Courageous Dissent, Feb. 26, 2012

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer along with Worship Associate Kathy Kerns
Have you ever found yourself tongue tied when you wanted to speak out in opposition? Have you ever been so opposed to an action that you just felt you had to do something? Today we will hear stories and songs about the courage it takes to take a stand.

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March Sermon Topics

During the month of March, we hope you’ll join us as we explore expressions of gratitude.

March 4, 2012    The Way Gratitude Wears
Led by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Dani Beale – Have you ever considered the way gratitude wears? I mean, the way you wear gratitude in your heart and mind and body and spirit. I also mean the way gratitude wears a way to generosity. This morning we will celebrate the manygifts bestowed by the practice of gratitude.

March 11, 2012    What It Takes to Speak Out
On March 11th, the Youth Group takes over. This service will be about how our Unitarian Universalist principles and background affect us on our journey into adulthood. The service features music by and stories from the youth.

March 18, 2012  This Particular Call
Led by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper – Every year our association of congregations has a General Assembly in June. This year our gathering will not be business as usual. This year we will have a Justice General Assembly with a very particular call. Whether you think you might have any interest in attending or not, I hope you will join us to consider the call our association is being invited to respond to in Phoenix and all across our country. David Petras of the Phoenix Witness Project will be with us to receive our special collection which will be used to help fund scholarships to Justice GA. (Given the timing of the scholarship distribution, the second sermon I planned to deliver on gratitude will be postponed until April.)

March 25, 2012   From Tolerance to Humility
Led by The Rev. Tim Temerson and Worship Associate Kristina Spaude – As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm tolerance as an important religious value. But is it enough simply to tolerate difference and diversity or can we move to a deeper, more authentic place of acceptance and celebration? Today we will explore the beauty and the challenge of difference and consider the role of another religious value – humility – in helping us to move beyond tolerance.

The Rev. Tim Temerson is the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron. He and I will be participating in the time honored tradition of a pulpit swap this morning. With this swap, he and I are looking forward to strengthening the ties between our congregations.

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Weekly e-nUUs – February 22, 2012

February 26th Music Sunday:   Courageous Dissent

Led by: The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer along with Worship Associate Kathy Kerns Have you ever found yourself tongue tied when you wanted to speak out in opposition? Have you ever been so opposed to an action that you just felt you had to do something? Today we will hear stories and songs about the courage it takes to take a stand.


Special Collection for Sunday, February 26th :  Hartville Migrant Ministries

The Hartville Ohio agricultural area has a seasonal influx of migrants who have been served by the Hartville Migrant Ministries for over a decade.  375 migrants and their families are provided with medical care, adult and children’s education, outreach, transportation, and a store where they can buy essentials.  Our UU Association has taken on a four year study action of “Immigration as Moral Issue” as well as conducting a special “Justice General Assembly” this coming June in Phoenix (where we will address Arizona’s anti-immigrant laws and attitudes).  It seems only fitting that we support our local migrant workers and their families at this time.


Puppet Show:  Peer Gynt    Sunday, Feb. 26  at 12:30 pm In the Sanctuary

Adapted from the Play by Ibsen with music by Edvard Grieg and presented  by Heidrun Hultgren.  All donations to benefit the UU Church of Kent.


MARK THE DATE:  Sunday, February 26th at 3 P.M. in the Sanctuary.  The Library Speaker’s Forum will host Dr. Daniel Roland from the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science. Before beginning his academic career, Dr. Roland was a Methodist Minister in Kansas. His current research involves information and religion. He speaks about it as follows:   “The lack of information causes uncertainty. Uncertainly causes fear. Fear causes religion. Creating information and the better means to access information reduces uncertainty. The reduction of uncertainty leads to a reduction in fear. A reduction in fear leads to a reduction in religion and the potential increase in spirituality, which is not based on fear but rather on the informed awareness of the vast richness of life. So my research focuses on the use of information to generate or alleviate fear.”

The Library Committee is excited about Dr. Roland’s presentation and its potential for a lively Q&A session with discussion.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Ann Waters, Library Publicity


Stewardship Canvasser Team Training sessions will be offer on Sunday, Feb. 26th @ 12:30 pm in Eldredge Annex and again on Wednesday, Feb. 29th @ 7:30 pm in Fessenden Hall.


“There’s Always Room for Pie!”

