e-nUUs – January 25, 2023

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Volunteers Needed

  • Our church is fueled by volunteers!
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Sunday Greeters
    • Social Hour
    • Rentals support
      • Hobbs Hall setup/reset to support the winter farm market – Fridays and Saturdays (Jan – Mar)
  • Hal’s celebration
  • Winter Hogwarts
  • UUYJ Community Meals
  • Plastics collection
  • Thank you!

Community Within

  • Church pic by David Brown
  • Journey of Belonging: Social Justice – February 1
  • Save the Date!  All Church Potluck – February 17
  • Winter Institute

From Rev. Steven

  • Steven away 1/27 – 2/7
  • Thank you
  • Thirty Days of Love

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Our Shared Ministries – Sunday, January 29
    • Opportunities Mingle following the service
  • Choir Practice – January 26
  • Soulful Song Circle – February 1
  • There Is a Love Holding Us – February 5
  • A Fierce Love for Trans Youth – February 12
  • Returning the Gaze – February 19

Income Generation

  • How much should I donate?
  • Tickets still available for Akron History Walk (auction event)

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • What is happening with the proposed changes to the UU Principles?
  • UUYJ Community Meals
  • Let’s help our neighbors!
  • January Special Collection – PFLAG (Kent Chapter)
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

Lifespan Learning

  • News from RE – January 22
  • RE Teacher Appreciation Lunch – January 29

UU, Interfaith & Community Connections

  • General Assembly 2023 – Registration Open!
  • Financial Support to participate at GA
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