A Third Place, January 30th, 2011

Affiliated Community Minister Renee Ruchotzke with Worship Associate Kathy Kerns – Starting with ideas of urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg, we will consider the notion of third places, (the first two being home and work) where community, creative interaction and connections can flourish.

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Life Lessons: What Emmy Has Taught Me, January 23rd, 2011

Camille Pavlicek-Fauser and Worship Associate Christie Anderson – Many of us have faced life-altering changes – a serious illness, job loss and having a child with severe disabilities. Learn about one family’s 27 year journey from devastation, anger and shaken spiritual beliefs to wholeness through the recognition of life’s resurrections.

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What is Race?, January 16th, 2011

Rev. Dennis McCarthy and Worship Associate Kristina Spaude – As background for Martin Luther King Day, Rev. Dennis McCarty will ask, “What Is Race?” We’ve certainly come a long way in the almost-fifty years since Dr. King delivered his “I have a dream” speech. But let’s take a quick look at the difference between discussions on “race” versus the genetic (as opposed to social) realities. We are still influenced by racial misconceptions that are hundreds of years old–and we still have a long way to go.

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Purpose, January 9th, 2011

The Rev. Katie Norris and Worship Associate Ted Voneida – Discovering our purpose is an essential part of having a healthy life and doing good in the world, but this is not always an easy task. Why is purpose important? How do we live it out, especially in the midst of change or tragedy? While on a work trip to New Orleans this past April, I heard an inspiring story of purpose in one of the most unlikely situations.

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A Balancing Act, January 2nd, 2011

Susan Goekler and Worship Associate Kristina Spaude – January is named for the God Janus — which is two-faced looking forward and looking back. January is a time for remembering the past year and looking forward to and planning for the coming year. After the holiday rush, we often need to step back and rebalance. A religious tradition that encompasses this notion is Taoism. A spiritual practice that derives from that is tai chi, which exemplifies balance between the mind and body. This service will relate the Taoist concepts to the human need to finding balance in one’s life and include some experiential parts using simple tai chi movements.

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