Now, honestly, who doesn’t love a good piece of pie?  Cake is great, but isn’t pie even better?  We’re smiling in anticipation as we appeal to your sweet tooth to get involved in our pie-themed 2012 Kent UU stewardship campaign.  Of course we’ll soon be asking for your pledges, too, but our first request is for your favorite pie recipes–apple, custard, coconut cream, pecan–we want them all!

Please join us as we start getting our ingredients together–send pie recipes to the church office, [email protected].  Hope to hear from you soon!


What are you passionate about?

Do you have an idea for a Sunday service?  The Sunday Program Committee is currently soliciting proposals for Sunday services in the Spring and Summer.  You can find a proposal form on our web site at:  //  You can also contact Lois Weir  to discuss your idea and get some assistance with formulating it into a service.  You have something to say.  Share it with your church community!


The middle school youth have been learning about justice this year as a part of their curriculum “Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justicemaker.”  Using the democratic process—and with concern for the interdependent web of existence—they have chosen a social responsibility project for the rest of the year.

Inspired by a video by rapper Jay Z, they have decided to raise money and awareness for the human right to water.  They are planning to make items out of duct tape and sell them…the proceeds going to help the global water crisis.

What we need from you: 

  • If you have duct tape you would like to donate (the more colorful, the better!) please contact Karen Lapidus, or drop it off in the Middle School classroom.  (1st room to your right, upstairs classroom level)
  • Watch for the duct tape and other fundraisers to help support this noble cause!

Thank you!
The Middle School Class and Teachers


The Social Justice Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Sunday, March 4th  in the Eldredge Annex immediately following second service. We are currently working on issues like fracking and various issues of economic justice. All are invited to attend as we embark on the important work of striving to make a difference. We hope that you will consider joining us in this journey to walk our faith and put words into action. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Sally Burnell, Social Justice chairman.

With great sadness we announce the passing of a former member of our Church, Beth Sholtis.  Recently Beth was living in Fresno, CA and has been teaching a Women’s Studies course at a local community college.  Beth’s family will be conducting a funeral in Beth’s hometown of Ashtabula, OH — we will share details as they become available.

Mac Goekler


KC Pallone will be available during the coffee hour and after 2nd service in founders lounge on March 4 to answer questions about the new CUUPS group. Please see her with any questions or comments. She will have a sign-up sheet available for those that are interested in learning more about or joining the group. You do not have to be Pagan to join the group and all are welcome. KC will be speaking at the CUUPS potluck dinner on March 9 in Fessenden Hall at 6:30 and more detailed information will be presented at that time. Following the dinner there will be a short Full Moon ritual for those that are interested in joining. Thank you.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick.  Thank you, Betty for helping us out this winter with an accessible place to meet.  Those attending should bring a snack to share.

We have been reading fairly serious/heavy novels in recent months.  We decided on a fun, light book for March. We will be reading Home to Woefield by Susan Juby. Prudence Burns, a well-intentioned New Yorker full of back-to-the-land ideals, just inherited Woefield Farm–thirty acres of scrubland, dilapidated buildings, and one half-sheared sheep. But the bank is about to foreclose, so Prudence must turn things around fast and thus our story.

In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Thank You!

Dear UU Church of Kent Congregation – We want to let you know how much we appreciate your support of our project!  At this time we have reached our goal and we could not have done it without you.

Thank you! Project Vietnam

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Menu for the Future – There’s still time to join!

Menu for the Future

There is still time to join the Adult Religious Exploration series that meets during second service in Eldredge Annex.  ”Menu For The Future” will explore issues relating to food, production, sustainability, health, environmental effects, and more.  Each session will begin at 11:00 a.m.  This series has been created by Andrew Rome as part of the “Sustainable Cleveland 2018: Year of Food” project.  Contact Mr. Rome for more information at [email protected]

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Weekly e-nUUs – Febraury 15, 2012

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer will be out of town from Thursday, 2/16 through Sunday 2/19 presenting at the Unitarian Universalist Allies for Racial Equity Conference in Fort Worth, TX.  She will not be checking email regularly while she is away, but will be available by cell phone if an urgent concern arises.


Spiritual Cinema – Wed., Feb. 15 at 7:30 pm.

