Town Hall Session Feedback

Thank you to all those who attended the Town Hall sessions on March 3 and 4, for asking some great questions, and for providing fantastic input as we think about our next steps as a congregation. If you were unable to attend either session, contact the church office to request a link to view the recording.

Following up, we need your input in order to make the best decision about our next steps.

TRANSITIONAL MINISTRY FEEDBACK FORM – The feedback form is at will be open until March 18. It includes the following sections:
  • Ministerial Attributes – These are the attributes upon which we evaluate both our congregation and our ministers. All of them are important, but we would like your input on which are highest priority as we look towards our next phase in ministry. We ask that you rank them accordingly.
  • Transitional Ministry Preference – Please indicate your perspective on each potential ministry type, and also rank by preference.
  • Open-ended Feedback on Budget and Transitional Ministry – Please share as much or as little perspective here as you deem important.

ANNUAL GENEROSITY CAMPAIGN – Please submit your Annual Generosity Campaign pledge cards as soon as possible so we know what our budget parameters will be for the next fiscal year. The campaign closes on March 23, but we would be incredibly grateful if you were able to submit by March 20.

We are grateful for a community of engaged, thoughtful members and friends, and look forward to continuing to build a bright future together!

Kara Kramer
UUCK Board Moderator

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