e-nUUs — September 28, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 11 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Community Sunday: Acts of Love – Sunday, October 2
  • The Courage to Come Out – Sunday, October 9
  • 100 Step to Freedom – Sunday, October 16
  • Rekindle the Magic! – Sunday, October 23

Lifespan Learning

  • This week in Children’s RE
  • Calling all youth 6th grade and up
  • Soulful Home Dinner – October 7
  • Then and Now

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sign Committee
  • Nursery Volunteers Urgently Needed
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Community Within

  • Church Camp Out (aka Walden) – October 5-9
  • Journey of Belonging – October 12
  • Save the Date – Halloween Extravaganza – October 22
  • Creative Living Series – October 10

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Living the Pledge Workshop – REGISTRATION REQUESTED
  • Last few days to donate to the September special collection – Southern Poverty Law Center
  • October special collection – Akron Area Food Bank
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • United Way Reading Role Models Volunteer Opportunity
  • Democracy Day 
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Sunday, October 2, 2022  at 11 AM in Hobbs Hall

A multi-platform event led Kathy Kerns, with help from the church village.  Because it takes a village!

This will be our multi-generational community service worship for October.  We will have a short service, followed by a chance to choose one of 4 activities in which you can share your love with the world. Perhaps you want to walk a nearby neighborhood to collect canned goods? Or send caring cars to people from our church?  Maybe you would rather watch and then discuss a short video on racial justice. Or, in the spirit of Yom Kippur, watch a guided meditation on forgiveness with time afterwards for reflection.  Although these activities may be enhanced by in person service attendance, all except the food collection will be available via zoom.After the service, stay as we enjoy a shared snack. Please bring a finger food to share, as well as a food item for donation to Kent Social Services (cereal, peanut butter, or a canned good).

Note: an Order of Service is not available for this event.

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e-nUUs — September 21, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 11 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • The Church of Our Dreams – Sunday, September 25
  • Community Sunday: Acts of Love – Sunday, October 2
  • The Courage to Come Out – Sunday, October 9
  • 100 Step to Freedom – Sunday, October 16
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • This week in Children’s RE
  • Call all youth 6th grade and up
  • Soulful Home Dinner – October 7
  • Begins Monday – Register now! Spiritual Practices Adult Exploration Series begins September 26 (registration required)
  • Nursery Volunteers Urgently Needed

From Rev. Steven

  •  The Church of Your Dreams

From the Board of Trustees

  • Breaking News from the Board  – September 25

Community Within

  • New Member and Jubilee Member Sunday – September 25
  • Save the Date – Halloween Extravaganza – October 22
  • Thank you, Youth!
  • Youth Service Trip Photos
  • Chalk Art Sunday was a hit!
  • Creative Living Series – September 26
  • Fall Walden – October 5-9

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Living the Pledge Workshop – Workshop update
  • With appreciation
  • September special collection – Southern Poverty Law Center
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Democracy Day 
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The Church of Our Dreams

Cover created by Judy Brannan: church photo by Dan Flippo.

Sunday, September 25, 2022 at 11 AM.

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Ginny Horvarth.

Starhawk writes: “Community… a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power.” During our recent workshop with Rev. Sunshine Wolfe, we were invited to think about the church of our dreams. As we welcome new members into our community, we will reflect on creating the church of our dreams, a place of belonging, inclusion and deep connections with one another.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs – September 14, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 11 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Ain’t Nothing but a Thing – Sunday, September 18
  • The Church of Our Dreams – Sunday, September 25
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • Children’s RE News
  • Spiritual Practices Adult Exploration Series begins September 26 (registration required)
  • Nursery Volunteers Urgently Needed

From Rev. Steven

  •  The Church of Your Dreams

From the Board of Trustees

  • Breaking News

Community Within

  • TONIGHT! Journey of Belonging – September 14
  • Creative Living Series – September 26
  • Fall Walden – October 5-9

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Living the Pledge Workshop – Workshop update
  • September special collection – Southern Poverty Law Center
  • Special Collections – How to donate.

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Democracy Day 
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Ain’t Nothin’ but a Thing

Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 11 AM.

A multi-platform service led by our UUCK Youth Group.

“I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.” ~ Jana Stanfield

Each year the Appalachian South Folklife Center in Pipestem, WV assists families in need through their Service Work program. Church and civic groups come to the Folklife Center to learn about Appalachia while performing volunteer work for folks in the area who are facing hard times.Join our High School youth as they share through story and song, of the week they spent together immersed in Appalachian culture and repairing the home of a woman who needed them. In transforming her home they found themselves transformed.  

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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e-nUUs — September 7, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  •  A Reflection on Belonging

Volunteers Needed

  • Large screen mounting
  • Furniture Finishing
  • Nursery Care Volunteers Needed

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 11 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • The Impossible Principle – Sunday, September 11
  • Ain’t Nothing but a Thing – Sunday, September 18
  • The Church of Our Dreams – Sunday, September 25
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • Spiritual Practices Adult Exploration Series begins September 26 (registration required)
  • Adult Religious Exploration Programming Team
  • Children’s RE News
    • Fall RE begins this Sunday
    • RE Teacher blessing this Sunday

Community Within

  • Sunday Meet & Greet – September 11
  • Creative Living Series – September 12
  • Journey of Belonging – September 14
  • Fall Walden – October 5-9

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Living the Pledge Workshop – Save the Dates
  • September special collection – Southern Poverty Law Center
  • Special Collections – How to donate.
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The Impossible Principle

Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 11 AM.

A multi-platform service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Lori Mirkin-McGee.

We often sing “Whoever you are, we welcome you.” But can we welcome someone who has caused serious harm to us or others, or whose values do not align with ours? Is our First Principle, which affirms the inherent worth and dignity of every person, realistic or even possible to practice in a world where people are not always good? Together we will explore the theology of and reflect on the challenges of living out our First Principle.

Click here to view or download the Order of Service.

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