Raising the Bar

FY2016 Stewardship LogoAs we wind up this year’s Stewardship Campaign, thanks to all who have turned in their pledge cards. For those of you who have not yet done so please turn them in as soon as possible so we may move forward with our budgeting process.

Pledges can be made online through the website, http://kentuu.org/giving/stewardship/ , by emailing your pledge amount to MaryBeth at [email protected], or by putting you pledge card in the offering basket during Sunday’s services. Thank you.

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The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group – April

bookwormThe Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 14 at 7 pm at the home of Shannon Ossorio. Meet at the church at 6:30 if you want to carpool. This month we are reading The Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalian. The Sandcastle Girls is a spellbinding tale that travels between Aleppo, Syria, in 1915 and Bronxville, New York, in 2012—a sweeping historical love story steeped in the author’s Armenian heritage. When Elizabeth Endicott arrives in Syria, the First World War is spreading across Europe, and she has volunteered to deliver food and medical aid to refugees of the Armenian genocide. Elizabeth meets Armen, a young Armenian engineer who has lost his wife and infant daughter. Armen leaves Aleppo to join the British Army in Egypt, and he begins to write Elizabeth letters. He soon realizes that he has fallen in love with the wealthy, young American woman. Flash forward to the present, where we meet Laura Petrosian, a novelist living in suburban New York. Laura has never really given her Armenian heritage much thought, but when a friend calls, claiming to have seen a newspaper photo of Laura’s grandmother promoting an exhibit at a Boston museum, Laura embarks on a journey back through her family’s history that reveals love, loss—and a wrenching secret that has been buried for generations. In May we will be reading All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. In June we will be reading The Love Song of Miss Quennie Hennessy by Rachel Joyce. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper. All are welcome.

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The Annual Easter Sunday Egg Hunt Eggstravaganza!







Each year between Easter services the Middle School youth host an egg-cellent Easter egg hunt! We ask that those with children nursery age through grade 5, who would like to participate, please head immediately after first service to Fessenden Hall. The egg hunt will begin promptly and take place outside (weather permitting).

Parents of preschool age children and under are asked to participate with your child.

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Spiritual Cinema is Back!!!

SecondhandLionsplease join us Friday April 3, 7pm at  Fessenden Hall for a showing of Secondhand Lions. This is a fun filled movie with lots of laughs and a strong message of hope, belief and faith.. good for the entire family. Rated PG.

Please feel free to bring your favorite snacks to share…Hope to see you there!!!

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Pancake Update!

pancakeXbreakfastFor all you vegans out there this Sunday’s Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser is for you!

This Sunday our host Shirley Kiernan, along with some of her friends, are offering us VEGAN pancakes and VEGAN Sausage!  We will even have a vegan syrup option for all you sweet tooths.  Last time Shirley made us Vegan pancakes they sold out, but this time we plan on making a larger quantity.

In addition to vegan offerings we will have plain pancakes, veggie sausage along with meat sausage.

Upcoming Pancake & Food Fundraising events to look forward to:

April – NO pancakes in April but I’d like to do a Baked Potato Bar Fundraiser on April 12th – if you would like to help with this event please let me know

May – We will have TWO pancakes Sundays in May:

May 3rd – The 150th Celebration Committee will host pancakes

May 31st – Hogwarts is returing to the kitchen to whip up something yummy for us

June – OPEN – volunteer now!

July – Parents with Young Children will be our hosts

August – OPEN – volunteer now!

If you’d like to help with one of these OPEN events, please let me know.  No experience required and it’s a lot of fun; contact Meg Milko.

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Visualizations of our Proposed Expansion

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent Members,

We now have visualizations of the site and floor plans for the proposed expansion of our church facilities.  This visualizations will also be available for viewing on Sunday, March 29 at our Congregational Voting Meeting.

The Voting Meeting will be held between services at 10:50 AM in the Sanctuary.  We encourage all active members to come in order to establish quorum and vote on the motion to authorize the Capital Campaign Team of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent to proceed with a capital campaign to fund the expansion and improvement of our facilities.  If you are not able to be present, an absentee ballot can be requested through the Church Office by calling 330.673.4247 or emailing [email protected] by 4 PM on Friday, March 27.  Absentee ballots must be submitted to Moderator Max Grubb twenty-four hours prior to the vote to ensure that they will be counted.  A simple-majority 51% affirmative vote of the active members present and those who have submitted absentee ballots will be required for this motion to pass.  Absentee ballots do not count towards determining quorum.