Our movie will be “The Invention of Lying” starring Ricky Jervais.  This is a R rated film, very funny but for adults and teens.  As always, a discussion of ideas presented in the film will follow the show.


The Cuyahoga River Concert Series continues this Saturday, Feb. 18th with a wonderful folk musician, Anne Hills.   Tom Paxton writes,  “Anne Hills is such an exquisite singer that it’s understandable that people might be swept up in the pure beauty of her voice and thereby overlook her writing. That would be a mistake. For me, Anne’s writing is as direct, melodic and deep as any work being done today. She is quite simply one of my absolute favorite songwriters”   Tickets may be purchased at the door.


February 19th Music Sunday:   The Courage to Sing

Led by: Hal Walker – On this annual music Sunday, we welcome the West Shore UU Church choir into our sanctuary for a very special misic centered service.  Through stories and songs, we will explore the subject of courage.


This Sunday, February 19, there will be no Social Justice Social Hour during second service.  We will resume on February 26.


“There’s Always Room for Pie!”

Now, honestly, who doesn’t love a good piece of pie?  Cake is great, but isn’t pie even better?  We’re smiling in anticipation as we appeal to your sweet tooth to get involved in our pie-themed 2012 Kent UU stewardship campaign.  Of course we’ll soon be asking for your pledges, too, but our first request is for your favorite pie recipes–apple, custard, coconut cream, pecan–we want them all!

And we also need some special “bakers”–those of you who are willing to make just five pledge calls to UU friends and neighbors during the March campaign.

Please join us as we start getting our ingredients together–send pie recipes and/or your name as a canvasser to Sandy Eaglen  or Marion Yeagler.   Hope to hear from you soon!


Puppet Show:  Peer Gynt    Sunday, Feb. 26  at 12:30 pm In the Sanctuary

Adapted from the Play by Ibsen with music by Edvard Grieg and presented  by Heidrun Hultgren.  All donations to benefit the UU Church of Kent.


MARK THE DATE:  Sunday, February 26th at 3 P.M. in the Sanctuary.  The Library Speaker’s Forum will host Dr. Daniel Roland from the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science. Before beginning his academic career, Dr. Roland was a Methodist Minister in Kansas. His current research involves information and religion. He speaks about it as follows:   “The lack of information causes uncertainty. Uncertainly causes fear. Fear causes religion. Creating information and the better means to access information reduces uncertainty. The reduction of uncertainty leads to a reduction in fear. A reduction in fear leads to a reduction in religion and the potential increase in spirituality, which is not based on fear but rather on the informed awareness of the vast richness of life. So my research focuses on the use of information to generate or alleviate fear.”

The Library Committee is excited about Dr. Roland’s presentation and its potential for a lively Q&A session with discussion.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Ann Waters, Library Publicity


What are you passionate about?

Do you have an idea for a Sunday service?  The Sunday Program Committee is currently soliciting proposals for Sunday services in the Spring and Summer.  You can find a proposal form on our web site at:  //  You can also contact Lois Weir to discuss your idea and get some assistance with formulating it into a service.  You have something to say.  Share it with your church community!


The middle school youth have been learning about justice this year as a part of their curriculum “Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justicemaker.”  Using the democratic process—and with concern for the interdependent web of existence—they have chosen a social responsibility project for the rest of the year.

Inspired by a video by rapper Jay Z, they have decided to raise money and awareness for the human right to water.  They are planning to make items out of duct tape and sell them…the proceeds going to help the global water crisis.

What we need from you: 

  • If you have duct tape you would like to donate (the more colorful, the better!) please contact Karen Lapidus, or drop it off in the Middle School classroom.  (1st room to your right, upstairs classroom level)
  • Watch for the duct tape and other fundraisers to help support this noble cause!

Thank you!
The Middle School Class and Teachers


Last call for Acme receipts dated by 2-11-12!!! If you still have any receipts, please drop them off in the Annex, back entry and place in the Fundraising mailbox by no later than Sunday, Feb. 26. This is the absolute deadline. Thanks! Elaine Bowen

A special thank you . . . to the generous and anonymous donor of Mustard Seed Market brown paper grocery bags for Kent Social Services. Your regular donations are greatly appreciated by the food pantry so clients can take their groceries home. Thank you so very much . . . you are making a valuable contribution. If you let me know who you are, there’s a big hug waiting. If you prefer to remain anonymous, I send a virtual hug, my brown bag angel. ~ Elaine ~


Art in the Sanctuary

We want to thank local artist, Wally Unsold, for providing the art for the month of February.

