Generosity of Spirit – March 30, 2014

generous 2Led by the Rev. Elaine Strawn, Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County, and Worship Associate Max Grubb

What if generosity means a deep call from within-what energizes you, calls you to share from yourself, challenges you to leave your mark on a better world?

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Upcoming Sermon Topics – April 2014

Sermon topics - April






6 April, 2014        Moving in with Mystery               

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Lori McGee

Where do we come from?  What was there before the beginning?  This morning we draw upon the ancient history of religion and the modern insights of science to reflect upon the mystery.


13 April, 2014     Big Questions

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Ted Voneida

What are we?  What does it mean to be human?  Perhaps the biblical stories of Jesus’ final days can give us some insight into the nature of our own being.


20 April, 2014     The Wonder of it All

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen

Where are we going?  And how shall we live the journey?  Wonderful music and uplifting worship await you this morning as we celebrate Easter together.  Our first service will be multigenerational and designed to be especially welcoming for families with younger children to attend together.  Our second service will be prepared with older youth and adults in mind.  Our annual Easter egg hunt will be held after the first service.


27 April, 2014     Sowing Seeds of Justice and Growing Community

Led by the Intern Minister at West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, Matthew McHale and Worship Associate Justin Czekaj

This spring, as signs of new life and new possibilities emerge all around us, we consider our relationship to one another and to the environment which sustains all life on this planet. Can planting a garden be radical act? How can the way we grow and eat food help create communities that align with our liberal religious values—promoting justice and honoring the interconnected web of existence?


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Weekly e-nUUs – March 26, 2014

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Please note the following staff schedules for this week.

Karen will be attending the LREDA/UUMA Retreat March 26 – 28; MaryBeth will be away and the Church Office will be closed Friday, March 28; and Rev. Melissa will be attending District Assembly March 28 – 29.


Worship & Music

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


March 30 – Generosity of Spirit

Led by the Rev. Elaine Strawn, Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Wayne County and Worship Associate Max Grubb – What if generosity means a deep call from within-what energizes you, calls you to share from yourself, and challenges you to leave your mark on a better world?


From the Library

 Rev. Melissa’s sources for her Homilies on ” If Earth Could Speak”, Sunday, March 23rd, include a report by the American Association for the Advancement of Science called What We Know: the Reality Risks and Responses to Climate Change, which is available on line at   The second source is

Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World, by Joanna Macy and Molly Young-Brown.


Hal-elujah!  Hal Walker CDs Now Available

I have compiled Hal’s best performances during Sunday morning services at church over the last 6 years into one critically acclaimed* CD, now available at church on Sunday mornings.  They are $10 each, with all proceeds going to the music program at church.   Revel in Hal’s original masterpieces!  Wonder at his ability to play two instruments at once!  Be amazed at John Marfy’s jaw harp prowess!  Hear Hallie transition from a girl into a young lady!

Get your collectible “Hal-elujah” CD during coffee hour starting this Sunday, or anytime from Brad Bolton.

*Christie likes it.


The UUCK and the Cuyahoga River Concert Series present.


April 12  8:00 pm

$10 donation at the door

call 810-265-4007 to reserve tickets.

Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner began to play music together in Kent, Ohio in September of 1973.  In the years since then, they have traveled and toured extensively, performed in concerts, at folk clubs and festivals around the world, and recorded many times.  Magpie has always embraced a musical rainbow, and with impressive proficiency in each different genre. From traditional, classic country, swing, and blues of the nineteen twenties and thirties, to contemporary songs written by themselves and others, Terry and Greg cover a lot of musical ground.

Pete Seeger wrote:

“Greg and Terry can show us all what a wonderful thing it can be for two voices to harmonize together. How lucky I am to have lived to see and hear more links in the chain.”

Sing Out magazine writes; 

“This recording (Give Light)  absolutely radiates light, glowing with great songs in radiant performances… Their music is their religion, and Give Light comes very close to the divine.”


