Upcoming Congregational Meetings


Dec. 27th – Special Congregational Meeting

In Fessenden Hall after the service during pancakes and grocery card sales

  • Welcoming Remarks
  • Discussion of Architectural Fees
  • Vote
  • Discussion of Resolution of Confidence and Authority:

The Congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent authorizes the Building Expansion Team to pay out draws on the Capital Campaign funds as needed in the construction process of the new Fellowship Commons and Classroom Building.  The Board of Trustees will be asked to endorse each payout before it is made.

  • Vote

Jan. 31 – Informational Meeting: New Building Update

In the Sanctuary between services by the Building Expansion Team

Feb. 7 – Special Congregational Meeting

In the Sanctuary after second service by the Building Expansion Team

  •  Presentation of Final Plans for new Fellowship Commons and Classroom Building
  •  Vote on proceeding with project

RSVPs for childcare are required one week prior to each meeting date.  Please contact the Church Office if you need childcare,330.673.4247 or [email protected].

 Absentee ballots are available through the Church Office.

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