John Kluth


A new Pagan group will be starting up this March, lead by K.C. Pallone. She is a Pagan Priestess and would like to begin a new CUUPS group here at the UU Church of Kent. Her focus is on Earth centered and family friendly rituals. Being Pagan is not a necessity and this group is open to everyone. K.C. will have question/answer sessions during both services and during the coffee hour on March 4 in Fessenden Hall. Please contact K.C. with any questions.  Look for information sheets during the next few weeks in Founders Lounge.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick.  Thank you, Betty for helping us out this winter with an accessible place to meet.  Those attending should bring a snack to share.

We have been reading fairly serious/heavy novels in recent months.  We decided on a fun, light book for March. We will be reading Home to Woefield by Susan Juby. Prudence Burns, a well-intentioned New Yorker full of back-to-the-land ideals, just inherited Woefield Farm–thirty acres of scrubland, dilapidated buildings, and one half-sheared sheep. But the bank is about to foreclose, so Prudence must turn things around fast and thus our story.

In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Sheetz Coupons Fundraiser

Purchase your coupon books at coffee hour for Sheetz.  The books cost $10 and contains coupons worth at least $25.  The church earns 40%.

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Applications Are Still Being Accepted

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is still accepting applications to fill the part-time Church Sexton (custodian) position.  This position (10 hrs./week) is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the Church, Eldredge Annex and property.  The complete job description and position responsibilities are explained in the application packet section 1.

The successful candidate must be a high school graduate (or equivalent) with at least one-year experience in cleaning and caring for a building and have the ability to lift 40 pounds.  We will give preference to applicants with previous experience.  Candidates must be available to work Sunday mornings; have a flexible schedule to accommodate facility rentals (additional hours and compensation) and will be required to pass a background check and drug test.

An application packet is available for pick-up at the Church Office located at 230 Gougler Ave., Kent, OH 44240 or you may view or print it by clicking the links below.

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt; application deadline is Thursday, February 17, 2012. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is an equal opportunity employer and a fair compensation congregation.

Click here to view or print Application Packet Section 1

Click here to view or print Application

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Spiritual Cinema, Wed. Feb 15th

The Invention of Lying is the movie being shown at 7:30 p.m., Wed. Feb. 15th. in Fessenden Hall. This movie is about the only man who can lie in a world where everyone must tell the truth. After an act of kindness, he backs into creating Religion, then must explain why bad things happen if “The Big Man In The Sky” is responsible for all that happens. This hilarious story looks at mankind’s need to believe in something from a very compassionate perspective. As always, a discussion will follow the film.

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Darwin’s Interconnected Web, February 12, 2012

Led by Cal Frye with Worship Associate Joel Slater

The naturalist and author Charles Darwin comes to visit our pulpit and relate a bit of his story, religious views, and thoughts on slavery. This service, in honor of Charles Darwin, is given as part of a global celebration of Darwin Day.  Cal Frye was a member of our congregation before he and his family relocated to Oberlin, OH. He is now a member of the Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship where he is a Commissioned Lay Leader candidate.

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Weekly e-nUUs – February 8, 2012

Robert Wood Memorial Service

A memorial service in celebration of the life of Robert Wood will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 11.  This memorial will incorporate the plans that were being made by the community involved with Kent Winter Market.  A reception, including a display of Mr. Wood’s artwork, will immediately follow the service. In addition, calling hours will be held this Friday, February 10th at 10:00 am followed by a funeral at 11:00 am at Shorts Spicer Crislip Funeral Homes in Streetsboro.  After the funeral we will process to Standing Rock Cemetery for a graveside service.

We could use volunteers to bake cookies or other treats for Robert’s memorial reception.  In order for us to plan appropriately, if you are willing to bring something, please notify Rev. Melissa.   Thank you.


ACME Community Cash Back – We’re Nearing the End!

The last date for ACME receipts is Saturday, February 11. Please bring all your saved receipts in by Sunday, Feb. 12. Drop off is in the Acme ad covered box on the Acme Bucks table in Fessenden Hall between services or mail your receipts to the church office: UU Church of Kent  228 Gougler Ave  Kent, OH 44240. This is the easiest fundraiser ever and THANK YOU to all who have participated. Stay tuned for what our 5% cash back is.