Lifespan Learning


What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalist adult education class will next meet on April 3 at 7:00 PM in Fessenden Hall.


The Grades 3-5 RE Class works hard to make our world a better place and so they are collecting new and gently-used pet toys for the dogs and cats at the Humane Society of Greater Akron, in Twinsburg.  They will deliver the toys to the center on April 19th.  They are making pull toys for dogs from discarded t-shirts, too.  Toy collection boxes are located in Fessenden Hal and the foyer by the sanctuary.  The pet toy collection takes place from now until April 6th.


Younger Young Adult Care-Packages Follow-up – The parents of our college-age young adults recently gathered on a Sunday afternoon to create care-packages for their sons and daughters.  In addition to all the goodies (think chocolate, lip balm, socks, popcorn, chips, etc.), the young adults received a card signed by so many of the members of our congregation.  A number of young adults photographed the contents of their care-packages on Facebook to express their gratitude for our continued care and support.  Logan Bialik asked that this message of gratitude be shared with everyone:

 “I received my care package today in the mail and just wanted to express a word of gratitude! It has reached me at a time of high stress and little sleep, and I found it to be a tremendously uplifting and strengthening act of love and support. A feeling of community is evidently an incredibly powerful remedy to stress and anxiety, and I can’t thank you enough for reminding me of the loving UU community that I am a part of.  Thank you so much!”


Community Within

Do you want to become a Surprise Friend this year? Complete a sign-up form and place it in the Surprise Friends Box in Fessenden Hall no later than April 6th.


Calling All Bakers!

We are celebrating another successful Stewardship Campaign by offering free pie to everyone on Pie Sunday, March 30th.  We would love to offer homemade pies and need a few bakers to help us out.  If you can bring a homemade pie (or pies) on Sunday morning before 10am to share with everyone it would be greatly appreciated!

No need to let us know ahead of time, just stop by the kitchen with your pie(s) in the morning.

Thank you!

The Stewardship Committee


We Need You to Help us Become a Green Sanctuary!

 The Green Sanctuary Steering Committee, Mary Lou Holly, Andrew Rome and Patty Miller, warmly invite you to come out for an evening to explore how you might become involved in helping us become a Green Sanctuary.  To accomplish this goal, we need participation from every area of congregational life – from worship and religious education to the library and buildings and grounds and more.  Whatever your area of interest in congregational life, there is a way you can support this process.  Please consider joining us in Fessenden Hall on Tuesday, April 1 from 7:00 to 8:30 to learn more and to share your ideas.


Coffee Hour Connection

Did you know that our coffee hour is provided by volunteers?  Every week Deb Biggins, Shirley and Jonathan Kiernan come to church early to set up for coffee hour so that there is hot coffee, tea and treats available for folks at church to enjoy.  It is a wonderful labor of love.  If you haven’t recently, would you please thank them for their contributions.

Deb and Shirley have received several requests to provide particular condiments for coffee hour that are not in our budget to provide.  However, if you want to bring your favorite tea or a particular type of milk or sweetener to be available at coffee hour, please feel free to bring it in to share.  And if you have ideas about how you’d like to see coffee hour go, please approach Deb and Shirley and let them know that you would be glad to volunteer.  They’d be happy to have your help!


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 8 at 7 pm in the home of Kathie Slater. This month we are reading The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry: A Novel by Rachel Joyce. Fry is convinced that he must deliver a letter to an old love in order to save her, meeting various characters along the way and reminiscing about the events of his past and people he has known, as he tries to find peace and acceptance. In May we will be reading Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


Outreach and Social Justice

Our special collection this Sunday, March 30 is for CoCoDA  (Companion Community Development Alternatives), an organization that works in El Salvador.  Our church has been affiliated with them since 1980.  CoCoDA works to develop education for youth with limited economic resources from rural El Salvadoran communities. Thirty-five youths from the village of Santa Marta graduate each year from high school. Normally, fewer than 10 have been able to realize their life dreams of attending a university because of economic conditions. As a result of CoCoDA’S efforts, 32 Santa Marta students are presently provided basic housing and tuition to attend the university in San Salvador.  They are required to return to their villages on weekends to provide community service in the areas of health care, social action and education.  Our contributions will contribute to their efforts.  Please make your checks out to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, and note CoCoDA in the memo line.


