Sunday, June 30, 2024 The Gift of Listening

10 AM in Hobbs Hall

A multi-platform service led by our guest Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister, the Rev. Susan Odessky and Worship Associate Kathy Kerns, CLM.

There is an unexpected gift we can give our loved ones and friends. It’s just listening to them. Not the kind of distracted “listening” we do while scrolling on our phones or gathering our belongings as we are about to head off somewhere, but a deep listening that requires time and the paying of attention. We’ll explore how listening fully to others is a gift not only for the person to whom we listen, but a gift to our own spirit.

CLICK HERE to view, download, or print the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs: June 19, 2024

CLICK HERE to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

e-nUUs Information

Messages from the Board

  • Short-term Ministerial Coverage Plan

Community Within

  • Last Out the Door?  
  • Coffee Volunteers Needed to support Social Hour

Income Generation

  • Auction Events Tickets Available
  • Grocery Cards

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Morning
  • Social Justice

Worship and Music

  • Sunday, June 23,  2024 –  The Invisible People – UUYJ’s Experiences with the Oglala Lakota
  • Sunday, June 30, 2024 – The Gift of Listening
  • Orders of Service
  • Community Sing  – June 25, 2024

Lifespan Learning

  • Religious Exploration this Sunday, June 23, 2024
  • Summer Volunteers Needed 

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • June’s Special Collection – Freedom House (how to donate)
  • Middle School Free Store

UU, Interfaith and Community 

  • UUCK for local historic property designation
  • Kids Summer Lunch Program
  • TimeBank Repair Cafe June 23, 2024
  • CERSI July 7-13, 2024
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Sunday, June 23, 2024 The Invisible People: UUYJ’s Experiences with the Oglala Lakota

10 AM in Hobbs Hall

A multi-platform service lead by Youth Leader Ellen McWilliams-Woods, our UU Youth for Justice, and Director of Religious Education Colleen Theole.

Lakota people of South Dakota remain largely invisible to mainstream society in many ways.  Fifteen members of our high school youth group (UUYJ) just returned from a service/cultural immersion trip to the Pine Ridge Reservation.  Through music, art, reflections, and spiritual readings, our youth will bring beautiful Lakota spiritual practices out of the shadows and elevate the awareness of the devastating conditions on the reservation that are rooted in the historical trauma Lakota people have experienced. 

CLICK HERE to view, download, or print the Order of Service.    

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Introducing Rev. Kristina Church

Beloved Community,

The UUCK Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Kristina Church as our new Contract Minister.  Rev. Kristina will be joining us ¾ time effective September 1, 2024.

Rev. Kristina has most recently served the UU Congregation of Erie as its ¾ time Minister, and has also ministered to the UU Church of Hamburg, and the First Unitarian Society of Westchester.  Along with her ministerial training and experience, Rev. Kristina comes to us with a background in social work and the performing arts.

She will be relocating to the area with her husband, Greg, a retired chemistry professor, and her son, Rafael, who will be in 8th grade in the fall.  In her free time, she enjoys singing, reading, cooking, and hiking.  Read more about Rev. Kristina in her full bio.

After almost three months of interviewing several very qualified candidates through multiple rounds of interviews, the Transitional Ministry Search Team was delighted to come to unanimous, enthusiastic agreement on Rev. Kristina’s appointment.  We are confident that her energy and enthusiasm, pastoral presence, passion for life cycle RE and collaboration, commitment to social justice, and growth mindset (both personally and collectively) will serve us all well as we continue to build our shared ministry into the future.

Rev. Kristina is looking forward to working with us, saying “I want to share with you how honored I am to say ‘yes’ to the opportunity to serve your congregation in the coming year …. The future is unknown, but it tingles with possibility, energy, and hope …. I will strive to respect and understand the complexity of your beautiful and bittersweet past … while savoring and appreciating the present … and the ways that we can make meaning together as the future unfolds.”  Read Rev. Kristina’s full message here.

We will be hosting a series of meet and greet sessions for various committees and teams, for and the broader UUCK community this summer and into the fall, as Rev. Kristina begins her ministry with us.  We encourage everyone to participate as they are able.

Thank you to the members of the Search Team (Rev. Christie Anderson, Ginny Horvath, Rhonda Richardson, Randy Ruchotzske, and Susanna Smart), who committed many, many hours of time and much invaluable insight to discerning the right match for our needs both today and as we move into an exciting future.  Also, thank you again to all who completed the Transitional Ministry Feedback survey in March, as that input was incredibly helpful.

With excitement for the future together,

Kara Kramer
UUCK Board Moderator

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Sunday, June 16, 2024 Sui Generis

10:00 AM in Hobbs Hall

A multi-platform service led by Mike Hovancsek and Worship Associate CLM Kathy Kerns.

“Sui generis” is a Latin phrase that means “Of its own kind.”  It refers to people and ideas that are different from the mainstream.  This is a service about the inherent worth and dignity of people who do not fit well into society.  It includes personal stories and references through history.

CLICK HERE to view, print, or download the Order of Service.

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