Annual Voting Meeting
of the Congregation
Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 11:00 AM
Click here to view or download the Annual Meeting Report.
Annual Voting Meeting Ballot Results
Certification: Membership committee confirmed a quorum was present in the meeting. 67 unique ballots were submitted and membership confirmed, 65 were from members in good standing eligible to vote.
Motion: Approve Meeting Minutes, May 31, 2020
PASS 97% 63 Yes 0 No 2 Abstain
Motion: Accept the bylaws revisions as presented in the annual report.
PASS 98% 64 Yes 1 No 0 Abstain
Motion: Approve the UUCK Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 as presented in the annual report.
PASS 97% 63 Yes 1 No 1 Abstain
Motion: Elect the slate of candidates for the terms specified as presented in the annual report.
PASS 100% 65 Yes 0 No 0 Abstain
Motion: Approve Christie Anderson as Affiliated Community Minister.
PASS 100% 65 Yes 0 No 0 Abstain
Motion: Approve the Covenant of Right Relations as presented in the annual report.
PASS 95% 62 Yes 0 No 3 Abstain
Motion: Approve the UU Church of Kent Commitment to Racial Justice statement as presented in the annual report.
PASS 88% 57 Yes 6 No 2 Abstain
Motion: Endorse the UUA Statement of Conscience on Undoing Systemic White Supremacy: A Call to Prophetic Action
PASS 86% 56 Yes 7 No 2 Abstain