Special Meeting of the Congregation — Sunday, May 13, 2018

The UUCK Board of Trustees calls a Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 13th in the Sanctuary between services to consider the ordination of Kristina Spaude. Kristina has been a member of the UU Church of Kent since February 2007. Having served as a lay leader in many capacities, including pastoral care, stewardship, worship associate, social justice, and as a youth group advisor, she finally answered the call to ministry and began seminary at Meadville Lombard Theological School in 2012. Kristina has since served as Director of Religious Education at SouthWest UU Church (North Royalton), Intern & Sabbatical Minister at the UU Church of Youngstown, and is currently a Chaplain Fellow at the Cleveland VA Medical Center. Her passions in UU ministry include leading worship, pastoral care, social justice (racial, disability, LGBTQ+ especially), and faith formation for all ages.

A quorum is needed to vote on the motion, “The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent enthusiastically decides to continue support for the religious formation of Kristina Spaude, recognizing her years of preparation, by ordaining her as Unitarian Universalist Minister.”

Andrew Rome
Moderator, Board of Trustees

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