e-nUUs – January 29, 2020

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven
    • Pastoral care while Steven’s away
  • Board Listening Table – February 2
  • Podcast available from of the Congregational Town Hall Meeting
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Answering the Call of Love – Sunday, February 2
  • The UU Hallows – Sunday, February 9
  • From the Library: Service references from Sunday, January 26
  • RE Teacher Teams – Sunday, February 2
  • All about the FY2021 UUCK Pledge Drive
  • Pancake Sunday fundraiser – February 9
  • Compassionate Conversation – February 2
  • Plant-based (vegan) potluck – February 7
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet – February 9
  • Right Relations – What are they and how do we achieve them? – Sunday, February 23
  • Sharpen your elevator speech on race topics – February 27
  • Bake Sale (in support of KSU Fusion) – February 16
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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Congregational Town Hall

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Topic: Building Task Force Report

Led by Vivien Sandlund, speakers also included Rev. Steven Protzman and Kathie Slater.

Click here to view the visioning video presented at the meeting.

The Town Hall meeting was recorded for those not able to attend. Listen below.

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Brigid’s Golden Thread

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen

Imbolc, also known as Candlemas, is the pagan festival that celebrates the coming of spring.  In the Celtic tradition, this feast belongs to Brigid, the goddess of fire, poetry, childbirth and healing, who also made the first piece of cloth in Ireland and wove healing threads into it.  As we await the return of spring, we will invoke Brigid’s blessing to heal ourselves and our world and reflect on the golden threads of the web of life that connect all of us together.

Today’s participants were – Rev. Steven Protzman, Worship Associate Elaine Bowen, RE Director Colleen Thoele and the Celtic Clan.

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 with nursery care available during both services.

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Right Relations —what are they and how do we achieve them?

The Right Relations Covenant workshop will explore these and related questions as to how we as a church community can engage in healthy conflict, dialogue and interaction.  The Committee on Shared Ministries will provide pizza lunch and refreshments.

When: Sunday, February 23 from 1:00-4:00 PM

Where:  Fessenden Hall 

Invited: all UUCK members and friends

Facilitated by:  Committee on Shared Ministries

RSVP:  Please RSVP to MaryBeth at [email protected] by Thursday , Feb. 20 so we may best plan for purchasing lunch and refreshments.

The purpose of a Covenant of Right Relations is to guide us in accepting one another in our shared journey and in encouraging spiritual growth as individuals and as a community (our third principle).  Workshop participants will create a draft Covenant of Right Relations to be placed on the annual meeting’s agenda for approval by the congregation. 

Through small group discussion, large group dialogue and the democratic process, participants will explore such questions as:

  • How do we have disagreements with an individual or group, do so in love and respect, and continue to stay in community? 
  • How do we seek to live the principles and values of Unitarian Universalism by acting with compassion, respect and a high value on interdependence? 
  • How do we make space and engage in creative dialogue about our individual theologies, the ways in which we make meaning of life and seek to live lives of meaning? 
  • How do we interact with others in ways that promote a community of integrity, honesty, and open communication? 
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e-nUUs – January 22, 2020

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven
  • Congregational Town Hall Meeting – Sunday, January 25
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Brigid’s Golden Thread – Sunday, January 26
  • Answering the Call of Love – Sunday, February 2
  • RE Teacher Retreat – January 25
  • Family Game Night – January 25
  • Together We Shine: FY2021 Generosity Campaign
  • January Service Auction events with seats available
  • UUCK Book Club – January 23
  • UUJO January News
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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Build Me a World

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman, DRE Colleen Thoele, and Worship Associate Kathy Kerns

In his famous “I Have a Dream” speech Martin Luther King Jr. invoked the words of the Hebrew prophet Amos: “But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream.”  We will gather as a community of all ages to honor the memory of Dr. King, to learn about the justice work our children and youth have chosen for this year, and to reflect on how we are all called to build a world where there is justice and peace. 

Worship leaders today were Rev. Steven Protzman, Worship Associate Kathy Kerns, RE Director Colleen Thoele, Raylynn Rome, and the Golden Tones.

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e-nUUs – January 15, 2020

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven —
    • Ted Voneida Memorial
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Build Me a World – Sunday, January 19
  • Brigid’s Golden Thread – Sunday, January 26
  • From the Library – Service references for January 12
  • Our Whole Lives for Grade 4-6
  • RE Teacher Retreat – January 25
  • Family Game Night – January 25
  • Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request
  • Acme Cash Back — Turn in your receipts!
  • Retiree’s Lunch – January 21
  • UUCK Book Club – January 23
  • Free online Self-compassion activity
  • Rise Up! Women’s March DC – January 18
  • UUJO January News
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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Now I Become Myself

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Sunday, January 20, 2020

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman with Worship Associate Heidi Emhoff Wood

May Sarton wrote: “Now I become myself.  It’s taken time, many years and places; I have been dissolved and shaken, worn other people’s faces.”  As we continue exploring January’s Soul Matters theme of integrity, we’ll reflect together on how seeking to live with integrity and creating greater wholeness within ourselves helps us become more fully ourselves.  Our services will also include a naming ceremony that affirms and celebrates Kevyn Breedon’s journey of becoming more fully themselves.

Other contributors today were Colleen Thoele, Kevyn Breedon, and Hal Walker.

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with nursery care available during both services.

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e-nUUs – January 8, 2020

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • From Rev. Steven —
    • Ted Voneida Memorial
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Now I Become Myself — Sunday, January 12
  • Build Me a World – Sunday, January 19
  • Soulful Home Dinner this Friday – January 10
  • Our Whole Lives for Grade 4-6
  • RE Teacher Retreat – January 25
  • Family Game Night – January 25
  • Pancake Sunday Fundraiser – January 12
  • Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request
  • Acme Cash Back — Turn in your receipts!
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet
  • Dances of Universal Peace – January 9
  • Rise Up! Women’s March DC – January 18
  • UUJO January News
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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Living with Integrity

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Led by Worship Associates Kathy Kerns and Elaine Bowen

Rainer Maria Rilke says, “May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children.”  One of the times we may feel in flow with how we want to live is when we feel we are living our life with integrity, when we feel we are acting in concert with our true selves.  We invite you to come and hear members and friends, Elaine Bowen, Andrew Rome, Randy Bish, and Krsnaa Fitch share their thoughts on living with integrity.

Speakers today were Worship Associate Kathy Kerns, Worship Asociate Elaine Bowen, Colleen Thoele, Randy Bish, Elaine Bowen, Andrew Rome, Krsnaa Fitch, and Hal Walker.

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with nursery care available during both services.

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