Moving Right Along – January 15, 2015

Led by Midge Miles and Worship Associate Lori Fatchet-McGee

We’re beginning a season of change, so what should we expect?  What do we need to know to travel the new road ahead?   Do we have a compass or a map?

Midge Miles, a Regional Transition Coach assigned to our congregation by the Central East Region of the UUA, will be speaking to us about what we might expect in the time ahead as we move through the transition between settled ministers.  Also, from 1 – 2 pm after services Sunday, Midge will outline specific expectations & processes the UUA supports for this transition time and try to answer questions congregants may have.  Please meet in the Sanctuary.


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available during both services.

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