Congregational Re-Start Workshop

June 1, 2020 7 PM on Zoom

The UUCK Ministry Executive Team requests your participation

Re-Start Workshop: Part 1
facilitated by Rev. Sunshine Wolfe

Wednesday, June 1, 2022
at 7:00 PM

We are in a time when the future is very uncertain, and many of us are unwilling to plan far into the future. Resilience is down, and some are feeling burned out and unsure how to reengage in congregational life.  Our community is feeling the impact of this.  We are seeing fewer volunteers to support our ministries and operational needs.  We are beginning to socialize in pockets, but not always in inclusive and welcoming ways.  And we are a bit overwhelmed with our expanded campus and all that needs to be done, and all that it has to offer. 
Recognizing our challenges in these uncertain times, the Ministerial Executive Team has enlisted the help of Rev. Sunshine Wolfe, our regional UUA support staff to help us as we restart and emerge from our homes, and forge a new path forward.   This workshop will be done in two parts.  Part 1, led by Rev. Sunshine Wolfe will be  Wednesday, June 1, at 7 pm via Zoom.  Mark your calendars and save the date for Part II, also facilitated by Rev. Sunshine on Saturday, August 13, and Sunday, August 14.Part II will be held in multi-platform, in-person and via Zoom.
Your participation is requested and you are invited to attend both, or either as you are able. 

Update (6/2/2022): For those UUCK Members and Friends that were not able to attend Part I of the Re-Start Workshop, a video recording of the meeting is available by request. Contact MaryBeth at [email protected] to request a link.

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