Why an Alleluia? – March 27, 2016

Spring Tree public domain - AlleluiaLed by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Intern Minister Dave Clements

He taught them. He healed them.  He fed them. He loved them.  He showed them the way.  For his efforts, he was crucified.  So why will we sing Alleluia today?  Come join us for our special multigenerational celebration of Easter.  Families with children are welcome to attend either service.

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Not a Worldly King – March 20, 2016

crown512 public domainLed by Dave Clements and Worship Associate Andrew Rome

When most people hear of “liberation theology,” they think of revolution. True liberation includes the struggle against issues like racism, sexism, discrimination and social justice. Interest in liberation theology grew rapidly in North America. Liberation theology later found itself in black and women’s liberation movements; it is an ethical theology that grows out of social awareness and the desire to act. Liberation expresses the hopes of oppressed peoples and the realization that they are not seen as a passive element, but as an agent of righteous change in history. We will explore this concept of liberation theology and how it relates to our Unitarian Universalists beliefs and causes.

Sunday Services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM.

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The Prison and the Key – March 13, 2016

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Carolyn Andrews Schlemmer

prison-cell-stillwater-source-public-domainThe young adult poet and author Johnathan Jena writes, “True wisdom comes in understanding that sometimes, you are both the prison and the key.”  Do we really have the power to unlock some of the prisons that keep us bound?  How can we develop what it takes to use the key for our individual and collective freedom?

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UUCK Spring Circle Supper is Saturday, April 9, 2016

Circle SupperWhat is a Circle Supper?

These are informal pot luck dinners for members and friends of the UUCK.  The meal provides an ideal setting for an intimate gathering to share food and conversation. These are all about creating connections in our community – new members and long term members and visitors.

What does the host do, besides provide the space?

The host coordinates the meal with the assigned guests. This includes issuing an invitation (usually by e-mail), setting a start time and determining how to handle the pot luck, whether assigned dishes or open choice for sharing. The host decides what part of the meal to provide. Many provide the beverage and /or a main dish.

Who attends Circle Suppers?

Members, friends, people visiting or exploring the church. Circle Suppers are generally for adults, although hosts and guests may work out other arrangements.

How do I know who will be at the Circle Supper?

Sign-up sheets allow you to see the names of others who have signed up, however, when numbers allow, tables will be assigned with an eye to changing up the mix of guests. Ideally you will be sharing a meal with at least one person that you have never really talked to before.

Why is the Membership Committee coordinating Circle Suppers?

We have had some feedback from new members that it can be difficult to establish a sense of belonging, of becoming a part of our congregation. Circle Suppers are a low key and fun way for us all to get to know one another as we continue to grow and welcome new members.

How do I sign up?

Sign up now with the Sign-up Genius at: http://goo.gl/PP6Mai or you can sign-up  on the Circle Supper sign-up sheets in Fessenden Hall and at the Visitor’s Table in the Founder’s Lounge.

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What Does it Mean to Be a People of Liberation? – March 6, 2016

Liberation-WordleLed by the Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Justin Czekaj               

The history of our liberal religious tradition is woven through with stories of people who devoted themselves to the pursuit of liberation – theologically, politically, socially, spiritually . . . Are there core values in Unitarianism, Universalism and Unitarian Universalism that inspire such quests?  What impact does that history have on us now?  How can that legacy shape how we relate to the liberation movements of our own time?

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