e-nUUs: January 3, 2024

CLICK HERE to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Winter weather and Church closing information

e-nUUs Information

Pastoral Care

  • Middle School-led Free Story

Community Within

  • Adopt a Poinsettia
  • Adult Religious Education
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Income Generation

  • Auction News – January Seats Available
  • Auction News – Volunteers Needed
  • Grocery Cards Update
  • Acme Community Cash Back Fundraiser

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer Opportunities

Worship & Music

  • A Liberating Love  – Sunday, January 7, 2024                                   
  • Multi-platform services
  • Music Update from Emily
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Special Collection for January (how to donate)
  • Community Meal – Sunday, January 7, 2024
  • UU Youth for Justice (UUYJ) Service Project
  • Please Donate to the Free Store 

Lifespan Learning

  • Justice January Intersession
  • Religious Education Committee Looking for New Members

UU, Interfaith and Community

  • Winter Institute 2024
  • CERSI 2024
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