e-nUUs — February 26,2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Daylight Saving Time begins March 8
  • Board News from February 11
  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Together We Shine – Sunday, March 1
  • For the Beauty of the Earth – Sunday, March 8
  • A Timeless Wisdom – Sunday, March 15
  • From the Library: Service References for Sunday, February 23Pledging for Your Church Family
  • Outreach card ministry to graduated seniors
  • March 1 begins week one of our annual pledge drive
  • Open Auction Event in March
  • Family Game Night – February 29
  • UUCK Book Club – February 27
  • Board of Trustees Listening Table – Sunday, March 1
  • Plant-based Potluck – March 6
  • Time to order spring potted flowers for Easter
  • African-American History Series – Sundays in March
  • Panel discussion on Climate Action Plans for US Cities – February 26
  • Sharpen your elevator speech on race topics – March 5 (new date)
  • Parade (KSU School of Theater and Dance – through March 1
  • Kent Raibow Weekend
  • Bail Reform Campaign: Storytelling for Action — February 28 (Cleveland)
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather

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A Tender and Courageous Connection

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Lori McGee

As Unitarian Universalists, we are held together by covenant, the promises we make to each other about how we will journey together as a people of many diverse theologies and ways of making meaning of life.  But how do we actually live out our covenant?  In preparation for our Covenant of Right Relations workshop today, this service will invite us to reflect on how we can interact with each other in ways that create a community of integrity, honesty, curiosity and spiritual growth.

Other participant today was the Kent Peace Choir.

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 with nursery care available during both services.

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e-nUUs — February 19, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

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Hard Edges and Soft Wonder

Image by Marc Pascual from Pixabay

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman

Christine Valters Paintner writes: “Perhaps this is life’s most exalted and exacting task, holding the hard edges against the soft wonder.”  After one of life’s struggles or losses, in the face of adversity and the divisive times we find ourselves living in, how do we go on?  This service will explore February’s Soul Matters theme of resilience and invite us to reflect on how we not only survive life’s difficult times but learn to thrive.

Other participants today were Worship Associate Dani Beale, RE Director Colleen Thoele, Allison Voneida (cello), Vanessa Vesely (piano), and Shirley Kiernan (violin).

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 with nursery care available during both services.

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e-nUUs – February 12, 2020

Click to Open this week’s e-nUUs!(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)

Headlines from this week’s announcements

  • Sunday Services: 9:45 and 11:30 AM
  • Hard Edges and Soft Wonder – Sunday, February 16
  • A Tender and Courageous Connection – Sunday, February 23
  • Sing for Peace and Justice – February 23
  • Soulful Home dinner this Friday! – February 14
  • Elementary OWL Reminder
  • RE Teachers – Sunday, February 16
  • Pledging for YOUR Church, YOUR Community
  • Open Auction Event in February and March
  • Right Relations – What are they and how do we achieve them? – Sunday, February 23
  • Save the Date: Where’s Walden in the Spring?
  • African-American History Series – Sundays in March
  • Panel discussion on Climate Action Plans for US Cities – February 26
  • Sharpen your elevator speech on race topics – March 5 (new date)
  • Poll workers needed!
  • Bake Sale (in support of KSU Fusion) – February 16
  • Dances of Universal Peace – February 13
  • Local Environment evening of networking! – February 17
  • UUA General Assembly– Registration now open!
  • UU Church of Kent uses iAlert! during inclement weather
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The UU Hallows

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Director of Religious Education Colleen Thoele

After careful research, we have discovered that there are four UU Hallows that can be used to make the world a better place.  In honor of our Kent Hogwarts program, today as a community of all ages we will gather to learn about and find the four UU Hallows and figure out we can use them together.  Be sure to bring your wands, your capes, your wisdom, compassion, and your curiosity for this interactive and adventurous service!

Participants today were Rev. Steven Protzman, RE Director Colleen Thoele, Hal Walker, and UUCK children.

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 with nursery care available during both services.

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Race for Justice Presents: African-American History Series

Don’t Miss Our African American History Series in March

The Race for Justice (R4J) team of UUCK is sponsoring a 6 part PBS documentary series about African American history.  In “Many Rivers to Cross”, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a Harvard University Professor, recounts 500 years of African American history.  Discussion of each video will be facilitated by Rev. Steven following the showing.  R4J will provide light lunch and refreshments. 

When:  Each part of the video series will be shown at 1:00 on consecutive Sundays Starting on March 1 and the four following Sundays.  The sixth episode will be shown on an afternoon in April. 

Where:  Fessenden Hall

RSVP:  Please RSVP to Mary Beth ([email protected]) by the Thursday prior to each Sunday’s showing, to assist with planning. 

Questions?  Contact Rhonda Richardson at [email protected]

More details about the series: Gwen Ifill sits down with Gates to discuss the journey of black Americans who created hope and persistence in the face of brutal discrimination.  The series Commences with the origins of slavery in Africa, and recounts African-American history through five decades right up to the time when America is led by a black President, yet the country remains deeply divided by race.  The series explores the evolution of the African American people, as well as the multiplicity of cultural institutions, political strategies, social and religious perspectives they developed in forging their own history, culture and society–against unimaginable odds. 

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e-nUUs – February 5, 2020

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Headlines from this week’s announcements

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Answering the Call of Love

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

Sunday , February 2, 2020

Led by Rev. Christie Anderson and Worship Associate Randy Bish

“Hate cannot drive out hate, only light can do that. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only love can do that.” This proclamation by Dr. Martin Luther King calls on us to employ unconditional love when trying to build bridges with those who hold values that oppose our own strongly held beliefs. We will explore true stories of incredible transformation resulting from the bestowing of love, rather than angry words or facts. Love is more than a cliché. It is a powerful force for social change if we have the strength and skills to manifest it.

Speakers today were Rev. Christie Anderson, Randy Bish, Brad Bolton, and Hal Walker.

Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 with nursery care available during both services.

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