The Book Sale is Ba-aaack! April 28, 2012

Hello, fellow bibliophiles . . . time to clear out your bookshelves, the stacks next-to your favorite chair and from under your bed. The book sale is coming . . . Saturday, April 28 from 9am to 2pm with sorting Wednesday, 4/25 and set-up Friday, 4/27 from 6p to 9p.

We need:

  • donated books to sell – bring them to church beginning Sunday, 4/22 (Earth Day)
  • volunteers for sorting, set-up and sales
  • customers! Please invite your friends and neighbors ~ we can use all the free advertisement we can get!

To volunteer, please contact the Church office at [email protected] – sorters, set-uppers and sellers are permitted pre-sales!

NOTE: please refrain from donating old encyclopedias, texts, Readers’ Digest Condensed books or anything really musty/moldy – if you wouldn’t buy it, we can’t sell it!

Thanks – Elaine Bowen.

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