Kent Social Services – Food & Grocery Card Donations

March is rapidly coming to a close and with it, National Nutrition Month and Harvest for Hunger. Sadly, the food baskets have remained nearly empty all month. Won’t you please consider donating non-perishable food items this weekend? The Super-Six remain much in need – PB (and jelly, of course), canned veggies, soup, beef stew, tuna and cereal – as well as other staples such as pasta, spaghetti sauce, rice, beans, canned fruit, crackers, meal-in-a-box & meal-in-a-can & macaroni n’ cheese mix. Children often enjoy pudding cups, fruit snacks, granola bars, raisins, and other wrapped snack items.

No fancy style at this welcome table . . . just quality, basic food for meals and snacks; please, no open packages, outdated boxes or rusty cans. Won’t you please consider donating? Baskets are available on the lower level inside the closet next to the elevator and on the upper level outside the sanctuary. [If you are in need of groceries or any other help, please contact Reverend Melissa for confidential assistance.]

If you are not grocery shopping this week, donations of $10 Acme grocery cards are most appreciated so KSS clients can purchase fresh foods or non-edibles that food stamp benefits do not allow.

Thank you in advance for your generosity,

Elaine Bowen.


Noreen Kumm-Gory has shaved her hair to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer research. The event was sponsored by an organization known as the St. Baldrick’s foundation. Childhood cancer research is extremely underfunded, so we can all help through your donations. To support Noreen and do your part in helping out children suffering from cancer, please go to Noreen’s donation web page,


UU and Interfaith Connections


Celebrate Spring with a Concert at East Shore UU

Two talented women come to East Shore

UU Church in Kirtland with their bands on March 29  at 8:00

for an evening of bluegrass/newgrass/acoustic fusion music.  Missy Raines & The New Hip is one of the most respected, popular and trailblazing figures in bluegrass and a huge award-winner for her bass playing.  Opening for Missy is Rebekah Jean, a Burton native who has roots in West virginia coal country but grew up  within earshot of Cleveland’s rock-n-roll scene.  Her original music and voice will have audiences fall in love.  Tickets are $16 at, $20 at the door, under 13 free.  8:00 PM.  Bring your friends!

Income Generation



A heartfelt thank you to all who have pledged to our 2015 Stewardship Campaign.  We are CELEBRATING the official end of the 2015 Stewardship Campaign by serving everyone a free slice of PIE!  Several of our pies are delicious HOMEMADE contributions! Come to Fessenden Hall during coffee hour or after second service, and join the party!

Have you made your pledge of your financial commitment for the upcoming fiscal year?  Our Finance Committee relies on our pledges to set the budget for next fiscal year. Every pledge is important so we may continue our programs and ministries.  If you haven’t had a chance to make your pledge yet, you can do so in many ways:

  • In Person on Sunday March 30th at the Stewardship Table
  • In the Offertory on Sunday – Pledge cards are in the pews
  • Online Pledge card on the website
  • Email your pledge to the church office [email protected]
  • Call in your pledge to the church office 330.673.4247

Thanks to everyone who has helped make this a successful campaign!

The Stewardship Committee

Sandy Eaglen – Co-Chair

Kathie Slater – Co-Chair

Meg Milko – Co-Chair

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Weekly e-nUUs – March 19, 2014

enUUs_newlogo 12.2012








Please note the following staff schedules for next week.

MaryBeth will be away and the Church Office will be closed Monday, March 24 and again Friday, March 28; it will be open Tuesday, March 25 – Thursday, March 27.  Rev. Melissa will be attending District Assembly March 28 – 29 and Karen will be attending the LREDA/UUMA Retreat March 26 – 28.