Making Room

Those of you who regularly attend our second service on Sundays have surely noticed that our sanctuary is often quite full of people.  This makes for wonderful singing and a vibrant, lively feeling in our sanctuary.  It also makes for feeling a little crowded at times.  If you regularly attend the second service but have a flexible schedule on Sunday mornings, we’d like to let you know that there is usually more elbow room available during our first service.  Of course, you remain warmly welcome to come to church whenever you are able.  We are becoming experts at finding ways to make more room!


February 12th Sunday Services:   Darwin’s Interconnected Web
Cal Frye with Worship Associate Joel Slater – The naturalist and author Charles Darwin comes to visit our pulpit and relate a bit of his story, religious views, and thoughts on slavery. This service, in honor of Charles Darwin, is given as part of a global celebration of Darwin Day. Cal Frye was a member of our congregation before he and his family relocated to Oberlin, OH. He is now a member of the Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship where he is a Commissioned Lay Leader candidate.


 New or not, do you know your niche?

Come learn more about the various ways to get involved and find your way at UUCK!

Join us on February 12th for a coffee chat with your

trustee for fellowship (Julie Lineburgh)  and trustee for programming (Cheryl Spoehr).

There will be a fun presentation for ways to get involved and

a Q and A session for all your burning questions.

All are welcome!  We hope to see you there!


Are you interested in food? With so many different claims about what food is good (for you, for the planet, for farmers, etc), it can be hard to know what to eat.  Here is a chance to investigate and discuss food sustainability issues!  This 6 week course, beginning Feb. 12, called “Menu For the Future” is part of a regional pilot effort through Sustainable Cleveland 2019: Year of Food.  All are welcome to participate by contacting Andrew Rome.  The sessions last from 11am-12:15pm at the Kent UU Annex. Childcare is available.  A coursebook will need to be purchased or borrowed and more information about the course is available at


Training For New Website – Sunday, Feb. 12

Our new website runs a powerful but simple technology called “WordPress” designed to empower leaders of the church to easily update the website themselves.  It is about as easy to use as email and includes the ability for each committee to have their own “blog” within the site. This Sunday, Feb. 12 Dan Flippo from the web team will provide training on how to post and update information on the website after second service in the Annex. All board and committee leaders are invited to attend.  We are hoping to train as many people as possible over the next month so that our website can serve as a key communication tool for the congregation.  We have identified a number of people to maintain different pages on the website and will begin sending out usernames and passwords shortly via email.

The web team will be offering additional dates and times for the training. However, if you are unable to attend or if you would like to learn more about WordPress, you can also visit the WordPress Online Tutorial.  This tutorial is also includes details on how someone can create their own blog using WordPress but most of the information also applies to our site.

Please contact Dan Flippo or Jen May  if you have any questions about the website or the training.


“There’s Always Room for Pie!”

Now, honestly, who doesn’t love a good piece of pie?  Cake is great, but isn’t pie even better?  We’re smiling in anticipation as we appeal to your sweet tooth to get involved in our pie-themed 2012 Kent UU stewardship campaign.  Of course we’ll soon be asking for your pledges, too, but our first request is for your favorite pie recipes–apple, custard, coconut cream, pecan–we want them all!

And we also need some special “bakers”–those of you who are willing to make just five pledge calls to UU friends and neighbors during the March campaign.

Please join us as we start getting our ingredients together–send pie recipes and/or your name as a canvasser to Sandy Eaglen  or Marion Yeagler.  Hope to hear from you soon!


Children’s Choir Resuming Rehearsals
The Children’s Choir, under the direction of Becky Haines, rehearses from 10:40 until 11:10 am in the sanctuary near the piano.  All children age 3 and older are invited to participate.  (Children age 3-5 must be accompanied by a parent or other designated adult.)  Now is a great time for new children to join in the fun and fellowship.  They will be singing at the Music Sunday worship service on February 19th.


“Soup”er Bowl Results!

Thank you for $170.75, $80 in Acme gift cards, 52 cans of soup/stew/chili/ravioli and a large box of other groceries for Kent Social Services food programs – hot meals and food pantry.

The winner of the pot of soup donated by Creative Cuisine is Tanya Kahl. Congratulations, Tanya!   Stay tuned for “Soup”er Bowl VII on Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013!

