Off the Edge – March 19, 2017

Led Rev. Anya Johnston and Worship Associate Debra-Lynn Hook

There are moments when we slide into adventure by choice, and moments we are pushed or pulled by forces beyond us. Whether or not we choose the first step, change comes upon us and, if it’s going to be an adventure, we do best when we leave room for the unexpected.

Sunday Services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery card available during both services.

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Nominations Being Accepted for the Ministerial Search Committee through March 26, 2017

The Next Exciting Step in the interim era!

It’s time to create a Ministerial Search Committee that will be presenting a candidate for settled minister to you in just one year.

We’re asking every member of the congregation to nominate three members for consideration as we create that Ministerial Search Committee. (Get used to “MSC” as a useful acronym)

Today you are nominating for consideration three members who you trust to:

  • represent and reflect the character of the entire congregation
  • seek to understand the interests of the membership
  • have a lot of personal interest in the health of the congregation (but no specific special interest and no “axe to grind”)
  • play well with others! The work of the MSC keeps them in close contact for many, many hours and they will be successful by having the ability to share their work with each other, delegate, and listen well. It’s imperative that they get along in small group work.

Comments are welcome, but the assumption is that you trust each person named to represent the entire congregation democratically, care deeply about the future of the church, and be able to work well as part of a small group.

Our elected Board of Trustees and Leadership Development Committee will consider all nominees as they assemble a slate for congregational approval at a special meeting in late April. That’s right, just a month from now you will be voting on the MSC slate!

Submit your nominations through the form below. 

FYIs . . .

  • It is the right and responsibility of the membership to nominate and approve the MSC.
  • It is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees and the Leadership Development Committee to assemble a slate for your approval.
  • Each person on the slate will have been interviewed and have an understanding of the magnitude of their commitment.
  • Active members will vote. Active members are eligible to serve on the MSC. They will elect their own chair and are expected to conduct the search in accordance with UUA guidelines.
  • UUA Guidelines specify absolute dates and key points in the process and it will be the MSCs responsibility to stay on schedule.




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e-nUUs – March 15, 2017

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements:

  • Off the Edge – March 19
  • RE Teacher Teams – March 19
  • FY2018 Stewardship Campaign Continues
  • Celtic Clan Concert – March 17
  • Board of Trustees Seeks Your Input
  • Retiree’s Lunch – March 21
  • Writing Group – March 21
  • Pat Pownall UU Book Group – April 13
  • Notice: Active Members interested in serving as a UUCK GA Delegate
  • Where’s Walden in the Spring – May 12 – 14
  • Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs – Annual Reports due April 15
  • What if …..  Living the Pledge to End Racism
  • FaCT — Faith Communities Together State Meeting – March 18
  • Bystander Training – March 24 at UU Fellowship of Wayne County
  • Move to Amend Speaker – April 3 at UU Society of Cleveland
  • Kent TimeBank Expo – Apirl 7
  • Pre-Pride Potluck – April 29 at West Shore
  • All-Church Clean Up – April 8
  • Pledge to End Racism Workshop – April 29


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The Alchemist – March 12, 2017

Led by Commissioned Lay Minister Lori Fatchet-McGee and Worship Associate Kathy Kerns

WE invite you to come and worship together as we explore the concept of stories and the lessons we can learn from both the story and the story teller.

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available during both services.

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e-nUUs – March 8, 2017

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements:

  • Deep Stories – March 12
  • RE News
  • RE Teacher Teams – March 12
  • FY2018 Stewardship Campaign Underway!
  • Challenge to the Congregation
  • Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs — Annual Reports Due April 15
  • Notice: Active Members interested in serving as a UUCK GA delegate
  • Thank you’s
  • Where’s Walden in the Spring
  • Pat Pownall UU Book Group – March 9
  • Family Game Night – March 10
  • Celtic Clan Concert – March 17
  • Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs – Annual Reports due April 15
  • Special Collection Thank You
  • Hatti Larlham Seeking Volunteers
  • Play, Learn, Grow — Youth volunteer opportunity at Hatti Larlham
  • FaCT — Faith Communities Together State Meeting – March 18
  • Upcoming Events




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Eye of the Storm – March 5, 2017

Led by Rev. Anya Johnston and Worship Associate Becky Cline

It is said that there is a calm spot in the center of a storm. Even if that’s true, we’re still surrounded by a storm. We are considering how to get by when this metaphor seems an apt reflection of our lives – Stay in the center? Forge our way through? Run for cover?

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available during both services.

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