Worship & Music

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


March 23 – If Earth Could Speak

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Mary Lou Holly

We end our exploration of sin and evil by considering what the earth might say about this subject if the earth could speak.


Hal-elujah!  Hal Walker CDs Now Available

I have compiled Hal’s best performances during Sunday morning services at church over the last 6 years into one critically acclaimed* CD, now available at church on Sunday mornings.  They are $10 each, with all proceeds going to the music program at church.   Revel in Hal’s original masterpieces!  Wonder at his ability to play two instruments at once!  Be amazed at John Marfy’s jaw harp prowess!  Hear Hallie transition from a girl into a young lady!

Get your collectible “Hal-elujah” CD during coffee hour starting this Sunday, or anytime from Brad Bolton.

*Christie likes it.


The UUCK and the Cuyahoga River Concert Series present Magpie

April 12  8:00 pm

$10 donation at the door

call 810-265-4007 to reserve tickets.

Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner began to play music together in Kent, Ohio in September of 1973.  In the years since then, they have traveled and toured extensively, performed in concerts, at folk clubs and festivals around the world, and recorded many times.  Magpie has always embraced a musical rainbow, and with impressive proficiency in each different genre. From traditional, classic country, swing, and blues of the nineteen twenties and thirties, to contemporary songs written by themselves and others, Terry and Greg cover a

lot of musical ground.

Pete Seeger wrote:

“Greg and Terry can show us all what a wonderful thing it can be for two voices to harmonize together. How lucky I am to have lived to see and hear more links in the chain.”

Sing Out magazine writes; 

“This recording (Give Light)  absolutely radiates light, glowing with great songs in radiant performances… Their music is their religion, and Give Light comes very close to the divine.”


Lifespan Learning


What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalist adult education class does not meet this week.  The class will resume March 20 at 7:00 PM in Fessenden Hall.


Parents of Young Children!

Are you the caregiver of a child or children in Kindergarten or younger? Do you need something to do on a Friday night? Then come on out and join us on March 21st  for a family potluck followed by a small group meeting focused on the joys and challenges of raising our little UU’s. Childcare is provided. Dinner begins at 6pm in Fessenden Hall. For more information please contact Colleen Thoel or Karen Lapidus.


Community Within


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 8 at 7 pm in the home of Kathie Slater. This month we are reading The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry: A Novel by Rachel Joyce. Fry is convinced that he must deliver a letter to an old love in order to save her, meeting various characters along the way and reminiscing about the events of his past and people he has known, as he tries to find peace and acceptance. In May we will be reading Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.

Do you want to become a Surprise Friend this year? Complete a sign-up form TODAY and place it in the Surprise Friends Box in Fessenden Hall no later than April 6th.


Outreach and Social Justice


Noreen Kumm-Gory will shave her hair at the end of the month to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer research. The event is sponsored by an organization known as the St. Baldrick’s foundation. Childhood cancer research is extremely underfunded, so we can all help through your donations. To support Noreen and do your part in helping out children suffering from cancer, please go to Noreen’s donation web page,


Go with the Flow – Earth Day Fundraiser

To promote watershed awareness and raise fund for the upcoming “Who’s Your Mama?” Earth Day and Environmental Film Festival.

Saturday, March 22    7 – 10 pm  at the North Water Street Gallery , 257 N. Water St, Kent

$20 suggested donation, space limited, for reservations email [email protected] or call 330.673.4970


UU and Interfaith Connections


Celebrate Spring with a Concert at East Shore UU

Two talented women come to East Shore

UU Church in Kirtland with their bands on March 29  at 8:00

for an evening of bluegrass/newgrass/acoustic fusion music.  Missy Raines & The New Hip is one of the most respected, popular and trailblazing figures in bluegrass and a huge award-winner for her bass playing.  Opening for Missy is Rebekah Jean, a Burton native who has roots in West virginia coal country but grew up  within earshot of Cleveland’s rock-n-roll scene.  Her original music and voice will have audiences fall in love.  Tickets are $16 at, $20 at the door, under 13 free.  8:00 PM.  Bring your friends!