In gratitude for a generous community,

Elaine Yehle Bowen


Sheetz Coupons Fundraiser

Purchase your coupon books at coffee hour for Sheetz.  The books cost $10 and contains coupons worth at least $25.  The church earns 40%.


Chili Cook Off Fundraiser

Thank you to all the people who cooked and ate at the Chili Cook Off.  We made $260! Look for more in the newsletter!



Join us in Fessenden Hall during second service each week for informal discussions about how we as churches, communities and social entities deal with issues of common justice and the common good.

These are free-wheeling explorations of ideas about both substance and process. We aren’t limited to certain topics, nor excused from controversial ones. We tackle timely and difficult issues –  poverty, fracking, drone killings, campaign practices, WikiLeaks, abortion, gun control, sexual abuse, nuclear energy & weapons, immigration and anything else.

My hope is that these discussions may help us get to know one another and our priorities, generate conviviality and solidarity within the church, and create a little more focus and direction on the moral, political, economic and environmental parameters of the  issues of justice and injustice we face as a church, and as citizens of a world community.

Caroline Arnold


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, February 14 at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick.  This month we are reading Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks. In 1665, a young man from Martha’s Vineyard became the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College. Upon this slender factual scaffold, the author has created a luminous tale of love and faith, magic and adventure. In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper .


Puppet Show:  Peer Gynt    Sunday, Feb. 26  at 12:30 pm In the Sanctuary

Adapted from the Play by Ibsen with music by Edvard Grieg and presented by Heidrun Hultgren.  All donations to benefit the UU Church of Kent.


Holiday Share Fundraiser

Thanks to everyone who donated and shopped for Holiday Share!  We made just under $600!


The “Library Speaker’s Forum” will host Dr. Dan Roland from the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University, on Sunday afternoon, February 26th  at 3:00 P.M. in the Sanctuary. Dr Roland’s  topic will be “Communication and the Fear Factor”. Dr. Roland is known for his engaging and thought-provoking lectures; don’t miss this special opportunity! Watch for more information. This event is free and open to the public as well as to the congregation.

The Library is soliciting volunteers to serve on a committee that will sponsor a bi-annual Chapbook that aims to capture special memories of church history from its current members.  Caroline Arnold will serve as Chair of this committee.  If you are interested in participating, please contatct Caroline  or Ann Waters, or any member of the Library committee.

Ann Waters, Library Publicity


A new Pagan group will be starting up this March, lead by K.C. Pallone. She is a Pagan Priestess and would like to begin a new CUUPS group here at the UU Church of Kent. Her focus is on Earth centered and family friendly rituals. Being Pagan is not a necessity and this group is open to everyone. K.C. will have question/answer sessions during both services and during the coffee hour on March 4. Please contact K.C. with any questions . Look for information sheets during the next few weeks in Founders Lounge.


Hi Friends!

I am sending a shout out request for seeds for this years garden and the accompanying greenhouse I hope to build here in Mongolia.  The produce from these ventures will be used for feeding the kids residing in the dorm (92 at last count this year), giving them more veggies and vitamins!  (I of course also love fresh veggies and have my own tomatoes and salad fixings growing in my apartment windows year round!)

Last year the garden was not highly successful, though many students and dorm workers were involved in helping to water and tend to it!  It was a learning experience for us all and made me aware of the need for a greenhouse to cultivate warm weather crops to harvest!

Seeds are difficult to come by here and are limited.  Therefore, I am requesting a helping hand from you back at home.  Seed packets can be mailed in envelopes, making them relatively inexpensive to send out.

Any flower and veggie seeds would be much appreciated, even those saved from your own gardening would be awesome!

There are some particular seeds I’d love to have, and I’ve listed them below:

foxglove, lavender, forget me nots, cosmos, wildflowers, asters, zinnas

Veggies: onions, squash (every variety), beets, carrots, cucumbers, beans, eggplant, cabbage,

cauliflower, broccoli, turnip

please send to:

Joanne Nussbaum, PCV

1st 12 Year Secondary School

Arvaikheer, Uuvrkhangai, Mongolia

Via China

You can follow my adventures on Facebook or my blog



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Robert Wood Memorial Service

Bob Woods Sly Gaze
Credit: W.A.D'Alessio/aka:fluxstringer

Feb. 11, 2012 @ 10 AM –

A memorial service in celebration of the life of Robert Wood will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 11.  This memorial will incorporate the plans that were being made by the community involved with the Kent Winter Market.  A reception, including a display of Mr. Wood’s artwork, will immediately follow the service. In addition, calling hours will be held this Friday, February 10th at 10:00 am followed by a funeral at 11:00 am at Shorts Spicer Crislip Funeral Homes in Streetsboro.  After the funeral we will process to Standing Rock Cemetery for a graveside service.

