Sad and Difficult News

We are saddened to share the news that our beloved minister, Reverend Steven, died Monday evening in the hospital following an unrelated complication, after surgery.  We know this is shocking news and we are all processing it and holding each other in love and care as we face this time of difficulty and uncertainty.  Please take a few moments to care for yourself as you receive this news. 

His obituary is available on the Bissler Funeral Home website.

We have scheduled a time for members and friends to come together on Friday night at 7PM in the sanctuary for anyone who wants to be in community as we hold each other in love and grief.  Music for gathering will begin at 6:45pm.

We know that news like this takes a long time to feel real.  We currently have plans for ministerial coverage for the short term, but also know that your staff, Board, and ministry teams are in alignment and will be ready for the next steps when that time comes.  What we do know for sure is that we are a strong and resilient community that has made it through tough times in the past. 

We love you.

There is a love holding us. 
There is a love holding all that we love. 
There is a love holding all.
We rest in this love.

If you are feeling the need to talk with someone for some personal pastoral care, please reach out to the church office, 330-673-4247 or [email protected] and we’ll connect you with someone.

In peace and love,
Kara Kramer, Board Moderator
MaryBeth, Colleen, and Emily, UUCK Staff
Rev. Renee and Rev. Christie, UUCK Affliated Community Ministers

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