Holiday Comedy Movie Night – Dec 12th


Sat Dec. 12 is our annual HOLIDAY COMEDY MOVIE NIGHT! It starts at 6 PM in Fessenden Hall and goes on as long as the fun lasts!  This time around it is a full Pot Luck for all ages!

As always, our movies and cartoons are g rated and safe for all ages, and also especially fun and funny for adults.  But, this is the first year that the movie night is sponsored by The RE Committee, so we are going all out for fun, food, and frolic!  Whatever your age you will enjoy our combination of Oscar winning classic cartoons and the most funny holiday movies and t.v.shows we can find!

This year we have a returning favorite, the famous Cinema Mexico musical comedy “Santa Claus.”   All in English and full color, this film is full of laughs, imagination, and songs you will want to dance to (and some you won’t…but dancing is encouraged either way).  BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY,OR JUST BRING YOURSELF, you won’t want to miss our next Holiday Comedy Movie Night!  Bring whatever dish you wish, traditional or new, main course or desert, and prepare for a good time! If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Spoehr.

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