Leap of Faith

Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 10 AM.

A virtual service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Eric van Baars.

A leap of faith means having trust in a vision of the future without knowing all the details.  As we begin our annual pledge drive, we will invite each other to reflect on times in our own lives when we have taken a leap of faith and to reflect on how our congregation is taking an enormous leap of faith with our new social hall and our vision of expanded ministry to one another and to the Kent community.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – February 23, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  • We’re planning our return to in-person, multi-platform services
  • A Pastoral Care Team update

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom
  • Widening the Circle – Sunday, February 27
  • A Leap of Faith – Sunday, March 6
  • Worship Proposals for summer and fall are being accepted.
  • Service reference from Sunday, February 20

Job Posting

  • Music Direct Pro Tempore Job Posting

Lifespan Learning

  •  RE Classes this Sunday

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Understanding Trans Kids Workshop – February 27
  • Cast Your Vote! UUCK Special Collections
  • Climate Justice Letter
  • Race4Justice Book Club – March 16
  • February’s Special Collection: The Anti-Defamation League of Cleveland

Community Within

  • Welcome our New Staff!

UU, Interfaith, and Community Connections

  • Film & Discussion: Black Wall Street and Beyond – February 24
  • CERSI – Summer Institute Info Sessions
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Widening the Circle

Image created by Peg Green for the 8th Principle Project. Used with permission.

Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 10 AM.

Led by Rev. Steven Protzman with Worship Associate Heidi Emhoff Wood.

The proposed Eighth Principle calls us to “journey toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and in our institutions”. This service will be an opportunity to learn about the Eighth Principle. Why is this proposal so important? Why have other UU congregations endorsed it? How can we can join in the movement to create a Unitarian Universalism that is truly multi-cultural and inclusive?

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – February 16, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  • Helping Hands video
  • Our Shared Ministry of Pastoral Care

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom
  • Still Seeking a Way – Sunday, February 20
  • Widening the Circle – Sunday, February 27
  • Worship Proposals for summer and fall are being accepted.

Job Posting

  • Music Director Pro Tempore Job Posting

Lifespan Learning

  •  RE Classes this Sunday

Income Generation

  • 2021 Tax Donation Statements

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Understanding Trans Kids Workshop – February 27
  • Race4Justice: The 8th Principle
  • Nominate an organization for 2022 Special Collections
  • Your generosity makes a difference!
  • February’s Special Collection: The Anti-Defamation League of Cleveland

Community Within

  • Welcome our New Staff!
  • Innate Health and Self-Compassion: A Conversation for UUs – February 22
  • Hobbs Hall Year-end Fundraising
  • Hal’s recordings have moved

UU, Interfaith, and Community Connections

  • CERSI – Summer Institute Info Sessions
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Job Posting: Music Director Pro Tempore

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is seeking to hire a part-time Music Director Pro Tempore to lead the church’s music ministry.  Candidates must have strong interpersonal and effective communication skills; will collaborate with the worship team; accompany hymns; collaborate with other musicians; conduct the choir and other music ensembles; oversee the music program budget and program administration.  

As a Welcoming Congregation, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent’s mission calls us to build community through inclusion.  People of all ages, classes, colors, ethnicity, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities and expressions are encouraged to apply.

The base salary is $18,720 for 20 hours per week depending on experience and qualifications.  This is a temporary one-year position.  The UU Church of Kent requires a criminal background check for employment or volunteer work purposes.

Click here to view the job description.   Click here to print the job application.  To request a hard copy job application, call 330-204-4473.  Send completed applications to: [email protected] or mail to: UU Church of Kent, 228 Gougler Ave., Kent, OH 44240.   Application deadline is March 1, 2022.

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Still Seeking a Way

Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 10 AM.

A virtual service led by Rev. Steven Protzman with Worship Associate Heidi Shaffer Bish.

In spite of our commitment to social justice, liberal religion has failed many times when it comes to living up to a vision of racial equality and inclusion. As we continue February’s theme of Widening the Circle, this service will be an opportunity to learn about some of the black trailblazers in our denominational history and to reflect on our hopes for a more racially aware and integrated future for Unitarian Universalism.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – February 9, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  • Our Shared Ministry of Pastoral Care

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom
  • This Thing Called Love – Sunday, February 13
  • Worship Proposals for summer and fall are being accepted.
  • Still Seeking a Way – Sunday, February 20
  • Widening the Circle – Sunday, February 27

Lifespan Learning

  •  RE Classes this Sunday

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Race4Justice: The 8th Principle
  • Understanding Trans Kids Workshop – February 27
  • Nominate an organization for 2022 Special Collections
  • Your generosity makes a difference!
  • Race4Justice Book Group – February 16
  • Environmental Justice News!
  • February’s Special Collection: The Anti-Defamation League of Cleveland

Community Within

  • Second Sunday Meet & Greet – February 13
  • Hobbs Hall Year-end Fundraising
  • Innate Health and Self-Compassion: A Conversation for UUs – February 22
  • Hal’s recordings have moved

UU, Interfaith, and Community Connections

  • CERSI – Summer Institute Info Sessions
  • Winter Institute Returns!  Registration open.
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This Thing Called Love

Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 10 AM.

A virtual service led by Rev. Steven Protzman with Worship Associate Elaine Bowen.

William B. Rice says that “love is a mystery in which we live and breathe and have our being.” What is this thing called love? In honor of (or perhaps in spite of?) Valentine’s Day, we will explore the many different meanings of love (the Greeks had five different words for it!), examine how love is the center of our Universalist heritage, and wonder at the power of love to hold us, heal us, and help us bring justice to the world.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs : February 2, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From the Board of Trustees

  • First Sunday Listening Session
  • Town Hall in Review
  • Hobbs Memorial Gifts

Worship & Music

  • Services offered each week via Zoom
  • Making Meaning of the Pandemic – Sunday, February 6
  • This Thing Called Love – Sunday, February 13
  • Worship Proposals for summer and fall are being accepted.
  • Still Seeking a Way – Sunday, February 20
  • Widening the Circle – Sunday, February 27

Lifespan Learning

  •  Justice January concludes this Sunday

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • A note of appreciation
  • Understanding Trans Kids Workshop – February 27
  • Environmental Justice News!
  • Race4Justice Book Group – February 16
  • Nominate an organization for 2022 Special Collections
  • February’s Special Collection: The Anti-Defamation League of Cleveland

Community Within

  • Innate Health and Self-Compassion: A Conversation for UUs
  • Thank you!
  • Sharing a bit of Hal’s music

UU, Interfaith, and Community Connections

  • CERSI – Summer Institute Info Sessions
  • Winter Institute Returns!  Registration open.
  • Cuyahoga Valley Winter Art Exhibit

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