The Right Relations Covenant workshop will explore
these and related questions as to how we as a church community can engage in
healthy conflict, dialogue and interaction.
The Committee on Shared Ministries will provide pizza lunch and
When: Sunday, February 23 from 1:00-4:00 PM
Where: Fessenden Hall
Invited: all UUCK members and friends
Facilitated by: Committee on Shared Ministries
RSVP: Please RSVP to MaryBeth at [email protected] by Thursday , Feb. 20 so we may best plan for purchasing lunch and refreshments.
The purpose of a Covenant of Right Relations is to
guide us in accepting one another in our shared journey and in encouraging
spiritual growth as individuals and as a community (our third principle).
Workshop participants will create a draft Covenant of Right Relations to be
placed on the annual meeting’s agenda for approval by the congregation.
Through small group discussion, large group
dialogue and the democratic
process, participants will explore such questions as:
- How do we have disagreements with an individual or
group, do so in love and respect, and continue to stay in community?
- How do we seek to live the principles and values of
Unitarian Universalism by acting with compassion, respect and a high value on
- How do we make space and engage in creative
dialogue about our individual theologies, the ways in which we make meaning of
life and seek to live lives of meaning?
- How do we interact with others in ways that promote
a community of integrity, honesty, and open communication?