Green Sanctuary – February 16th


Green Sanctuary February Heat: Bring your energy, experience, and creative ideas to the continuing UUCK Green Sanctuary process. Think back on your involvement in green activities over the last decade or so. On February 16th during coffee hour we will document our progress in becoming greener as individuals and as a congregation. We will note projects and activities on a timeline along the East wall of Fessenden Hall.

Scheduling on February 16 connects us to the 2014 Interfaith Power & Light National Preach-In on Climate Change (“Doing Our Part”) and to Valentine’s Day weekend.  As Preach-In participants we will write and send cards on behalf of the Earth to Members of Congress. To further generate heat we will write love letters to the Earth and post them on the giant new globe hanging in Fessenden Hall. 

Next steps? Friday, February 21 at 7pm:  Free screening and discussion of the acclaimed film Chasing Ice.

All friends of the earth are invited to these events! Environmentally friendly refreshments included. For further information contact Mary Lou Holly: 330 673 4937.

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