Drone Teach-In

Drone technology has recently come to the public’s attention.  What are its capabilities and consequences?  Please join The Imagine Peace Task Force, part of the Justice Council at West Shore UU Church, in a  Drone Teach- In, Saturday, April 5th from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at the Westshore Unitarian Universalist Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, OH  44116.  Lunch is included.  The event is free and open to the public.  A free-will offering will be taken.

WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE KEYNOTE SPEAKER- MEDEA BENJAMIN, author and co-founder of the  Nationally renowned grassroots social justice movement CodePink.  Joining her will be the ACLU, the American Friends Service Committee, Chapter 39 of Veterans for Peace, the Cleveland Non-Violence Network, Cleveland Peace Action and others.


Income Generation


Stewardship Campaign is off and running!

Our Stewardship Campaign is in full swing and the pledges are coming in strong.  We’ve heard wonderful heartfelt stories about how this church, OUR church, has inspired our members to give and contribute of their time and talent because of what they receive in return.  We’ve heard how an increase in overall giving can add so much to our community.  We’ve sold PIE raffle tickets and given away several delicious pies!

If you haven’t committed to your pledge yet there is still time to do so!  The campaign doesn’t end until March 31st.  Don’t forget this is for next fiscal year which runs from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

If you have already turned in your pledges we thank you!!  If not, you can turn in your pledge cards during the offertory on Sundays or at the Stewardship table during coffee hour.


Thank you,

Your Stewardship Committee

Kathi Slater, Co-Chair

Meg Milko, Co-Chair

Sandy Eaglen, Co-Chair/Treasurer

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The UUCK and the Cuyahoga River Concert Series present: Magpie


April 12  8:00 pm

$10 donation at the door

call 810-265-4007 to reserve tickets.

Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner began to play music together in Kent, Ohio in September of 1973.  In the years since then, they have traveled and toured extensively, performed in concerts, at folk clubs and festivals around the world, and recorded many times.  Magpie has always embraced a musical rainbow, and with impressive proficiency in each different genre. From traditional, classic country, swing, and blues of the nineteen twenties and thirties, to contemporary songs written by themselves and others, Terry and Greg cover a lot of musical ground.

Pete Seeger wrote:  “Greg and Terry can show us all what a wonderful thing it can be for two voices to harmonize together. How lucky I am to have lived to see and hear more links in the chain.”

Sing Out magazine writes: “This recording (Give Light)  absolutely radiates light, glowing with great songs in radiant performances… Their music is their religion, and Give Light comes very close to the divine.”

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Hal-elujah! Hal Walker CDs Now Available

Hal-elujah!I have compiled Hal’s best performances during Sunday morning services at church over the last 6 years into one critically acclaimed* CD, now available at church on Sunday mornings. They are $10 each, with all proceeds going to the music program at church. Revel in Hal’s original masterpieces! Wonder at his ability to play two instruments at once! Be amazed at John Marfy’s jaw harp prowess! Hear Hallie transition from a girl into a young lady!

Get your collectible “Hal-elujah” CD during coffee hour starting Sunday, March 23, or anytime from Brad Bolton.

*Christie likes it.

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Beyond Light Bulbs: Covenant and Collective Action – March 16, 2014

Beyone Light Bulbs - UUCK CovenantLed by Matt Meyer and Hal Walker Ours is a faith guided by covenant. As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that some things are better accomplished in community. A spiritual life is one of those. Social justice work is another. Join us for a service of rhythm, music, covenantal community and collective action.

Matt is a musician and community organizer who has lead hundreds services for UU congregations across the country. He is a member of the UUA’s Council on Cross Cultural Engagement and is also a founding resident of the Lucy Stone Cooperative in Roxbury.

