e-nUUs – March 28, 2018

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Annual Meeting of the Congregation – May 20
  • The Green Blade Riseth – April 1
  • Cuyahoga River Concert: April Verch Band – April 6
  • RE Fundraiser
  • Easter Egg Hung – April 1
  • No RE Classes on Easter Sunday
  • Special Gifts for our UUCK  Young Adults
  • Pastoral Care information
  • Peace Circles
  • Have YOU Made Your Pledge? — Opening Our Doors Together
  • Stewardship FAQ
  • You’re Invited to a Special Easter Social Hour
  • Church Directory Photos
  • Troll Tour Opening
  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet – April 8
  • Annual Reports Due April 10
  • Plant-based Vegan Potluck – April 6
  • Family Game Night – April 14
  • Whole Church Clean up Day – April 14
  • Spring Reflections from the UUCK Writers Group
  • Special Collection – April 8
  • Family Justice Teach-in – March 31 (First Unitarian Universalist of Columbus)
  • Goldmine Youth Leadership School




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Attention all Leaders, Coordinators, and Committee Chairs

It’s that time of year!  Annual reports are due on or before April 10 — all reports will be included in the Annual Report to the Congregation.

The Annual Report will be published by April 20, thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Congregation in accordance with our bylaws.  Reports can be submitted to MaryBeth at [email protected].

If you have any questions, please contact MaryBeth by email or calling 330.673.4247.

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e-nUUs – March 21, 2018

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Annual Meeting of the Congregation – May 20
  • Life as Balance Act – March 25
  • The Green Blade Riseth – April 1
  • Flowers for Easter Sunday
  • Spring into Action – RE Fundraiser
  • Easter Egg Hung – April 1
  • Youth Group Game Night – March 24
  • Teacher Teams – March 25
  • Pastoral Care information
  • Peace Circles
  • Opening Our Doors Together – Stewardship Campaign FY2019
  • Stewardship FAQ
  • Easter Social Hour
  • Annual Reports Due April 10
  • Plant-based Vegan Potluck – April 6
  • Family Game Night – April 14
  • Whole Church Clean up Day – April 14
  • Tea Time for Peace – March 22 (Kent United Methodist Church)
  • Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington D.C. – March 24  (First Presbyterian Church of Salem, Ohio)
  • March for our Lives (Ohio) – March 24   www.uujo.org
  • Family Justice Teach-in – March 31 (First Unitarian Universalist of Columbus)
  • Goldmine Youth Leadership School




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Change Our Words, Change the World – March 18, 2018

Led by Rev. Joan Van Becelaere and Worship Associate Lisa Thiel

There is power in our words and our stories. Our words can tear down and destroy, or they can impart grace and hope to support all who hear them.   We have a choice of which kinds of words to use and which kinds of stories to tell as we speak with to our spouses, children, colleagues, and strangers.  Destructive language can damage lives.  Grace-filled language can transform lives for the good.   How can we use the power of words wisely?

Rev. Joan Van Becelaere is a UUA Congregational Life Consultant and the new Executive Director/Administrator of UU Justice Ohio.  Prior to working with the UUA, she was the vice-president for student services at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, CO, where she also taught UU polity to seminarians.  She lives in Columbus, Ohio, with her spouse, Jerry, and two felines (Hezekiah and Zachariah).


Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available during both services.

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e-nUUs – March 14, 2018

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Change Our Words, Change the World – March 18
  • News from the RE Wire
  • Easter Egg Hung – April 1
  • Youth Community Service Opportunity
  • Youth Group Game Night – March 24
  • Teacher Teams – March 18
  • Pastoral Care information
  • Peace Circles
  • Stewardship Campaign FY2019
  • Stewardship FAQ
  • Retiree’s Lunch – March 20
  • Writing Group – March 20
  • Whole Church Clean up Day- April 14
  • Family Game Night – March 10
  • Help Us Update the Directory – March 11 & 18
  • Tea Time for Peace – March 22  (Kent United Methodist Church)
  • Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington D.C. – March 24  (First Presbyterian Church of Salem, Ohio)
  • Meaning Makers (UU Young Adults)



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Many Voices, One Song – March 11, 2018

Music Sunday!   Led by Music Director, Hal Walker.

This is Hal’s 22nd Music Sunday and he will be joined by Worship Association Rev. Christie Anderson as they celebrate our “Many Voices.”

What a great opportunity to invite a neighbor or a friend to visit the UU Church of Kent!


Sunday services are offered 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available during both services.

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e-nUUs – March 7, 2018

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Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!  (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)


Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Reminder: Daylight Savings Time begins March 1
  • Many Voices, One Song – March 11 (Music Sunday!)
  • Calling All Girl Scouts – March 11
  • News from the RE Wire
  • Youth Group Events
  • Teacher Teams – March 11
  • Pastoral Care information
  • Peace Circles
  • Stewardship Information and FAQ
  • Gene Wenninger Celebration on Life – Volunteers Needed – March 10
  • Family Game Night – March 10
  • Whole Church Clean up Day- April 14
  • Help Us Update the Directory – March 11 & 18
  • Winter Reflections from the UUCK Writing Group
  • Meaning Makers (UU Young Adults)
  • Commission on Appraisal Survey Request
  • Across the Miles – A letter from Rev. Dave



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Opening Our Doors Together – March 4

Led by Rev. Tom Chulak and Worship Associates Marion Yeagler, Claudia Miller and Sandy Eaglen

“From you I receive, to you I give.

Join us in celebrating the start of the annual Stewardship Campaign.  We have the opportunity to create together the kind of church we want to be in order to live our mission…To inspire love, to seek justice, and to grow in community.  We will reflect on what we receive from this beloved community and how we can give back to achieve that mission.

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with Nursery care available during both services.


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