Healthy Humility, October 18th, 2009

Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Eric Van Baars – What is humility? What does it mean to have a healthy sense of humility? Is this something we can practice and if so, how? This morning we will share a spiritual exploration of an oft misunderstood virtue.

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Seeking the Center, October 11th, 2009

Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Dani Beale – Ours is a covenantal, not a creedal faith. We are bound by common promises rather than by common belief. And yet, we also share a theological grounding. This morning we will explore the philosophical and theological principles we hold in common.

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Beyond Black and White, October 4th, 2009

Christie Anderson, Worship Leader, with Kathy Kerns, Worship Associate – Contrary to what many of us think, being colorblind is not an acceptable goal according to people who are judged by their skin color everyday. This service is an opportunity to experience what it feels like to wear someone else’s skin as we listen to stories of fear and hope shared by families from the congregation.

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Waging Peace in the Holy Land, September 27th, 2009

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Joel Slater – Joel and I have been engaged in occasional conversations about war and peace in Israel and Palestine for a couple of years now. This summer we decided to spend some focused time in dialogue and study of the conflict and the issues. In this service we will share with you some of what we have learned highlighting stories of ordinary people who are leading the way to peace.

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Making Peace in Community, September 20th, 2009

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Ted Voneida – The combative quality of the recent town hall health care debates across the country demonstrates the need for this skill. Gather the citizens of any town or city together to discuss an important issue of common concern and you are sure to find divergent views about what it means to protect and preserve the common good. How do we practice peacemaking when we disagree?

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Keeping Peace at Home, September 13th, 2009

Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Marion Yeagler – Each of the sermons this month will explore one dimension of peace. Last week we focused on peace within; this week we focus on peace between us and the people in the nearest circles of our lives. What does it take to keep peace in our homes and with our families and friends?

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Seeking Peace Within, September 6th, 2009

Reverend Julie-Ann Silberman and Reverend Melissa Carvill-Ziemer – From Julie-Ann: After 12 years living in Kent and Serving as minister to the UUCK, I have now been away from the congregation for a full five years. When the current minister Melissa called and asked if I would consider returning to offer a sermon she was astonished by the swirl of emotional waves that were washing over and through me. After consulting the calendar and my family and letting some of the emotions subside I accepted. This service will address my own process of seeking peace within. I look forward to sharing my process and seeing the results of yours as well.

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The Blessing of Home, August 30th, 2009

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Eric Van Baars – In years past you have been invited to bring water and soil from some special place you visited over the summer with you to our ingathering service. This year we encourage you to bring soil and water from the place where you live. Come join in this special ingathering service for all ages as we celebrate the blessing of home.

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What Are you Wondering?, August 23th, 2009

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Kathy Kerns – Often referred to as a “Question Box Sunday,” our service this morning will be inspired by your questions. Is there anything you have been wondering about Unitarian Universalist history, theology, identity or practice? Bring your questions about our tradition or congregation with you to the service and I’ll do my best to give you an answer.

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Living Our Faith, August 9th, 2009

Bobbi Beale, Debbie Silverstein, Ed Stolish, Kristina Spaude, Saunis Parsons, and worship associate Susan Goekler – Each speaker will each share an ongoing project that they do (paid or as a volunteer) that gives meaning to their lives and serves as a way to live their faith outside of Sunday services. Each is, in his or her own way, doing a little to make this world a better place. Organized by the Social Justice Committee.

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In Search of Truth and Meaning: A Trixie Belden Mystery, July 5th, 2009

Saul Flanner and Kathy Walker – Trixie Belden is a fictional girl detective, similar to Nancy Drew, but without the convertible. Trixie is “sturdy” with unruly curls, annoying brothers, a best friend named Honey, and too many chores. She’s also very, very curious. I met Trixie in the third grade. This service is about what I learned from her. It’s about seeking out mysteries, facing your fears, and finding truth and meaning in the most surprising places. Saul and I will draw on our love of reading during our respective childhoods to consider what Trixie and other fictional characters may have taught us about being Unitarian Universalists. As Trixie might say: “Gleeps!” It’s another UU adventure with Kathy and Saul!

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