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Do You Take Confession? – March 9, 2014

do you take confessionLed by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Joel Slater – Every now and again someone asks me whether Unitarian Universalist ministers take confession.  This morning we’ll consider the question as well as the experience behind the question.  This morning we look at the personal dimensions of sin.

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Weekly e-nUUs – March 5, 2015

2014 Day Light Savings







Worship & Music

Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.


March 9, 2014    Do You Take Confession?

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Joel Slater

Every now and again someone asks me whether Unitarian Universalist ministers take confession.  This morning we’ll consider the question as well as the experience behind the question.  This morning we look at the personal dimensions of sin.


As part of our work helping members and friends of the congregation become aware of the resources of our church library, the Library Committee is advertising some of the sources Rev. Melissa uses in preparing her sermons.  This past Sunday’s sermon on Seven Deadly Sins drew from the work of John Buehrens and Rebecca Parker and their book A House for Hope: the Promise of Progressive Religion for the Twenty-first Century.  Our library has two copies of this book available for loan.


The Unitarian-Universalist church of Kent and the Cuyahoga River Concert Series announce a  “March Music Weekend.– March 15-16, 2014.

Saturday, March 15, 8:00 pm:  WILD CARROT in Concert

Pam Temple and Spencer Funk are Wild Carrot. This Cincinnati-based, award-winning group has what it takes to please all types of folk music fans. Rooted in traditional American music, their repertoire branches in diverse directions: from original tunes to swing, blues and traditional songs, using guitar, mandolin, dulcimer, concertina and vocals.  Their performances have often been described as “honest, soothing, uplifting and fun all at the same time”, moving an audience from laughter to tears and back again in a way that makes the listener feel like they’re in a conversation with old friends. All of this adds up to a performance that’s been described as “seamless”“life-sized complex, subtle and powerful” and “a joy.”  $10 donation at the door.


Sunday, Mar 16, 2:00- 3:30pm:  Matt Meyer workshop: Drumming and Spirituality

Matt’s “Drumming and Spirituality” workshop is a chance for people of all skill levels to participate in hands on rhythm-making. The workshop includes instruction on basic technique, as well as information on the origins of percussion instruments from around the world. Participants will also experience the spirituality of community music-making through stories, games and discussions as well as look at how rhythm and music intersect with Unitarian Universalist values. Bring your own drum if you have one, for those who don’t, enough will provided.  $10 donation at the door.


Lifespan Learning

Parents of Young Children!

Are you the caregiver of a child or children in Kindergarten or younger? Do you need something to do on a Friday night? Then come on out and join us on March 21st  for a family potluck followed by a small group meeting focused on the joys and challenges of raising our little UU’s. Childcare is provided. Dinner begins at 6pm in Fessenden Hall. For more information please contact Colleen Thoele  or Karen Lapidus.


Sadly the CD player in the nursery has played its last lullaby and gone kaput! Do you have a new or used CD player to donate to the nursery? Please contact Colleen Thoele, Michelle Bores or Karen Lapidus if you can help!


Care Packages for younger Young Adults

On Sunday, March 9th, the parents of our college-aged young adults will be assembling care packages (think cookies, packages of hot chocolate, candy, lip balm, etc.) to send their children.  This will be a great way to stay connected to our Young Adults and let them know that we are thinking about them.  There will be greeting cards for each of the Young Adults at the Caring Committee’s card table for everyone to sign.


Community Within

Pi Day Celebration!  Come one, come all! 

Join us for a family friendly evening of games and activities involving Pi, including “Pizza Pi”.   We’ll be celebrating Pi Day in honor of the mid-way point of our Stewardship Campaign.  Bring a game and join us in Fessenden Hall on Friday, March 14 (3.14) 6:00 – 9:00 pm.  Please RSVP to the Church Office, 330.673.4247 or [email protected], by noon on March 12 so we know how much pizza supplies to purchase for our evening of Pi.  We need to have at least 15 participants in order to go forward with this event; if you plan to attend, please submit your RSVP to the Office as soon as possible.  Thank you.