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Gordon F. Vars Memorial Service, March 10th 2:00 PM

A memorial service in celebration of the life of Dr. Gordon F. Vars will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 10.  We know that Dr. Vars was beloved by many and recognize we will likely not be able to accommodate everyone who would like to attend in our sanctuary.  Therefore we will be arranging for additional seating in our social hall with audio and hopefully video of the service broadcast as well.  A reception will immediately follow the service.

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The Courage to Love, February 5, 2012

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen –

Loving is the only way to a broken heart.  And being willing to risk a broken heart is the only way to love.  Not just for romantics, this service will celebrate the courage it takes simply to love.

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February Sermon Topics

During the month of February we’ll explore different expressions of courage.  Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and 11:15.

February 5, 2012   The Courage to Love
The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen – Loving is the only way to a broken heart. And being willing to risk a broken heart is the only way to love. Not just for romantics, this service will celebrate the courage it takes simply to love.

February 12, 2012   Darwin’s Interconnected Web
Cal Frye with Worship Associate Joel Slater – The naturalist and author Charles Darwin comes to visit our pulpit and relate a bit of his story, religious views, and thoughts on slavery. This service, in honor of Charles Darwin, is given as part of a global celebration of Darwin Day. Cal Frye was a member of our congregation before he and his family relocated to Oberlin, OH. He is now a member of the Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship where he is a Commissioned Lay Leader candidate.

February 19, 2012   Music Sunday The Courage to Sing
On this annual music Sunday, we welcome the West Shore UU church choir into our sanctuary for a very special music centered service. Through stories and songs, we will explore the subject of Courage.

February 26, 2012   Courageous Dissent
The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Kathy Kerns – Have you ever found yourself tongue tied when you wanted to speak out in opposition? Have you ever been so op-posed to an action that you just felt you had to do something? Today we will hear stories and songs about the courage it takes to take a stand.

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Weekly e-nUUs – February 1st, 2012

The Cuyahoga River Concert Series presents the

Kent Community Sing (a-long)

Come join the fun tonight, February 1st from 7:00- 8:30 pm in the Sanctuary.

Did you know that the UU Church of Kent has the best acoustical space for group singing in Kent?  Yes, it’s true.  Join Hal Walker and WKSU’s Matt Watroba in a warm evening of singing to bring in the new year. All are welcome!  7-8:30 pm


February 5, 2012  Sunday Services:  The Courage to Love

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen – Loving is the only way to a broken heart.  And being willing to risk a broken heart is the only way to love.  Not just for romantics, this service will celebrate the courage it takes simply to love.


New UU class scheduled
Whether you are new to the UU Church of Kent or you have been here awhile, you are encouraged to attend the class that will be heldon Sunday, February 5 from 9 to 11 am.  We will meet at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you are contemplating membership with us, the information you receive in this class may answer many of your questions.  We share information about the history of Unitarian Universalism in general, and the UU Church of Kent in particular.

All are welcome and you may drop in if you like, but if you know that you are attending or if you have any questions, please contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


Feb. 5: The UUCK “Soup”er Bowl!

Please bring your cans of hearty soup/chili/stew/ravioli to our 6th annual “Soup”er Bowl to benefit the Kent Social Services food programs. The empty soup pot is also ready to be filled with your spare coin & cash. A donation earns you entry into a raffle for a free pot of homemade soup of your choice by Creative Cuisine. This is a win-win game!

Look for the football themed table in Fessenden Hall before, between and after services on Sunday, Feb. 5 – the day of Super Bowl 46. Thank you in advance for your generosity and for helping your neighbors in need ~ this is our faith in action.

Questions? Contact Elaine Bowen.



Join us in Fessenden Hall during second service each week for informal discussions about how we as churches, communities and social entities deal with issues of common justice and the common good.

