is available for children Preschool age and younger.

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