Do you want to become a Surprise Friend this year? Complete a sign-up form and place it in the Surprise Friends Box in Fessenden Hall no later than March 25th.


Come enjoy an evening of theatre, featuring Ted Voneida and Company

Presenting all new material on Mark Twain, plus Bob & Ray, Nichols & May, Abbott & Costello!

Saturday, March 8 @ 7:00 PM

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

All for the ridiculously low donation of $12


The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 11 at 7 pm in the home of Chris Hurlbut. This month we are reading The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert. Spanning the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the novel follows the fortunes of the Whittaker family as led by Henry Whittaker—a poor-born Englishman who makes a great fortune in the South American quinine trade, eventually becoming the richest man in Philadelphia. Born in 1800, Henry’s daughter, Alma becomes a botanist. As Alma’s research takes her deeper into the mysteries of evolution, she falls in love with a man named Ambrose Pike who makes paintings of orchids and who draws her in the exact opposite direction—into the realm of the spiritual, the divine, and the magical. Alma is a clear-minded scientist; Ambrose a utopian artist—but what unites this couple is a desperate need to understand the workings of this world and the mechanisms behind all life. In April, we will be reading The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry: A Novel by Rachel Joyce. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.


Outreach and Social Justice

SOS from Miller Community House, the only shelter for homeless in Portage County. They need donations of feminine hygiene products and as soon as possible. Please bring bags/boxes of any type of pads or tampons to church on Sunday, March 2 & leave in the lower level closet by the elevator. I’ll get all donations delivered after 2nd service.

On behalf of the women of Miller House, thank you.

Elaine Bowen


Noreen Kumm-Gory will shave her hair on March 16, 2014 to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer research. The event is sponsored by an organization known as the St. Baldrick’s foundation. Childhood cancer research is extremely underfunded, so we can all help through your donations.

To support Noreen and do your part in helping out children suffering from cancer, please go to Noreen’s donation web page, Also, Noreen and Fred will be available during coffee hour for questions and donations. Thank you. Noreen


Income Generation

Are you ready for another slice of Pie/Pi?

Our Annual Stewardship Campaign began  March 2 and ends March 30

During our Stewardship Campaign we ask members and friends to reflect on what this church community means to them and make a monetary pledge to this church community for fiscal year 2015, which runs July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Our church is entirely self-funded, and our by-laws prevent us passing a deficit budget, so we rely on pledges and fundraising to pay for the many slices of programs and services offered.  In addition there are concrete expenses like building maintenance, salaries, supplies, utilities, etc that need to be paid in order to remain a viable community and have a place to gather and sometimes eat pie together!

Many of you will receive a stewardship packet in the mail, and our wonderful canvassers will be making calls to discuss stewardship, the church and what it means to them.  At that time you are encouraged to share your story of what this church means to you and also commit to a pledge.

There will be a stewardship table at coffee hour, where you can get more information, make your pledge, and take part in a pie raffle. If you have a birthday in March ask for your FREE raffle ticket BUT if it happens to fall on 3/14/ (National Pi Day), you’re a “Pi” – – Lucky you,  you get 5 free raffle tickets. Otherwise you can purchase one for $1 or six for $5.

If you have any questions about the annual stewardship campaign, please feel free to contact Kathie Slater, Meg Milko, or Sandy Eaglen.

P.S.  Be sure to see our announcement about our Pizza Pi Family Game Night to be held on Friday evening March 14th in Fessenden Hall.

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Seven Deadly Sins – March 2, 2014

gandhi-seven-dangers-to-human-virtueLed by the Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate John Marfy – This morning we begin our exploration of sin and evil with a reflection on the social dimensions of sin as articulated by Mahatma Gandhi.  Come join us as we reflect on the ways in which we are complicit as well as on the ways in which we can participate in our collective liberation.

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