Site Plan

Fellowship Hall Floor Plan

Fellowship Hall Main Entrance Visualization

Fellowship Hall Rear Patio Visualization

Fellowship Hall Visualization

Classroom Visualization – Fellowship Hall

Church Sanctuary Floor Plan

Sanctuary – Balcony View

Sanctuary – Floor Level View

Sanctuary – Floor Level Rear View

Church Lower Level Classroom Site Plan



Unitarian Universalist Vision Statement: 

Our vitality and passion call us to restore and expand our space to equal the energy of our dreams.

As we do, we are better equipped to carry on our historic legacy and embrace our potential

for connection, service, programming and outreach.

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Lean on Me – March 22, 2015

integrityXdiscussion-6-X2Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Jeff Marsh

When we ask people why they come to church, community is one of the most frequently cited responses.  This morning we will consider the critical role of communities in helping people cultivate and maintain resilience.

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Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs

All Annual Reports to be included in the Annual Meeting packet are due April 16, 2015.

Please submit or email reports to MaryBeth at [email protected]. Annual Meeting packets will be available to the congregation on May 6.

The Annual Congregational Information Meeting is scheduled for June 2 @ 7 PM and the Voting Meeting will be held on June 7 @ 12:45 PM.

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Circle Suppers are Back!

CircleXSuppersCircle suppers are pot-luck dinners hosted in church member’s homes.   There is no agenda for the evening, no plea for money, no official church business, no scripted conversation, and no cost, other than bringing a dish to share. Circle suppers simply offer a chance to share a meal and conversation with others in our beloved community.   Dinners are currently scheduled for: April 10, April 17, April 18, April 25, May 2, May 3, and May 9. Some are adult only, others are family friendly.   Intrigued?   Sign-up sheets with additional details will be available in Fessenden Hall this Sunday. Spaces are limited, so sign up early. Questions? Contact Mary Leeson.

The Membership Committee

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What if You Don’t Have Boots? – March 15, 2015

bootsLed by Lori McGee and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen

We’ve all heard, and probably used, the expression, “Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.”  But have you even considered what that implies?  In order to pull yourself up by these proverbial bootstraps, you must first have boots. In this service, I will use my personal “success” story to consider how and from where we get our “boots” in American society and why some people don’t have them at all.

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Raising the Bar – Stewardship Campaign is in Full Swing!

FY2016 Stewardship LogoYou’ve received the packet in the mail.  You’ve seen the balloons.  You’ve tasted some yummy “bar” treats.

You’ve heard wonderful and funny testaments from Melissa and members about what this church community means to them.  You have your own story about what this church community means to you.  If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to pledge you still have time!

We hope you will listen when you receive a call from one of our canvassers. We hope you will seriously consider how you can support this church community so we can continue to bring wonderful ministries to you.

The stewardship committee will be set up in Fessenden Hall over the next two Sundays to receive your pledge.  You can also make your pledge on the website, mail your pledge in to the church office, drop it by the annex during business hours or email MaryBeth with your pledge amount.


Thank you,

Your Stewardship Committee:

Kathie Slater, Co-Chair

Meg Milko, Co-Chair

Claudia Miller, Co-Chair

Sandy Eaglen, Treasurer

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Want to learn about solar power?

Solar-Panel-Clip-ArtThe Green Sanctuary team has invited the solar power company ‘Bold Alternatives’ to present at our church on Monday, April 6th at 7pm in the Sanctuary.  Bold Alternatives is the company who installed the solar array at the First Unitarian Church of Cleveland and will present about both residential solar installations and options for our church building expansion. Their presentation will be followed by a question and answer session.

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Young Adult Meet-up

Come One, Come All!  Next meeting date/time is this Sunday, March 15.

Young Adults who wish to “Meet-up”can join us in Fessenden Hall between last service and 1:00 PM for an initial gathering, and then we will journey to somewhere cozy, almost always Scribbles Cafe. During the structured meeting time we will either have a prompted/guided serious discussion or have a planned activity (Cards, a hike, etc). We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions, please contact John Bores or Nicholas Tietz.

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