These are free-wheeling explorations of ideas about both substance and process. We aren’t limited to certain topics, nor excused from controversial ones. We tackle timely and difficult issues –  poverty, fracking, drone killings, campaign practices, WikiLeaks, abortion, gun control, sexual abuse, nuclear energy & weapons, immigration and anything else.

My hope is that these discussions may help us get to know one another and our priorities, generate conviviality and solidarity within the church, and create a little more focus and direction on the moral, political, economic and environmental parameters of the  issues of justice and injustice we face as a church, and as citizens of a world community.

Caroline Arnold


ACME Community Cash Back – We’re Nearing the End!

The last date for ACME receipts is Saturday, February 11. Please bring all your saved receipts in by Sunday, Feb. 12. Drop off is in the Acme ad covered box on the Acme Bucks table in Fessenden Hall between services or mail your receipts to the church office: UU Church of Kent  228 Gougler Ave  Kent, OH 44240. This is the easiest fundraiser ever and THANK YOU to all who have participated. Stay tuned for what our 5% cash back is.


New or not, do you know your niche?

Come learn more about the various ways to get involved and find your way at UUCK!

Join us on February 12th for a coffee chat with your trustee for fellowship (Julie Lineburgh)  and trustee for programming (Cheryl Spoehr).

There will be a fun presentation for ways to get involved and a Q and A session for all your burning questions.

 All are welcome!  We hope to see you there!


Children’s Choir Resuming Rehearsals

The Children’s Choir, under the direction of Becky Haines, rehearses from 10:40 until 11:10 am in the sanctuary near the piano.  All children age 3 and older are invited to participate.  (Children age 3-5 must be accompanied by a parent or other designated adult.)  Now is a great time for new children to join in the fun and fellowship.  They will be singing at the Music Sunday worship service on February 19th.


Are you interested in food? With so many different claims about what food is good (for you, for the planet, for farmers, etc), it can be hard to know what to eat.  Here is a chance to investigate and discuss food sustainability issues!  This 6 week course, beginning Feb. 12, called “Menu For the Future” is part of a regional pilot effort through Sustainable Cleveland 2019: Year of Food.  All are welcome to participate by contacting Andrew Rome.  The sessions last from 11am-12:15pm at the Kent UU Annex. Childcare is available.  A coursebook will need to be purchased or borrowed and more information about the course is available at


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, February 14 at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick. This month we are reading Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks. In 1665, a young man from Martha’s Vineyard became the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College. Upon this slender factual scaffold, the author has created a luminous tale of love and faith, magic and adventure. In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


A new Pagan group will be starting up this March, lead by K.C. Pallone. She is a Pagan Priestess and would like to begin a new CUUPS group here at the UU Church of Kent. Her focus is on Earth centered and family friendly rituals. Being Pagan is not a necessity and this group is open to everyone. K.C. will have question/answer sessions during both services and during the coffee hour on March 4 in the Founders Lounge. Please contact K.C. with any questions. Look for information sheets during the next few weeks in Founders Lounge.


Hi Friends!

I am sending a shout out request for seeds for this years garden and the accompanying greenhouse I hope to build here in Mongolia.  The produce from these ventures will be used for feeding the kids residing in the dorm (92 at last count this year), giving them more veggies and vitamins!  (I of course also love fresh veggies and have my own tomatoes and salad fixings growing in my apartment windows year round!)

Last year the garden was not highly successful, though many students and dorm workers were involved in helping to water and tend to it!  It was a learning experience for us all and made me aware of the need for a greenhouse to cultivate warm weather crops to harvest!

Seeds are difficult to come by here and are limited.  Therefore, I am requesting a helping hand from you back at home.  Seed packets can be mailed in envelopes, making them relatively inexpensive to send out.

Any flower and veggie seeds would be much appreciated, even those saved from your own gardening would be awesome!

There are some particular seeds I’d love to have, and I’ve listed them below:

foxglove, lavender, forget me nots, cosmos, wildflowers, asters, zinnas

Veggies: onions, squash (every variety), beets, carrots, cucumbers, beans, eggplant, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip

please send to:

Joanne Nussbaum, PCV

1st 12 Year Secondary School

Arvaikheer, Uuvrkhangai, Mongolia

Via China

You can follow my adventures on Facebook or my blog



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