We try to be compassionate and inclusive as UUs, but how do we set boundaries so that we are not overwhelmed?
9:15 AM: An In-Person, All-Ages Service
Led by DRE Colleen Thoele, Mike Hovancsek, and Music Director Emily Hall.
10:00 AM: Pancake Breakfast!
In Hobbs Hall. Adults $10; Children 12 & Under $5
11:00 AM: A Multi-Platform, Traditional Service (both in person and on Zoom)
Led by Mike Hovancsek, Commissioned Lay Minister Kathy Kerns, and Music Director Emily Hall.
CLICK HERE to view, download, or print the Order of Service for 11:00 AM.
11:00 AM Zoom Information:
For those joining via Zoom, our meeting room opens 15 minutes prior to the start of the service (at 10:45 AM) for weekly announcements. We request that everyone joining the service please display your first and last name. Thank you!
Meeting ID: 974 6478 5626
Dial by your location: 1 646 558 8656 (New York)
Meeting ID: 974 6478 5626
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acCRYGAK